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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When I first arrived, a few folk invited me to go back and read through the thread - I acted on the invitation and on the very first page it wandered off topic and has been helter-skeltering in and out of the shite ever since. It's a piss take - and not a very good one at that. Despite the WKR's preening insistence to the contrary.

The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.

It might roll on for a while yet - it can be mildly entertaining from time to time - until we are indeed back at the very top of what's left of Scottish fitba. Then, as a diddy clubber above noted, we'll be intolerable.


It IS a piss-take right enough.

Could be a World Record if a single thread manages to rip the piss out of 3 consecutive 'clubs'

sorry....what do you mean by.....'back'.......

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I wonder how many really do use that term except on here. I suspect very few.

To be honest, I suspect you're right. I've never really gone for the Sevco thing myself.

I think calling most Rangers fans followers of Sevco, would be to meet with blank stares.

The ignorance in the wider world about what's happened, even - nay especially - among Rangers fans is pretty staggering.

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The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.


Administration/Liquidation and what led to those events didn't happen in your tiny demented mind, I think most readers of the thread are already fully aware of that fact Ben. You'll probably still be here posting when your new club goes into Administration/Liquidation too, and deny all that has led up to those events too. Forfar Ben, Forfar. :lol:

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You must just have been lucky. If someone tells me they support Rangers I usually respond with:

"Who do you support these days then?"

Sevconian: "Still Rangers mate"

Me "Ah, the old Sevco?"

Childish at best, petty at worst but it makes me happy.

Oh it would make me happy enough if they did.

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When I first arrived, a few folk invited me to go back and read through the thread - I acted on the invitation and on the very first page it wandered off topic and has been helter-skeltering in and out of the shite ever since. It's a piss take - and not a very good one at that. Despite the WKR's preening insistence to the contrary.

The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.


It's difficult to get Rangers fans to admit to anything - for example you'll never hear a Rangers fan admit that a large section of their support was a disgrace in Manchester, or that they cheated by withholding tax from HMRC or that the vast majority of their support are bigots, drawn to the club due to its sectarian traditions (and the remainder are just as bad for ignoring or denying it). It's all deflect, ignore, excuse.

Other people would have been embarrassed beyond measure, but not you guys. Instead we had even greater choruses of WATP and No Surrender and obsessed, we had McCoist demanding to know who was on the discliplinary panel despite Rangers having a representative at the meeting which led directly to threats against the QC chairing the panel - yet no journalist has ever asked him why he made that inflammatory statement.

We had accusations that the SFA was corrupt and biased against Rangers, despite that organisation doing absolutely everything they could to insert the new Rangers at the highest possible level in the league structure and then allowing you to play trialists in the first match of last season contrary to their own rules. We had people refusing to listen when everyone else pointed out that Charles Green may not be the knight in shining armour you took him for, and now look what's happened!

So what chance does anyone have of convincing you that that football club founded in 1872, and later became a PLC, a PLC which was later liquidated, is now defrunct and a new one stands in their place? The very nature of a Rangers fan is to deny any failings and pretend that you're whiter than white, contrary to all the evidence. The behaviour of Rangers and their fans throughout this whole saga has been disgraceful. You deserve everything you get.

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It's difficult to get Rangers fans to admit to anything - for example you'll never hear a Rangers fan admit that a large section of their support was a disgrace in Manchester, or that they cheated by withholding tax from HMRC or that the vast majority of their support are bigots, drawn to the club due to its sectarian traditions (and the remainder are just as bad for ignoring or denying it). It's all deflect, ignore, excuse.

Other people would have been embarrassed beyond measure, but not you guys. Instead we had even greater choruses of WATP and No Surrender and obsessed, we had McCoist demanding to know who was on the discliplinary panel despite Rangers having a representative at the meeting which led directly to threats against the QC chairing the panel - yet no journalist has ever asked him why he made that inflammatory statement.

We had accusations that the SFA was corrupt and biased against Rangers, despite that organisation doing absolutely everything they could to insert the new Rangers at the highest possible level in the league structure and then allowing you to play trialists in the first match of last season contrary to their own rules. We had people refusing to listen when everyone else pointed out that Charles Green may not be the knight in shining armour you took him for, and now look what's happened!

So what chance does anyone have of convincing you that that football club founded in 1872, and later became a PLC, a PLC which was later liquidated, is now defrunct and a new one stands in their place? The very nature of a Rangers fan is to deny any failings and pretend that you're whiter than white, contrary to all the evidence. The behaviour of Rangers and their fans throughout this whole saga has been disgraceful. You deserve everything you get.

yer right but that brick wall diznae need yer heed hitting it.


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And yet, despite this "only peripheral" relation, you attempted to connect the two very explicitly the other night by saying that Rangers' financial disaster was particularly unpallatable because they're a Protestant institution.

You were right about how boring the thread you linked to was. I tend to stay out of the OF section of the forum for mental health reasons, and that foray won't draw me back. The exchanges made some of our Hellbhoy/Tedi debates seem positively compelling.

Even if we ignore the subtle implication that if Protestants are brought up to believe in honest financial dealings, perhaps others aren't; there's other stuff to object to in what you say.

It's a myth, for instance, to suggest that the sober values you espouse (ironically, when pished) have characterised Ranger's approach until recent times. The ego driven credit reliant posturing of Murray goes back a long way, and spawned an ugly triumphalism.

Believe me Kincardine, when I see pictures of the crowd lapping up Traynor's words, or of the handful staging a sit-in, my thoughts do not turn to anything connected to The Enlightenment.

Monks, I like your posts and you and I have never had any enmity. I don't expect that to change at all. I do, though, think you've coloured me wrong here.

1. I never used the phrase, "Protestant institution". Indeed, the idea of that phrase is loathsome..

2. You said, "if Protestants are brought up to believe in honest financial dealings, perhaps others aren't;" and that was not in my mind at all but in your imagination..

What I'd prefer is for you respond to what I said rather than to extrapolate it.

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Why does Ally MCoist speak to the media, especially when he comes out with such twaddle?


McCoist added: "I've got to back the board and hopefully they will back me in moving the club forward.

"Decisions within the board about the club will be made by the board and by the shareholders and, indeed, the fans, who have all got an opinion and a voice and rightly should be heard.

"Me, I've just got to support the board and support the decisions they make in hopefully moving the club forward."

Leave out the cliches and there is nothing left.

Ally if you don't know, if you are out of your depth, take a tip and just shut up. :huh:

You are after all in Sandy Jardine's words just "a football man". :guinness

Edited by thelegendthatis
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When I first arrived, a few folk invited me to go back and read through the thread - I acted on the invitation and on the very first page it wandered off topic and has been helter-skeltering in and out of the shite ever since. It's a piss take - and not a very good one at that. Despite the WKR's preening insistence to the contrary.

The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.

It might roll on for a while yet - it can be mildly entertaining from time to time - until we are indeed back at the very top of what's left of Scottish fitba. Then, as a diddy clubber above noted, we'll be we are intolerable.

:) sorted

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When I first arrived, a few folk invited me to go back and read through the thread - I acted on the invitation and on the very first page it wandered off topic and has been helter-skeltering in and out of the shite ever since. It's a piss take - and not a very good one at that. Despite the WKR's preening insistence to the contrary.

The desperation of plastic and diddies alike to have Rangers supporters accept complete pish as fact has been, inevitably, a dismal failure.

It might roll on for a while yet - it can be mildly entertaining from time to time - until we are indeed back at the very top of what's left of Scottish fitba. Then, as a diddy clubber above noted, we'll be we are intolerable.

:) sorted

Sorted? Really? Sort it when you can actually use the quote function. Jesus.

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No lie. Never heard that term except on here.

Oh and i have worn a 'founding father' zipper while working and nobody has remarked pn that either.

I wonder how many really do use that term except on here. I suspect very few.

I use it quite regularly, although I do have quite a few sevconian friends who I like to noise up.

I'm guessing your blinkered and outdated approach to your social life may have something to do with your experience.

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I would never hide my colours.

I drive a taxi so i think that covers getting out.

Nope. I think i know why nobody has ever called me sevco w****r or even used that term in my company

Because you're a hard hard bas--rd. Aye right. SEVCO WA-K-R! :shutup

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I use it quite regularly, although I do have quite a few sevconian friends who I like to noise up.

I'm guessing your blinkered and outdated approach to your social life may have something to do with your experience.

I think there might possibly be another reason.

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Do you wear your colours while driving your taxi? If you were actually stupid enough to do that and someone offended you, what would you do, give your m8 Grugg a call to order one of his gophers to send your offender some bullets in the post? You wee sleekit timorous beastie No.8!


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