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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's being suggested that this is not to do with the "Scotland's most successful club" ads but is about an internet promotion making some claim about a certain percentage of Scotland's population supporting Rangers.

The ASA sent out a letter on june13 saying that Rangers "Scotland's most successful club" ruliing would be reveiwed 10 days later Rangers do not contest a complaint to the ASA. I think this might be the same complaint.

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What did Dundee get second time around, and did Livi not get relegated 2nd time?

Ogilvie will probably seek to promote Rangers if it happens again

Edit to add, Dundee got 25 pts second time

and Livingstone were relegated to the 3rd with a bond of £720000 to be paid

Dundee & Livingston were not liquidated. The current blue slime have never been in administration.

ETA:- It will be their first offence and treated as such. :(

Edited by Apache Don
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The ASA sent out a letter on june13 saying that Rangers "Scotland's most successful club" ruliing would be reveiwed 10 days later Rangers do not contest a complaint to the ASA. I think this might be the same complaint.

Saw elsewhere that it was due to claiming a % of fans.

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I think even you are missing the most important thing that was stated to be honest.

BS - The club is not loss making on a month to month basis.

Taken at face value this should mean that the club are at least breaking even. However I think that there may be a little playing with words here as the club are most likely not losing money every month (season ticket income) but are over the course of 12. Lets wait and see what the accounts show at the end of August and more importantly the 6 month update after that.

What about the company?

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The ASA sent out a letter on june13 saying that Rangers "Scotland's most successful club" ruliing would be reveiwed 10 days later Rangers do not contest a complaint to the ASA. I think this might be the same complaint.

Wasn't the "most successful club" thing about posters or other adverts? This seems to be about an internet sales promotion (see original link).

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And you know why these Rangers men are extemely wealthy?

They never have and never will put money into Rangers. Especially when it is in the hands of the current bunch of crooks, wideboys and chancers.

You want to rethink this? Dave King put £20 million in when SDM was there.

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I have no problem regurgitating the plastics and diddies finest moments - especially when the clairvoyants make such a james hunt of things.


As I said before, you've a very important task on this thread and I'm always impressed by how you stick to it.

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I'm quite convinced that if there were to be a second admin. it would be treated as though it were the first, as a company that has been liquidated has ceased to exist and therefore cannot fall into administration. It will be the newco's first admin and therefore they would receive no more than a 15pt deduction and so, should still win the league.

Basically, if Green is ousted/sells up and McColl gets the boardroom changes he seeks, there will be another share issue, King will pump millions in and the fun will be over. :(

54 Titles and still going strong!

We Are The People.

well somebody had to say it.

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Wasn't the "most successful club" thing about posters or other adverts? This seems to be about an internet sales promotion (see original link).

The most successful club thing was Rangers web site as well so it may well be the same complaint but then again it might not. It's just seems funny that up untill today I had only heard of one complaint to the ASA but now people are talking about a number of others.

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Every Time you see a rangers top just give them that knowing grin, its great ! :lol:

Edit.. this one.


Ha ha I've been doing this anyway. When I go past a car with a guy wearing a Sevco top I always have a good laugh on the way past, usually saying out loud "Sevco? ha ha ha ha".

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Dundee & Livingston were not liquidated. The current blue slime have never been in administration.

ETA:- It will be their first offence and treated as such. :(

Firstly I imagine that it will not get as far as this stage, however given the SFA regulations in relation to such matters refer to member clubs and or associate members is it not the case that as Rangers Football Club (Newco) took over or were allowed to transfer the membership of Rangers Football Club (Oldco) then the SFA will see them as being one and the same. Therefore a second punishment for them and sanctions beyond those for the first insolvency event

Or have I just become so confused with all this shit I have very little understanding of it.

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Firstly I imagine that it will not get as far as this stage, however given the SFA regulations in relation to such matters refer to member clubs and or associate members is it not the case that as Rangers Football Club (Newco) took over or were allowed to transfer the membership of Rangers Football Club (Oldco) then the SFA will see them as being one and the same. Therefore a second punishment for them and sanctions beyond those for the first insolvency event

Or have I just become so confused with all this shit I have very little understanding of it.

No, that may be right enough. What you are confused about, is your perception that the SFA have the balls to hinder the rise of the new rangers to any significant extent. I also agree that it is very unlikely this scenario will be put to the test.

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