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I have missed this story, what's it about? I take it has something ta do with sevco spunking money on hotels..

From the Retard - apparently their idea of economising is to go for the cheap ( :lol:) rooms at Turnberry, rather than have the poor weans tired out by sitting on a bus for two hours. Mind you, didn't they have an overnight stay before a game at Tynecastle?

No, silly me - that was rangers.

Some people peepul never learn.... :lol:

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They stayed overnight in Turnberry Lodges. Fat Ally said it was cheaper than a hotel in Stranraer.

Apparently, the new club playing in the second lowest level of Scottish Senior Football cannot have their 'trialists' travel less than two hours in an air conditioned coach ? ( what are they using btw after their super-duper Fat Sally sitting upfront leased coach was subjected to some jealous timmies attack ).


Edited by edi1011
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I am? I thought I'd answered that yin. That may have been on a different thread, though.

I am happy to have another go and it is simple:

"Protestant Northern Europe" have the least corrupt countries on earth. Combine this with other countries like Canada, NZ, Australia, Switzerland and Singapore who all had a Reformation influence and you'll get my point.

I really do not see why this is either interesting or contentious. It's pretty prosaic and is neither sectarian nor controversial.

What countries are you using to define "Protestant Northern Europe", though? Outside of the UK and Scandinavia, Roman Catholicism is by far the most common affiliated sect of Christianity. Bearing in mind I'm talking about the 21st Century. Otherwise we could debate the clash of Wicca and Druidism in Iron Age Britain.

Canada and Switzerland both have over 46% claiming to be RC.

Singapore is overwhelmingly (almost two-thirds) Buddhist, and has twice as many Muslims as Protestants. Christians in total make up less than an eighth of the population.

One major country which is majority Protestant is the USA. "Least corrupt"? Aye. OK.

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Just to be clear, I think you are all c***s, and I have little or no interest in what your opinion is regarding my personality, politics, foibles or otherwise. I'll just get that out the way to save time and hopefully deter anyone from accusing me of having any bias, or unfair preconceptions. Could not, one f**k give.

Regarding the latest installment of pure undiluted pish from sevco.com, do any Therangers fans on here feel they are being patronised just a touch? Are you ok with the fact that they think you will swallow the line "trust us, but everyone else in the whole world is lying", like you're about 5 years old? Does it not make you angry that you're new club is taking you all for total fucking morons. Never mind what we may think of the collective sevco fan club. What does it say about what the people running your brand-spanking-new club think of you?

Honestly you should be furious about that statement and if you buy any of it you should be sectioned.

When anyone critcises, there always appears to be a reason to brand them discredited. Here is a piece by a failed lawyer who no doubt is talking timmy rubbish:

http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/for-the-avoidance-of-doubt-rangers-stamp-on-inaccurate-stories-and-dump-jack-irvine/#more-4046 Well worth a read. Very perceptive.

Retweeted by Paul McConville

You don't need to agree with any of it, you don't need to believe any of it, but you should read it and yes, you can do it out loud in your big voice if that helps. Note who the guy tweeting it is.

Your mob are the are the absolute laughing stock of the nation, still. It is almost, almost but not quite, not funny anymore. By association all other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime and of mobsters, shysters, thieves, liars and all the bungled press management. Bringing the nation into disrepute, then, now and forever (since 2012). Frankly therangers are now more cringe-worthy than funny and you should be shamed into doing something about it by now. Just like Walter.


Edited by williemillersmoustache
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By association all other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime and of mobsters, shysters, thieves, liars and all the bungled press management. Bringing the nation into disrepute, then, now and forever

Really? I am not prone to hyperbole but, honestly, that is a total drama-queen of a post. Perhaps the best The BRALT has ever seen. Just examine your 2 main points:

"All other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime ...."

Are they f**k. This is utterly silly.

" Bringing the nation into disrepute".

Oh just behave yourself.

It was simply a team that went tits-up. Just calm your need to be outraged.

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What countries are you using to define "Protestant Northern Europe", though? Outside of the UK and Scandinavia, Roman Catholicism is by far the most common affiliated sect of Christianity. Bearing in mind I'm talking about the 21st Century. Otherwise we could debate the clash of Wicca and Druidism in Iron Age Britain.

Canada and Switzerland both have over 46% claiming to be RC.

Singapore is overwhelmingly (almost two-thirds) Buddhist, and has twice as many Muslims as Protestants. Christians in total make up less than an eighth of the population.

One major country which is majority Protestant is the USA. "Least corrupt"? Aye. OK.

Much as I'm usually on your side with the Sevco bashing I have to point out that far from being a product of the Iron Age, Wicca was in fact invented, if that's the right word, by retired civil servant Gerald Gardner in the mid 20th century

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Just to be clear, I think you are all c***s, and I have little or no interest in what your opinion is regarding my personality, politics, foibles or otherwise. I'll just get that out the way to save time and hopefully deter anyone from accusing me of having any bias, or unfair preconceptions. Could not, one f**k give.

Regarding the latest installment of pure undiluted pish from sevco.com, do any Therangers fans on here feel they are being patronised just a touch? Are you ok with the fact that they think you will swallow the line "trust us, but everyone else in the whole world is lying", like you're about 5 years old? Does it not make you angry that you're new club is taking you all for total fucking morons. Never mind what we may think of the collective sevco fan club. What does it say about what the people running your brand-spanking-new club think of you?

Honestly you should be furious about that statement and if you buy any of it you should be sectioned.

When anyone critcises, there always appears to be a reason to brand them discredited. Here is a piece by a failed lawyer who no doubt is talking timmy rubbish:

http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/for-the-avoidance-of-doubt-rangers-stamp-on-inaccurate-stories-and-dump-jack-irvine/#more-4046 Well worth a read. Very perceptive.

Retweeted by Paul McConville

You don't need to agree with any of it, you don't need to believe any of it, but you should read it and yes, you can do it out loud in your big voice if that helps. Note who the guy tweeting it is.

Your mob are the are the absolute laughing stock of the nation, still. It is almost, almost but not quite, not funny anymore. By association all other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime and of mobsters, shysters, thieves, liars and all the bungled press management. Bringing the nation into disrepute, then, now and forever (since 2012). Frankly therangers are now more cringe-worthy than funny and you should be shamed into doing something about it by now. Just like Walter.


thus implying that every media organisation and newspaper is “anti-Rangers”.

You can't blame them for trying, after all it did work for Whyte

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Really? I am not prone to hyperbole but, honestly, that is a total drama-queen of a post. Perhaps the best The BRALT has ever seen. Just examine your 2 main points:

"All other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime ...."

Are they f**k. This is utterly silly.

" Bringing the nation into disrepute".

Oh just behave yourself.

It was simply a team that went tits-up. Just calm your need to be outraged.

It was a team that went tits up while cheating lying and stealing, was caught red-handed and punished one way or another, whether you believe it was punished enough or not. Now a new incarnation is filling its place and it is an absolute clusterfuck. The mess in your front garden does not reflect well on your neighbours or some appropriate analogy.

Exaggerated perhaps, but at the risk of using a BRALT cliché, answer the bloody question,

How do you feel about how smart your club thinks you are?

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Just to be clear, I think you are all c***s, and I have little or no interest in what your opinion is regarding my personality, politics, foibles or otherwise. I'll just get that out the way to save time and hopefully deter anyone from accusing me of having any bias, or unfair preconceptions. Could not, one f**k give.

Regarding the latest installment of pure undiluted pish from sevco.com, do any Therangers fans on here feel they are being patronised just a touch? Are you ok with the fact that they think you will swallow the line "trust us, but everyone else in the whole world is lying", like you're about 5 years old? Does it not make you angry that you're new club is taking you all for total fucking morons. Never mind what we may think of the collective sevco fan club. What does it say about what the people running your brand-spanking-new club think of you?

Honestly you should be furious about that statement and if you buy any of it you should be sectioned.

When anyone critcises, there always appears to be a reason to brand them discredited. Here is a piece by a failed lawyer who no doubt is talking timmy rubbish:

http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/for-the-avoidance-of-doubt-rangers-stamp-on-inaccurate-stories-and-dump-jack-irvine/#more-4046 Well worth a read. Very perceptive.

Retweeted by Paul McConville

You don't need to agree with any of it, you don't need to believe any of it, but you should read it and yes, you can do it out loud in your big voice if that helps. Note who the guy tweeting it is.

Your mob are the are the absolute laughing stock of the nation, still. It is almost, almost but not quite, not funny anymore. By association all other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime and of mobsters, shysters, thieves, liars and all the bungled press management. Bringing the nation into disrepute, then, now and forever (since 2012). Frankly therangers are now more cringe-worthy than funny and you should be shamed into doing something about it by now. Just like Walter.


Yeah, Toxic Jack. Great recommendation. :D

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I have noticed your repeated bile on religion.. it is the one constant that is true in your support of The Rangers.

Not me, chum. You must be confusing me with another poster. Sure, I have expressed my affection for The Reformation on a fair-few posts. But 'bile'? Not at all.

Here is a challenge: show when I have expressed bile towards any specific religion and I'll order a take-away from your local restaurant and get it delivered to you.

You have 24 hours. If you fail then I'll expect the same in return.

Deal or no deal?

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Much as I'm usually on your side with the Sevco bashing I have to point out that far from being a product of the Iron Age, Wicca was in fact invented, if that's the right word, by retired civil servant Gerald Gardner in the mid 20th century

Aye, I know, that's when a modern shyster saw the chance to make a business religion out of various earth/nature worshippy nonsense. I just used it as a (inaccurate) description of a rival sect back in the day, to illustrate the preposterousness (?) of Kincardine's idea that the modern world is shaped by his precious reformation. Problem with Historians, IMHO: they know an awful lot about their subject area, but sometimes struggle to see the bigger picture. Moveable feast, yer Johnny History, and few look back from identical angles. There's people even now who believe we assisted the US invasion of Iraq in order to depose Saddam and effect regime change.

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How we doing with alll these racist and/or bigoted posts of mine on P&B?

20,000 ffs....they shouldnt be too difficult to.find.

Very good that's a bit like Roman Polanski saying he's not a paedophile in Europe because he only shagged kids in America, we have seen your bigoted posts from other sites or did you not post them?

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What countries are you using to define "Protestant Northern Europe", though? Outside of the UK and Scandinavia, Roman Catholicism is by far the most common affiliated sect of Christianity. Bearing in mind I'm talking about the 21st Century. Otherwise we could debate the clash of Wicca and Druidism in Iron Age Britain.

Canada and Switzerland both have over 46% claiming to be RC.

Singapore is overwhelmingly (almost two-thirds) Buddhist, and has twice as many Muslims as Protestants. Christians in total make up less than an eighth of the population.

One major country which is majority Protestant is the USA. "Least corrupt"? Aye. OK.

I really do not see why this is an issue of debate. It's a truism: the least corrupt countries in the world are, generally, those most influenced by The Reformation. Who is so much of an arsehole to argue with this? This doesn't mean I hate anyone of pour bile on anyone.

Yes, you mention Switzerland and Canada but so what? Geneva was the adopted home of Calvin and Ulrich Zwingl was hugely influential in Zurich.

Equally, Canada was pretty-much a Scottish Protestant colony.

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