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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you have a problem with the English language or do you suffer from Alzheimer's disease?

I'm sorry, but your comprehension is fucking abysmal:

You asked me:

If you HAD to stake your money life savings on it .. which would you choose .. he included IPO money in his total figure or he omitted it?

I replied:

Omitted. 100%. I bet you can't work out why either.

To anyone that isn't a retard that sounds like I would 100% put my life savings on omission, not that I was 100% certain that it was omitted.


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Where's traynor these days ?

Has he managed to get his nose out the trough long enough to actually write anything recently ?

Traynor has gone digital.

For example he has multiple IDs on Pie and Bovril where he runs a campaign of confusion and distraction.

Keeps the Rangers punters and the enemy plastics away from the real issues, namely backstabbling, lying, thieving and stealing on the board. Powerstruggles from investors buying into the club just to thwart ambition and cash in by holding sufficient shareholding, ensuring someone will pay a preimum to get shot of them. And of course getting cuffed by Forfar are all stories that must be killed.

So nonsense about what players are worth, or "my PC was hijacked", who said what to whom, and of course if anyone says Monday comes after Sunday, he will always ask for proof. Amazing how he can sucker people into treating his daft questions seriously.

The IDs he uses on P&B are Tedi, No 8, Bennett, Bendarroch. And no doubt a few others. Note the similar writing style, spelling and grammar. :o

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If you canny take it do not dish it out, you think yer wee snipe insults go unnoticed? sorry but you are simply not that clever.

You are 20% decent poster, 80% troll, a few months ago I would have put that figure at 50/50, but hey I am not the only Rangers fans that's noticed, we must all be wrong, do not worry about it.

I'll still be there for you Ted. It's fine.

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McMadeupname is an absolute zoomer, but he must be doing something right to incite so much seethe from ra peeps.

Is he really worthy of such anger?Surely better just to point and laugh Leggo Style.

I'm sure ra peeps will also be wishing death on this bigot. :rolleyes:

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Yep free choice.

I have no idea what you have proved on here, you really are not the slightest bit interesting at all.

Thanks for taking the time to notice that. :lol:

Means a lot to know that a lying two-faced bigot doesn't find me interesting.

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The real reason for the Tedious trolls mock outrage is this book! :lol:


Hate to take this off topic, but Why would anyone who claims to be a Celtic fan write a book about Rangers?

Looking at his website or twitter you quickly figure out he is OBSESSED with all things Rangers / Sevco. it's horrendously sad. Thats all he can talk about, Rangers..Sevco...Rangers..Sevco. Keep in mind he is living in Ireland, but yet he will still take time out and phone up Clyde 1 SSB to talk about, yes you guessed it Rangers!

Plus he seems to be under the false impression he's some sort of hero with Celtic fans, some might like him. but not this one. Can't stand the arrogant arsehole.

I somewhat doubt it. I read it a few months ago and it's utter dross. Basically Phil Mac Made Up Name talking about how bloody wonderful he is. Apparently Rangers wouldn't have gone bust if the fans had listened to him but they didn't because of who he is.

EDIT: Forgot I wrote a review of it on Amazon. See I've been accused of being a zombie in the comments :lol:http://www.amazon.co.uk/review/R2QIBUTW0VC2P3/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=1904684262&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag=

Good review, only one thing I have to point out

He isn't Irish, yes he has family from Ireland and he lives in Ireland as do many people around the world with all counties and nationalities., although he would make you believe at times he had to flee Scotland from persecution

I did have a go at him on twitter regarding his new book (I won't post a link to his page)



From his own fucking website about the book, word for word

This is a story in Scotland would rather wasn't told. It charts the work of campaigning Irish journalist Phil Mac Giolla Bhain over a five year period on the subject of anti-irish racism in Scotland.

Minority reporter also exams the life and times of Neil Lennon at Celtic and why the Scottish media tried to excise the ethnic from their analysis from their when writing about his victimisation .

As with his last book, the bestselling Downfall, this is a triumph for online over the mainstream

Can you fucking believe this shite?

Here is another quote from him regarding the subject

I finally left Glasgow in the mid-1990s. I wanted better for my young family. Since then my native city's intolerance of all things Irish has, if anything, got worse. The Scotland that schooled both McKenna and I was built on generations of Irish sweat and often Irish blood. I don't owe the place a thing.

If McKenna is happy to be Scottish in Scotland then I'm happy for him. It is basic human right to be able to self-define. However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland.


as I said, I had a go at him on twitter, to try and claim Scotland is some hotbed for anti-irish racism is nothing but a lie.

Not surprising he didn't reply directly, when anyone questions him all he does is re tweet it so his little fanboys who are do desperate to give him a reach around jump in giving you all sorts of abuse.

It's people like him, that make me embarrassed to be a Celtic fan at times, why. because you cannot understand or defend arseholes like him.

Sorry about the rant.

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Go on then explain how I am a bigot?

Or was this just an attempt at making your self seem interesting?

My Team - Rangers.

Nuff said.

And yes, i am tarring you all with the same brush.

Edit - I notice you didn't object about being called two-faced or lying. :lol:

Edited by beermonkey
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I'd thought about buying 'Downfall'. but given what I read on here, I'm glad I didn't. I don't fancy reading about this fascinating tale through the eyes of Celtic's Leggo.

Out of interest, are there any other books about the Rangers saga? Is it known that anyone reputable is working on one? It should make for a brilliant book one day. I suppose the problem is that the story refuses to finish.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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'Obsession/obsessed' = 'The Mighty Rangers got buttfucked and died; don't talk about it because it makes the fans look like a bunch of melons.'

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Hate to take this off topic, but Why would anyone who claims to be a Celtic fan write a book about Rangers?

Looking at his website or twitter you quickly figure out he is OBSESSED with all things Rangers / Sevco. it's horrendously sad. Thats all he can talk about, Rangers..Sevco...Rangers..Sevco. Keep in mind he is living in Ireland, but yet he will still take time out and phone up Clyde 1 SSB to talk about, yes you guessed it Rangers!

Plus he seems to be under the false impression he's some sort of hero with Celtic fans, some might like him. but not this one. Can't stand the arrogant arsehole.

Good review, only one thing I have to point out

He isn't Irish, yes he has family from Ireland and he lives in Ireland as do many people around the world with all counties and nationalities., although he would make you believe at times he had to flee Scotland from persecution

I did have a go at him on twitter regarding his new book (I won't post a link to his page)



From his own fucking website about the book, word for word

This is a story in Scotland would rather wasn't told. It charts the work of campaigning Irish journalist Phil Mac Giolla Bhain over a five year period on the subject of anti-irish racism in Scotland.

Minority reporter also exams the life and times of Neil Lennon at Celtic and why the Scottish media tried to excise the ethnic from their analysis from their when writing about his victimisation .

As with his last book, the bestselling Downfall, this is a triumph for online over the mainstream

Can you fucking believe this shite?

Here is another quote from him regarding the subject

I finally left Glasgow in the mid-1990s. I wanted better for my young family. Since then my native city's intolerance of all things Irish has, if anything, got worse. The Scotland that schooled both McKenna and I was built on generations of Irish sweat and often Irish blood. I don't owe the place a thing.

If McKenna is happy to be Scottish in Scotland then I'm happy for him. It is basic human right to be able to self-define. However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland.


as I said, I had a go at him on twitter, to try and claim Scotland is some hotbed for anti-irish racism is nothing but a lie.

Not surprising he didn't reply directly, when anyone questions him all he does is re tweet it so his little fanboys who are do desperate to give him a reach around jump in giving you all sorts of abuse.

It's people like him, that make me embarrassed to be a Celtic fan at times, why. because you cannot understand or defend arseholes like him.

Sorry about the rant.

Sorry Enrico, that was meant to be a green dot!!!!!!

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Predictable answer, you do not even know what a bigot is, no imagination whatsoever in your reply, I think you are doomed to stay in the uninteresting and rather dull poster camp forever :(

Tedi calling someone else predictable. :lol:

Brilliant (and pathetic).

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I'd thought about buying 'Downfall'. but given what I read on here, I'm glad I didn't.  I don't fancy reading about this fascinating tale through the eyes of Celtic's Leggo.


Out of interest, are there any other books about the Rangers saga?  Is it known that anyone reputable is working on one?  It should make for a brilliant book one day.  I suppose the problem is that the story refuses to finish.

Indeed. When (and if) it ever comes to an end, It will be one of those events which will be covered by numerous journos and other interested parties all keen to put their own interpretations (and make a good wedge in the process) on the most horrendous saga to besmirch our game.

....and all denied by the blue puke masses.

As per.

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"However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland."...

is just the sort of sentiment Reid tapped into with his rabble rousing a couple of years back. It truly is a ridiculous picture to paint. It's also hugely insulting to those who've suffered genuine discrimination and oppression.

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