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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Historically, it was acceptable to deny the vote to women.

Historically. it was legal to own another human being.

Historically, it was acceptable to operate Sectarian business practises.

Historically, Hominids communicated by gestures and crude vocalisation, as they had not developed complex language skills.

Any of those relevant to present-day society?

BTW, there's a wee dig at some of yer mates in there. I'll let you explain it to them.

Don't be a flange and bring our signing policy in to this. I'm certainly not denigrating anyone or flying any particular flag. I was simply stating something incontrovertible.

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Can any berz outline who the good n bad guys are on the payroll?

It's hard to keep up my obsession when I don't know the names of the board of thieves.

All of them are good guys, but I suppose that view depends much upon what side of the fence you happen to be viewing them from. :lol:

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Here Norman whats this about you being in the away end when Killie played Celtic a few years ago?

Your point, caller?

I've also been in among the home fans at Scummerset on more than one occasion, and the away end when Leeds played Man U. When Channon scored at Hampden in 1976, I discovered that my brother and I had tickets among what must have been about fifty England fans - who sat back down pretty sharpish.

As a stalker, you're pretty shite, Vicky. Maybe if you tried reading some of my posts instead of just negging them you'd find some other seemingly ripe snippets to bolster your image of me.

Fucking weirdo.

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And another diddy clubber who thinks that Rangers supporters will listen to his pish. Why would anyone listen now, let alone into the future?

Meanwhile your team was shaming Scotland again tonight. Fucking useless - as much of an irrelevance as you are on here.


Offft raging. :lol:

If you don't want to listen to my pish and think I'm an irrelevance then don't quote me. :1eye:lol:

Anyway you should be worrying about how fucked your new club are. :lol::lol: :lol:

Oh and err shaming Scotland = wrecking cities not losing football matches.

Edited by MikeyWellFan
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Don't be a flange and bring our signing policy in to this. I'm certainly not denigrating anyone or flying any particular flag. I was simply stating something incontrovertible.

Who said anything about "your" signing policy? FFS, Kincardine, I wouldn't have expected the Amigos to bite at that one.

You're obviously not yourself, old-timer. Maybe best have an early night.

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Your point, caller?

I've also been in among the home fans at Scummerset on more than one occasion, and the away end when Leeds played Man U. When Channon scored at Hampden in 1976, I discovered that my brother and I had tickets among what must have been about fifty England fans - who sat back down pretty sharpish.

As a stalker, you're pretty shite, Vicky. Maybe if you tried reading some of my posts instead of just negging them you'd find some other seemingly ripe snippets to bolster your image of me.

Fucking weirdo.

Strange that a die hard Killie fan would have to go in the away end at Rugby Park and then tell everyone just how great the green yins were....

Edited by bennett
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:lol: Fooking hell, mind numbing banter. Lets not get personal tonight mate, it has been a hard week for you. :(

So does the company or club go into administration this time round?? Cause if its only the company does that mean the rangers club are spared a points deduction?

I'm immune to it all now, best ask the QC as he knows all about the clumpany thing.

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Don't be a flange and bring our signing policy in to this. I'm certainly not denigrating anyone or flying any particular flag. I was simply stating something incontrovertible.

But, as you said, "historically" incontrovertible. The description of "Protestant Northern Europe" belongs alongside Castile, The Papal States, Prussia, Czechoslovakia and a divided Germany. The rest of the world has moved on, Kincardine. Come on and join us.

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Strange that a die hard Killie fan would have to go in the away end at Rugby Park and then tell everyone just how great the green yins there....

I'm sorry, Bennett, where did I say I had to go in the away end? The second part of your drivel, btw, follows a familiar pattern: starts to spin your usual fantasy then dissolves into... well, gibberish, to be fair.

Over to you, liar. It's about this level of embarrassment over your own club/company/new club's behaviour that you start lashing out. It's become boring and predictable, to be fair, but there's probably a few out there who haven't got tired of seeing you melt down. Do carry on. At least we know Killie's streets'll be that bit safer for a bit.

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So Bendarroch thinks Rangers are on course for glory; Bennett thinks another poster is a sekrit Celtic fan, and Kincardine seems to be off on some mental tangent about the inherent superiority of Protestant nations.

Meanwhile, Rangers look like they need a financial miracle, their directors are lying about it and their fans are doing nothing to prevent it... And everyone else in Scotland is laughing.

If you could boil the BRALT down to a couple of pages, the last two would be a good representation, I reckon.

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Rangers fans demand answers from board over recent turmoil

Furious Rangers fans have called on the Ibrox board to provide them with answers in the wake of a series of damaging rows.

About 200 supporters held talks with chief executive Craig Mather, manager Ally McCoist, finance director Brian Stockbridge, and director of communications James Traynor at Ibrox Stadium tonight.
During the tense meeting, Mr Mather announced that a board meeting will be convened within the next week to discuss the conduct of Mr Green.
The former chief executive, who returned last week as a paid consultant, has been involved in a spat with McCoist since his return a week ago to the club.
Directors will also take a vote on whether he should remain at the club at the meeting.
Within days of Mr Green's return, former Walter Smith resigned as chairman citing a lack of integrity at boardroom level.
After the meeting, shareholder Brian Bowman said: "The board of Glasgow Rangers Football Club should resign en mass.
"There were comments made by the board tonight that were completely and utterly untrue.
"They told barefaced lies and we need to cleanse this club.
"They board were eventually forced into a situation where a board meeting will be called."
When asked if board members gave any indication they would sack Green from the new consultancy role, Mr Bowman, replied: "I don't think they will sack him.
"After all, you can't sack the man who is paying the wages."
Representatives from the three leading supporters' groups, The Rangers Supporters Association, Rangers Supporters Assembly and Rangers Supporters Trust, were also in attendance.
Drew Roberton, general secretary of the Rangers Supporters Association, said: "The meeting went as expected.
"Questions were asked but people didn't get an awful lot of answers.
"Based on the information that was revealed tonight, I can understand why some supporters have concerns.
"However, Craig Mather seems like a straight talker.
"We were told it was a board decision to bring back Green and I think they're quite right not to discuss exactly who voted for what.
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but hindsight has proved that it was perhaps the wrong decision to re-employ Charles Green."

Too little too late. Each and every one of you two-faced former fans of RFC (R.I.P.) on P&B should have been seriously questioning the men at the helm of your old and new clubs instead of trolling your fellow Scottish football fans, you bawbags! You now finally have a club that you deserve. :lol:

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I'm sorry, Bennett, where did I say I had to go in the away end? The second part of your drivel, btw, follows a familiar pattern: starts to spin your usual fantasy then dissolves into... well, gibberish, to be fair.


So you didn't have to go in the away end but went in anyway.

Thats even worse you moron :lol:

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Just realised - where, pray, is the Five-Star Amigo, the lover of links, the miscomprehender of UEFA, that lovable wee scamp Pelucia. Just like him to go missing on the one night when finally, as he has predicted all along, the whole farce has turned into


I would like to make it clear that any joy celtic fans might be experiencing will be tinged with a sadness that their Ugly Sisters could soon vanish altogether (again). For us Diddies, it is simply joy unbounded.

Let's just be careful - Social Unrest could erupt at any time. ;)

Yep I am distraught :lol:

Av totally fried my foreskin off and have ran oot of hankies ffs :D I always did want to be circumcised but off the back off seeing any kind of Rangers playing at Ibrox deid forever :blink:


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So you didn't have to go in the away end but went in anyway.

Thats even worse you moron :lol:

So - I go to a match with three friends. One of them, a celtic fan, has bought the tickets. Thats where we go, then. In actual fact, the split was celtic - 2 fans, neutral- 1, and Killie - 1. One of the celtic fans has accompanied me in the East Stand a couple of times, as well. That must make him a secret Killie fan, then?

Are you saying that you find it normal for friends to go to a match and split up before they get to the ground, then try to meet up afterwards? Is it unusual in your mind to have friends who support other teams? Would you refuse to sit with them?

Fucking hell, you call me a moron. At least I live in the 21st Century, not the 17th.

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So - I go to a match with three friends. One of them, a celtic fan, has bought the tickets. Thats where we go, then. In actual fact, the split was celtic - 2 fans, neutral- 1, and Killie - 1. One of the celtic fans has accompanied me in the East Stand a couple of times, as well. That must make him a secret Killie fan, then?

Are you saying that you find it normal for friends to go to a match and split up before they get to the ground, then try to meet up afterwards? Is it unusual in your mind to have friends who support other teams? Would you refuse to sit with them?

Fucking hell, you call me a moron. At least I live in the 21st Century, not the 17th.

Killie till you die :lol:

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Things canny be that bad surely !?

This thread has ducked-and-dived like this all the way through ... lots of pointing and laughing, then contradictory information comes to light - cue lots of posturing and strutting about !! Ad nauseum !

If things are so bleak then why did they have this meeting - was it a requirement ? were they asked to do it ? :huh:

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