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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Another legal expert cast doubt.

Judge Bishopp said he took into account the financial collapse of Rangers and subsequent fallout into allowing the hearings to be held in public.

He stated: "Perhaps because of such feelings, professional football clubs are often regarded as having a special status. In some respects that may be the correct view; but it should nevertheless not be overlooked that a modern professional football club is not a 'club', in the sense of an unincorporated association of members who join together in pursuit of a common purpose, but a commercial enterprise whose function is to generate profits for its shareholders.

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Here's another (vague) bit..

but it should nevertheless not be overlooked that a modern professional football club is not a “club”, in the sense of an unincorporated association of members who join together in pursuit of a common purpose, but a commercial enterprise whose function is to generate profits for its shareholders.

The club is not separate it is incorporated = Liquidated/Dead

I hope the bears take this to court :) should be a lot of fun when legally in a court of law they are proclaimed a brand new club :lol: .

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What about the diddies, Burma, they must have been in on it. For years rangers fans told Scotland how they supported Scottish football, even though 75% of the teams were never in their division at any one time.

I reckon the diddies must have been involved, and in return for their involvement, they were paid with The Rangers beginning their first steps from the lowest rung.

Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg. This one goes all the way to the top!

Beginning with the explosion of the sub-prime real estate market in suburban USA (my sources indicate that this was the creation of an unidentified cowboy from Dallas) the inevitable resulting financial implosion was fully expected, if not engineered.

This of course was the catalyst for the chess positioned players to make their move and start dumping toxic debts. Realising he was being played by forces he could not see nevermind control, Sir David had no option but to sanction the sale of his holding company to what he believed was a "stand up guy'.

The worlds leaders could only look on in horror as the worlds most succesful holding company fell quicker than a drunken bridesmaids knickers.

Only now do we understand the full scope of this one world government inspired rhepublican attack on the greatest institution that mankind has ever seen.

But they live on....not literally, thats just ridiculous, but metaphorically. Whenever we see "five star" tattoos on skinny elbows, whenever we hear the words "holding company", whenever we hear "howling at the moon", whenever we watch Star Wars and are reminded of the finest journalist to be hounded out of the "old inky trade" in order to maintin his dignity, whenever an overweight man shakes his crutch in defiance at the closure of a hoose, whenever we see a Rangers strip whilst holidaying in Spain or Italy or Largs (or Monaco), fear not. It is simply the ghost of Rangers Past reminding us that he has not forgotten or forgiven, and somday, soon, he will be back at the very top.

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AWRA/BP frantically googling gerontophile :lol:


Oh and your avatar(AWRA), sweet lord how old are you really? Chelsea and rangers brothers in arms??? :blink::1eye:lol: :lol:

Time to wheel out the list again Johnny and add the guys who have threatened Jim Spence to it. :wacko:

And the dog bashers. :(

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Oh that's just the tip of the iceberg. This one goes all the way to the top!

Beginning with the explosion of the sub-prime real estate market in suburban USA (my sources indicate that this was the creation of an unidentified cowboy from Dallas) the inevitable resulting financial implosion was fully expected, if not engineered.

This of course was the catalyst for the chess positioned players to make their move and start dumping toxic debts. Realising he was being played by forces he could not see nevermind control, Sir David had no option but to sanction the sale of his holding company to what he believed was a "stand up guy'.

The worlds leaders could only look on in horror as the worlds most succesful holding company fell quicker than a drunken bridesmaids knickers.

Only now do we understand the full scope of this one world government inspired rhepublican attack on the greatest institution that mankind has ever seen.

But they live on....not literally, thats just ridiculous, but metaphorically. Whenever we see "five star" tattoos on skinny elbows, whenever we hear the words "holding company", whenever we hear "howling at the moon", whenever we watch Star Wars and are reminded of the finest journalist to be hounded out of the "old inky trade" in order to maintin his dignity, whenever an overweight man shakes his crutch in defiance at the closure of a hoose, whenever we see a Rangers strip whilst holidaying in Spain or Italy or Largs (or Monaco), fear not. It is simply the ghost of Rangers Past reminding us that he has not forgotten or forgiven, and somday, soon, he will be back at the very top.

Skinny? They don't have skinny. XXXL is smallest. :lol:

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No. I'm playing a blinder as usual pal. A zero pointer wouldn't understand this though.

You are a complete cock socket aren't you creating alias profiles left,right & centre and not only that you have created a Hearts alias you wanker and have been outed by use of your grammar FUD.

I dunno if it's appropriate for zero-pointers like yourself to be firing off those buzzwords, champ.

Why are you posting in the big boys league anyway?


I think you want to get caught because you don't try very hard to hide yourself these days,are you so addicted to P&B and get banned often that you now don't care and need to be caught so you can obviously seek out some counselling for your internet addiction ?.

Why don't you just fuck off and do us all a favour chump.

Edit to add AWRA !, I see you've just logged back on as BP after your Hertz alias just got BANNED :) what a throbber you are :lol: .

Edited by hellbhoy
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Below is a BBC piece on The Clone Rangers accounts and how they have shortened the accounting period and most noticeably the highlighted bit I took an interest in somewhat and I wonder why eh ? :) .

The Rangers International Football Club Plc has shortened its accounting period from 30 November 2013 to 30 June 2013.

Documents lodged with Companies House showed all future accounting periods will now end on this date.

Similar documents were also filed for its subsidiaries, Rangers Media Ltd and Sevco Scotland Ltd.

The annual return document filed for Sevco Scotland Ltd - the company that bought Rangers' assets after its 2012 financial collapse - was incomplete.

Sevco Scotland Ltd changed its name to the Rangers Football Club Limited in July 2012.

Rangers International Football Club Plc's (RIFC) interim financial results were published in March and the shortening of the date will now bring it in line with almost every other football club in Scotland.

Assets purchase

Sevco Scotland Ltd was the company that acquired the assets of Rangers Football Club PLC last summer after the company formally entered liquidation proceedings, but Sevco's annual return was due to be filed by 26 June and was only registered with Companies House on 12 September.

The document was dated 29 May and contains no details of shareholding during the return period from the company's date of incorporation.

The annual return document normally provides details of the identities of company shareholders, which, in this case, would indicate who owned shares in Sevco Scotland Ltd before its acquisition by RIFC.

The document lists officers of the company, including Charles Green, Brian Stockbridge and Craig Mather, but has no details of individual or group shareholdings.

RIFC's statement of annual accounts - including details of any wholly-owned subsidiaries - requires to be published a month before the company's annual meeting, which must take place no later than 31 October.

Shareholders require three weeks' notice for the AGM and advance sight of the accounting report, whereupon they will vote to accept or reject the accounts.

Meanwhile, Rangers chief executive Craig Mather said in a statement: "Interim results were published in March and the company is currently completing its annual audit and annual accounts will be published in the near future when this has been completed.

"Also, the company has, in addition to the annual audit, been through an intensive internal financial review process."

Prizes for guessing who's involvement they would like to cover up 8) .

Edit to add link to the BEEB http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-24086184

Edited by hellbhoy
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STATEMENT from Chief Executive Craig Mather on behalf of the Board:

Rangers fans are entitled to be asking what is going on at their Club and I can fully understand their concerns. There have been times when I have also questioned the motives and logic of a few people over the last month or so and I have been right in at the centre of the discussions and meetings.

On occasion it has felt like being anchored in the eye of a storm of wild accusations hurled by men who have been determined to do everything in their power to slow this Club’s progress back to the top.

Let me say now and to every single fan: We will not be deterred. We will continue our rebuilding of this Club and even though our support have had to deal with scaremongering of the worst kind they will, in time, see that everything the current Board are doing is for the good of Rangers.

It is easy to toss insults and misinformation around like confetti without ever putting forward a coherent business plan with any degree of credence. It’s easy to decry the work of others and to cast aspersions. It is, however, much more difficult to admit when you are wrong.

There are dozens of terrific people working for Rangers. They are committed to this Club and they also deserve a period of calm and stability so that they and the Directors can get on with our jobs.

Both as a director and someone who has invested my own money in the future success of the Club I know that there are many of us who have been working tirelessly for Rangers and we believe totally that we are making a difference, even though some of us have been referred to as burglars, amateurs, asset strippers, you name it, we have kept going. The Club must come first and it would have helped enormously if only those who have tried so stubbornly to derail our process could have had a similar priority.

Over the last couple of months this Club has had the great misfortune to have been saddled with the threat of an GM all because a group of individuals, most of whom have never done anything for Rangers, some of whom never having invested felt they should become directors. No plan. No investment. No vision. Just an obsession to wear a tie and sit in the Directors’ Box.

Yet they were always quick to use the media to spread all kinds of inaccuracies and insults which caused some Rangers fans to be worried at best and fearful at worst. It was so unnecessary and so unfair on those fans and also the Club’s staff, who are often overlooked when Rangers are being discussed.

Perhaps we should have been more robust in our responses to them but we kept our focus despite the calumnies and we continued to put in the hours because we know we are making Rangers better and stronger. I cannot make every supporter believe that because the men who have tried to force their way in have poisoned some fans against the good being done within Ibrox but I will not give up.

As I have said before I have been talking with Jim McColl behind the scenes and I cannot and will not say anything that could damage him – I still believe he would have been a valuable addition to our Board – and I accept with good grace Frank Blin’s decision to remove himself from the process. Surely, Paul Murray and the others involved can also see that Rangers should have the time and space in which to continue its rehabilitation and journey back to the top.

A statement released by the Requisitioners earlier today suggests there was a refusal to engage with them but this Board has always been willing to be actively engaged with its shareholders.

The Board was, then, disappointed that the Requisitioners did not feel able to approach the board to discuss any concerns and instead felt the need to present a requisition for a GM which has caused further disruption and cost to the Company and had a negative impact on its ability to operate.

As a result of communication with the Requisitioners over a period of many weeks the Board had residual concerns with the consistency, substance and integrity of the proposals which had been put forward. These may not have been in the best interests of the Club and would not have reflected the interests of shareholders generally given that the Board also needed to consider the interests of the 70+% of other shareholders.

When asked, the Requisitioners had no underlying strategy for any proposed changes. In particular the requisition provided for the appointment of two new non-Executive Directors and the removal of the Executive Directors, which would have left the Company without directors to manage the day to day business.

The likely result of that would have seen the Company's shares suspended from trading on AIM.

It should also be stressed that the Board had asked all of the Requisitioners to authenticate their involvement in the requisition and only Artemis did so. There remains a question over the intentions and involvement of the Requisitioners and with the confirmed departure of Frank Blin and other conversations that have been had by the Board it is unclear whether all Requisitioners share a unified approach.

It is disappointing that the Requisitioners feel it is necessary to make statements in the press but it is important that shareholders decide for themselves based on full and accurate information.

I invested a significant amount of my money because I believe in this Club. That money doesn’t give me any rights but I didn’t buy shares because I wanted to call the shots. I invested because I know this Club can be great again and I firmly believe we are on the right track.

The Board has no wish to engage in press commentary or speculation on the discussions that have been had with the Requisitioners as the Board considers it more important to maintain the honour and integrity of the Club.

We remain focused and optimistic that now the threat of an GM has been removed we will be allowed calm instead of confusion and quiet rather than chaos. Rangers are well on the road to recovery as will become clear at the AGM next month and I would hope that now Frank Blin has decided he can no longer push for a place on the Board that his running mate, Paul Murray, will have the decency and dignity to arrive at the same conclusion. After all, every Rangers fan knows he was on the Board when the Club went into decline and he could not prevent it.

Neither will he be allowed to stop this Board from succeeding.

As has been stated previously the Board remains committed to appointing a new Chairman and also confirms it is open to making further Board appointments if these would be of strategic benefit to the Company.

I know we are on the right track, I know we are reducing spending but remaining strong on the pitch and I know our long-term strategy will succeed. I also know money hasn’t been disappearing without trace and that assets are never going to be sold off but there are some who simply will not believe that no matter what I, or any of the other Directors say.

It must be remembered the Company is a public company and as such must be transparent in relation to the provision of financial information to shareholders - interim results were published in March and the Company is currently completing its annual audit and annual accounts will be published in the near future when this has been completed. Also, the Company has, in addition to the annual audit been through an intensive internal financial review process and all the Board ask now is that everyone with the Club’s best interests at heart be allowed to continue their work.


Edited by AberdeenBud
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HAW TEDI !,you are a sad pathetic individual to create bogus aliases to keep his own rep up and the bears rep count up whilst handing out all your red dots to me at 2am in the morning ...

Well it isn't even 1am IN THE MORNING. Still, have a Helen from me, seeing as you're desperate.

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You are a complete cock socket aren't you creating alias profiles left,right & centre and not only that you have created a Hearts alias you wanker and have been outed by use of your grammar FUD.


I think you want to get caught because you don't try very hard to hide yourself these days,are you so addicted to P&B and get banned often that you now don't care and need to be caught so you can obviously seek out some counselling for your internet addiction ?.

Why don't you just fuck off and do us all a favour chump.

Edit to add AWRA !, I see you've just logged back on as BP after your Hertz alias just got BANNED :) what a throbber you are :lol: .

Most people use the phrase ' Zero pointer' you fucking weirdo, anyone who goes into the general nonsense forum will know this. That person you're talking about will more than likely be Paulo Sergio.

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If #Rangers board thought Jim McColl’s backed off from his challenge, this should make them think again: bbc.in/161iTmx #rfc


@BBCDouglasF Douglas, have you seen The Bullshit Billionaire’s business plan? No? That’s funny, neither have Rangers.


Nomads and the requisitioners. Cenkos refused to give approval for the appointment of James Easdale to RIFC. (cont) tl.gd/n_1rme4sj


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