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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes, that's pretty much right.

No8 can only muster his mental side sporadically these days. Youngsy's awful quiet. Bearwithme gives the impression of having one of those life thingies. Kincardine's reasonable and pleasant - that's no use. Bennett appears to have issues. Bendarroch's really just about the Bingo now. Defeating BP/AWRA/Cowan types is like taking candy from babies then punching them.

That just leaves Tedi.

And now he's gone off to talk Karma with the local diptera, or something. Seems lately that they just can't function for long on their own - they need that hive-mind to back them up or they quickly realise how much of a corner they're painting themselves into. No fun, some people.

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Take the bigots out of this as i mostly ignore them.

We have WRK and WRK lite who spend all day sniping away at rival posters and it is usually sniping about others sniping.

The sheepy klan seem to copy and paste discredited bloggers. All very well but when Mark Dingwall has outsmarted you its time to.chuck.it.

'The others' are a mixture of the above...why should we waste time conversing with those who are by their own admission enemies of our club. f**k that...sorry but i have better things to talk about.

Rangers going bust is not going to be stopped by me responding to anonymous Ps & Ds on here.

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You see this why you need emicons or whatever there called...i would have added a sticky out tongue one after the 'WRK lite' comment.

I could not be further from seething

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Celtic quick news and the fat mess that runs it are a complete fucking joke.

I'd check my watch twice if he told me the time.


Who runs it, never actualy looked on their site? It probs is bollix but would anything surprise you when it comes to this lot, after the porn star tax advisor and custard the clown nothing would surprise me??


As a matter of interest what other clubs have gone down the sale and lease back route? Leeds? Would it be a total disaster??

Paul '67' Brennan. Likes to think of himself as 'something' in the 'celtic internet family', and his fanboys are only to eager to w**k over him. Similar to McMadeupname without the made up name. Really just writes what Peter Lawell tells him and a few of his own crackpot theories.

Had a total meltdown at SMFC during the reconstruction debacle and regularly pleads for Celtic to be 'allowed' to move to England.

Total chunt and a fat mess, imo. (only the chunt bit, his corpulent figure is without question.)

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Take the bigots out of this as i mostly ignore them.

We have WRK and WRK lite who spend all day sniping away at rival posters and it is usually sniping about others sniping.

The sheepy klan seem to copy and paste discredited bloggers. All very well but when Mark Dingwall has outsmarted you its time to.chuck.it.

'The others' are a mixture of the above...why should we waste time conversing with those who are by their own admission enemies of our club. f**k that...sorry but i have better things to talk about.

Rangers going bust is not going to be stopped by me responding to anonymous Ps & Ds on here.

1791 posts on a thread specifically set up for discussions on the death of your old club, and adapted for the teething pains of the new one.

You tell us, No. 8 (1)- and No. 8 (2); the use of "we" has not gone un-noticed. Insight at last. :lol:

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1791 posts on a thread specifically set up for discussions on the death of your old club, and adapted for the teething pains of the new one.

You tell us, No. 8 (1)- and No. 8 (2); the use of "we" has not gone un-noticed. Insight at last. :lol:

Was it a resignation speech, do you think?

Perhaps he's in two minds about it.

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From cricket to gay bears....It's amazing the range of topics the orcs are willing to discuss to deflect from the goings on at Ibrox.

I'm not the only one then? :)

Is everyone who thinks you are a total fucktard accused of being Magee??? Dheclan how original Ted ya mutant :lol: Oh how I will laugh when this rancid new club goes the way of the cheating tax dodging scum... Rent boys :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edit. Has anyone seen the deeds yet??

Hows the weather in Stirling today Mags?

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Paul '67' Brennan. Likes to think of himself as 'something' in the 'celtic internet family', and his fanboys are only to eager to w**k over him. Similar to McMadeupname without the made up name. Really just writes what Peter Lawell tells him and a few of his own crackpot theories.

Had a total meltdown at SMFC during the reconstruction debacle and regularly pleads for Celtic to be 'allowed' to move to England.

Total chunt and a fat mess, imo. (only the chunt bit, his corpulent figure is without question.)

Never heard of the chunt

Good for you, probably a good thing for your ability to think for yourself. Most regulars on his blog are complete fawning arsholes.

I got abused and banned for politely questioning some of his horseshit.

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Theory put forward on KDS .. one that may have some substance to it. Surely Imran and Chuckie would never cook up a scheme like that?

Think back to the IPO prospectus :-

They ' have use of'' Murray Park the yabba dabba blah blah world class training centre.

They 'play' at Ibrox the yabba dabba blab blah super stadium.

Nowhere did it say that the company they were selling shares in actually OWNED them, which, when trying to attract potential investors, would be a major selling point.

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1791 posts on a thread specifically set up for discussions on the death of your old club, and adapted for the teething pains of the new one.

You tell us, No. 8 (1)- and No. 8 (2); the use of "we" has not gone un-noticed. Insight at last. :lol:

He has No.8 under surveillance now:rolleyes:

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:lol: How long have you been lurking to post that drivel. Im in Dublin and it's pissing Becky ;) This magee chap must have really done a number on you lot :thumsup2 I have seen about 20 odd posters been accused of being him. You seem to miss him alot. :o

Oh, they do, they do. He was on of the few posters from any club that came close to their level of sheer bigoted lunacy and outright stupidity. With him gone, they're struggling to connect.

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