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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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God, don't say the obsessed are monitoring what hotels our players stay in. Is there an end to their obsession?


News travels around quickly at these smaller towns or Inverness when a football team is staying at their best hotel, you can't stop the people who work at the hotels from talking particularly when the football club's company credit card is refused and that certain second biggest football club in Scotland is made to hand over a few grand in cash to cover their stay.


It doesn't surprise me in the least that supporters like you want to prevent any stories and articles in the public interest that might be viewed as negative since your club has a policy of 'shooting the messenger' (for example the BBC) for publishing or reporting articles deemed inacurate and or untrue by the people that are and have run Rangers, yet the club has shown little evidence to rubbish these stories instead revert to the highly effective policy of boycotting :1eye media sources and tend to only communicate with the media in written press statements in a manner to play to the galleries (propaganda ) in a style not to dissimilar to this fellow.



I'm sure though that talking to Rangers employees about the match is allowed as long as the subject doesn't steer away from that.

Is there any Media outlets(enemies of Rangers©) left for them to boycott/complain about?

It really is astounding how naive and malleable the majority of their support are.

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Very good that's a bit like Roman Polanski saying he's not a paedophile in Europe because he only shagged kids in America, we have seen your bigoted posts from other sites or did you not post them? 

A joke of a site that is not supposed to be taken seriously.

If i was this raging bigot would i not have slipped in few bigoted posts among the 20000?

If i was a raging bigot would i so openly criticise the singing if certain songs? I am the one who highlights Super Ranfers everytime it is sung.

If i was a raging bigot dont you think Tedi and The_K. woukd know...people who have actually met me.

If i was a raging bigot would i live with an Irish Roman Catholic?

Do raging bigots usually allow their daughters to be raised in the Roman Vatholic faith.

It's called tailoring your act for the audience.

The fact you think such language is acceptable, even as a debatable joke, says enough for me.

Not that you'll care much, but I'm out. Good luck getting any non bears to take you seriously from now on.

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Was hoping the Record would proclaim "proudly anti-Rangers" on the front page today but, alas, we have to make do with this: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/keith-jackson-daily-record-pursuing-2184217

Starts off well by getting the date wrong and then no mention of "wealth off the radar".

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Is there any Media outlets(enemies of Rangers©) left for them to boycott/complain about?

It really is astounding how naive and malleable the majority of their support are.

You can go back throughout history to see that these tactics such as propaganda in demonising some other factor, in this case media or football clubs that participated in the SPL during the time of Rangers administration is effective in bringing a siege mentality among a group of people and unrealistic feelings of superiority. A philosophy/ beliefs built on a foundation of lies and half truths is always doomed to fail eventually.

Its not always the cerebrally challenged that fall under this kind of spell as what happened in Germany during the 1920s and 1930s proved.

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It's called tailoring your act for the audience.

The fact you think such language is acceptable, even as a debatable joke, says enough for me.

Not that you'll care much, but I'm out. Good luck getting any non bears to take you seriously from now on.

Living with an irish catholic for 12 years..bringing up daughter in RC faith. That is some amount of tailoring.

Shame you are not so outspoken against those that use the H word on here....or variants of that word to cheat the word filter. I think that says it all about you.

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Living with an irish catholic for 12 years..bringing up daughter in RC faith. That is some amount of tailoring.

Shame you are not so outspoken against those that use the H word on here....or variants of that word to cheat the word filter. I think that says it all about you.


Still trying to keep hold of your P&B persona when the beast beneath has been revealed? Racist.

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It's called tailoring your act for the audience.

The fact you think such language is acceptable, even as a debatable joke, says enough for me.

Not that you'll care much, but I'm out. Good luck getting any non bears to take you seriously from now on.

Living with an irish catholic for 12 years..bringing up daughter in RC faith. That is some amount of tailoring.

That just makes your confirmed bigotry even worse, thank god they are not black or gay.

Probably trying to impress or be an internet hardman on armchairs tbh. What a knob.

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Just to be clear, I think you are all c***s, and I have little or no interest in what your opinion is regarding my personality, politics, foibles or otherwise. I'll just get that out the way to save time and hopefully deter anyone from accusing me of having any bias, or unfair preconceptions. Could not, one f**k give.

Regarding the latest installment of pure undiluted pish from sevco.com, do any Therangers fans on here feel they are being patronised just a touch? Are you ok with the fact that they think you will swallow the line "trust us, but everyone else in the whole world is lying", like you're about 5 years old? Does it not make you angry that you're new club is taking you all for total fucking morons. Never mind what we may think of the collective sevco fan club. What does it say about what the people running your brand-spanking-new club think of you?

Honestly you should be furious about that statement and if you buy any of it you should be sectioned.

When anyone critcises, there always appears to be a reason to brand them discredited. Here is a piece by a failed lawyer who no doubt is talking timmy rubbish:

http://scotslawthoughts.wordpress.com/2013/08/17/for-the-avoidance-of-doubt-rangers-stamp-on-inaccurate-stories-and-dump-jack-irvine/#more-4046 Well worth a read. Very perceptive.

Retweeted by Paul McConville

You don't need to agree with any of it, you don't need to believe any of it, but you should read it and yes, you can do it out loud in your big voice if that helps. Note who the guy tweeting it is.

Your mob are the are the absolute laughing stock of the nation, still. It is almost, almost but not quite, not funny anymore. By association all other Scottish clubs are damaged by the pantomime and of mobsters, shysters, thieves, liars and all the bungled press management. Bringing the nation into disrepute, then, now and forever (since 2012). Frankly therangers are now more cringe-worthy than funny and you should be shamed into doing something about it by now. Just like Walter.


Seen this earlier on today, probably up here somewhere else.


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Still trying to keep hold of your P&B persona when the beast beneath has been revealed? Racist.

There is no 'P&B persona'...people on P&Bhave actually met me. at the football. If anything it is the opposite and the Armchairs persona is a nonsense but hey that doesnt fit in with your agenda now does it?

As i have pointed out my life choices are not that of a bigot but again why let facts about my life get in the way of your wee witch hunt. Bigot my arse!

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol: 


Still trying to keep hold of your P&B persona when the beast beneath has been revealed? Racist.

There is no 'P&B persona'...people on P&Bhave actually met me. at the football.

You need to stop going on about meeting people from various forums in real life and how much they all like you. "Very creepy" and "desperate to be liked" would be a good way to describe you, as well as racist, bigot and homophobe.

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As i have pointed out my life choices are not that of a bigot but again why let facts about my life get in the way of your wee witch hunt. Bigot my arse!


The way you point them out suggests otherwise.. tbh.

I bet he has 'jigaboo' friends as well. :rolleyes:

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The way you point them out suggests otherwise.. tbh.

I agree that saying something akong the lines of ' cousin twice removed once met a catholic' might suggest otherwise BUT actually choosing to spend the rest of your life with a Roman Catholic and more impirtantly agreeing to my daughter being brought up in that fath would suggest that i am not anti RC in anyway.

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There is no 'P&B persona'...people on P&Bhave actually met me. at the football. If anything it is the opposite and the Armchairs persona is a nonsense but hey that doesnt fit in with your agenda now does it?

As i have pointed out my life choices are not that of a bigot but again why let facts about my life get in the way of your wee witch hunt. Bigot my arse!

You always had a choice whether to or not to support Rangers what ever age you started and thereafter.

In my opinion what matters most is the football and that you support a football club that represents your town/city/area where you have roots with a strong connection with, personal reasons in other words, rather than a secondary reason like a culture that surrounds or is connected with a football club or any reason that attracts football fans who's fickle nature prompts them to latch onto success or any political reason.

Sometimes the two become blurred when other clubs supporters try to understand the reason behind an individual's motive for supporting a football club, but then not many clubs in Scotland have any political motives other than within the democratic process within the SFA or Scottish Leagues or the way their own club is run, maybe a bit of football match orientated mindgames, that's it.

Edited by CityDave
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I agree that saying something akong the lines of ' cousin twice removed once met a catholic' might suggest otherwise BUT actually choosing to spend the rest of your life with a Roman Catholic and more impirtantly agreeing to my daughter being brought up in that fath would suggest that i am not anti RC in anyway.

IIRC you have a son and heir also? If this is the case are you sexist too? Is it good enough that your female offspring can be brought up in another faith but the males, the ones who will carry your family name, should be raised in good faith?

You don't paint a very good picture of yourself.

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You need to stop going on about meeting people from various forums in real life and how much they all like you. "Very creepy" and "desperate to be liked" would be a good way to describe you, as well as racist, bigot and homophobe.

Are you not the one that said 'many many people hate him in real life'?

Now i have no idea who you are and nor do i care but if anything i would think your Knowledge and interest in me is far far more creepy.

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Are you not the one that said 'many many people hate him in real life'?

Now i have no idea who you are and nor do i care but if anything i would think your Knowledge and interest in me is far far more creepy.

His posting syles similar to that SS18/Itwznaeme idiot.

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IIRC you have a son and heir also? If this is the case are you sexist too? Is it good enough that your female offspring can be brought up in another faith but the males, the ones who will carry your family name, should be raised in good faith?

You don't paint a very good picture of yourself.

2 Daughters and 1 son...only my youngest is christened in the Roman Catholic faith....take your time. I am sure you will figure it out.

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