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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Child abuse happens across all religions and cultures. The problem is when its institutionalized, and committed by people with perceived integrity. All too often the people in charge get embarrassed, and are more focused on limiting the damage it might cause to their organisation. Like what happened with John Chalmers at your club.

John chalmers has been wiped from Rangers fans memory.

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Scummy stuff from Hellboy.

At least we know how low the bar is set with regard to what's allowed on here.

Hellish placed said bar in the gutter.

Thankfully the plastics and diddies have much more important issues to worry about - such as the aesthetic appeal of Haggerty.

The John Grieg GIF I posted had absolutely fuck all to do with the Ibrox disaster you pair of fucking fannies getting offended by anything and ashamed of nothing.

It was a piss take of the bears slogan "we don't do walking away" and you two fuds damn well knew that before you posted your mock outrage encrusted with crocodile tears.


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The John Grieg GIF I posted had absolutely fuck all to do with the Ibrox disaster you pair of fucking fannies getting offended by anything and ashamed of nothing.

It was a piss take of the bears slogan "we don't do walking away" and you two fuds damn well knew that before you posted your mock outrage encrusted with crocodile tears.


That doesn't wash.

You'll doubtlessly know how the statue came to be there, what it represents and why it's situated in that location. But, you (and others) decide it's ok to make a joke of that - whilst pretending so very, very hard that the walking away element of the 'joke' is in no way connected to those who died there - and any response that challenges your ridiculous assertions or questions the appropriateness is a mockery?

I don't know a single Rangers supporter who makes light of this subject - far less jokes about it. You, however, insist that's the case and we're absolutely in the wrong to react in ways that don't suit you? Here's a truth - no Rangers supporter is going to agree with your interpretation of that 'joke'.

Meanwhile, in this curious, immoral world you live in - you still demand there will be a moral hierarchy and so dictate what is and isn't acceptable in response? A statue to mark the dead is fair game in your world.

Aye, right.

I can't imagine how you would even being to dare to take offence at 'jokes' in kind.

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That doesn't wash.

You'll doubtlessly know how the statue came to be there, what it represents and why it's situated in that location. But, you (and others) decide it's ok to make a joke of that - whilst pretending so very, very hard that the walking away element of the 'joke' is in no way connected to those who died there - and any response that challenges your ridiculous assertions or questions the appropriateness is a mockery?

I don't know a single Rangers supporter who makes light of this subject - far less jokes about it. You, however, insist that's the case and we're absolutely in the wrong to react in ways that don't suit you? Here's a truth - no Rangers supporter is going to agree with your interpretation of that 'joke'.

Meanwhile, in this curious, immoral world you live in - you still demand there will be a moral hierarchy and so dictate what is and isn't acceptable in response? A statue to mark the dead is fair game in your world.

Aye, right.

I can't imagine how you would even being to dare to take offence at 'jokes' in kind.

^ ^ ^ I'm surprised you could fart that out into a post.

Just how many offences in your lifetime have you insulted out into a phrase,comment,post or other that has referred to some kind of derogatory slur upon a person,persons or other you find humorous amongst your friends,family or other and thought feck all about it later on except a giggle at how funny it was ?.

If you can't see the humour in a statue walking away when John Greig had at the time whilst taking the piss out of Fat Sally's "we don't do walking away" comment then it's you who has a problem.

Whilst catching up with the thread from the past couple of days I'd say that you have latched onto something which wasn't there in the first place to deflect from your cunting mob from reminding us that young boys got abused and also for some point scoring by being mock offended just because you can.

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That doesn't wash.

You'll doubtlessly know how the statue came to be there, what it represents and why it's situated in that location. But, you (and others) decide it's ok to make a joke of that - whilst pretending so very, very hard that the walking away element of the 'joke' is in no way connected to those who died there

Wait a fckin minute. Either you are thick as fck or at it. If it's the second, you are seriously not right in the head.

Can I ask that one of your fellow Berzs PM's you and tells you to get off the Swally and get to your bed before you start to offend your fellow fans.

I've seen a lot posted on here, but to suggest the above, ranks as fckin disgusting in my book.

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2 things.

1: When Bendarroch came back with 'applepine' it was the funniest thing he's ever posted on here. Credit where credit's due: I laughed aloud.

2. That said, his faux outrage about that John Grieg statue walking away is wearing a bit thin. It is utterly nothing to do with the Ibrox disaster and you damn well know it - take it on the chin as a work of comic genius. As a visual gag, it is peerless on this thread. It's mastery is only matched by that rising gif of the 'big hoose' guy which is, by all measurable data, arguably the funniest thing of all time.

Oh and another thing, the image of Grieg's statue as Christ the redeemer or whatever is outstanding. I read Tedi say on another thread that he was proud he'd turned this thread into an abortion. I'd disagree strongly. Even today, after trawling through all that crap about child abuse (thanks guys) those Grieg images and that Rangers Grand Theft Auto poster made me happy as a clam.


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Also I'm studying film making in London and if I can find a producer down here crazy enough I'm making BRALT:The Movie. I don't have any huge preferences as to who plays who but Ted Danson has to be in there somewhere to appease the American market. That's a deal breaker. I also have it on good authority that Vernon Wells will reprise his legendary role in Commando to play Bennet (art imitating life imitating art - it's gonna be a high brow think piece) whilst the 'big hoose' guy will of course be played by Eddie Murphy in a fat suit.

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Some of the nonsense posted here nowadays is below even the Rangers/ Celtic forum.

FWIW using the Ibrox disaster memorial in any kind of joke is in poor taste...imo...i thought it had been removed after it was pointed out. that the statue was indeed a memorial to the 66 who lost their lifes? That said i am not going to lose any sleep over it

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Some of the nonsense posted here nowadays is below even the Rangers/ Celtic forum.

FWIW using the Ibrox disaster memorial in any kind of joke is in poor taste...imo...i thought it had been removed after it was pointed out. that the statue was indeed a memorial to the 66 who lost their lifes? That said i am not going to lose any sleep over it

Some would say that not knowing what the memorial you claim is so sacrosanct actually commemorates would knock the wind right out of your sails. That said, your credibility is lower than a snake's belly anyway, so the above is not surprising.

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Some would say that not knowing what the memorial you claim is so sacrosanct actually commemorates would knock the wind right out of your sails. That said, your credibility is lower than a snake's belly anyway, so the above is not surprising.

It has been mentioned on this very thread. It was when it was photoshopped to appear as a shipyard worker. Of course you would know this but are choosing to ignore it.

As for my credibility with the likes of you...are you being serious? You need to stop taking yourself so seriously. Only the other day you were talking about 'tarriers'...does this make you a bigot?

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It has been mentioned on this very thread. It was when it was photoshopped to appear as a shipyard worker. Of course you would know this but are choosing to ignore it.

As for my credibility with the likes of you...are you being serious? You need to stop taking yourself so seriously. Only the other day you were talking about 'tarriers'...does this make you a bigot?

Keep digging, racist...

Your faux-offence is unsurprising - I confess to being a wee bit disappointed that you haven't picked up on the clues that are littered through the last day or so's posts.

Not very good at this game, are you?

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Whilst catching up with the thread from the past couple of days I'd say that you have latched onto something which wasn't there in the first place to deflect from your cunting mob from reminding us that young boys got abused and also for some point scoring by being mock offended just because you can.

Here's the facts, Hellish - and I should tell you beforehand that Henrik's Tongue defended you by stating he didn't think you are 'the type'.

Can you guess who was the first person to raise the subject of child abuse after you posted the image of Greig?

Or do you already know and have decided to try and pretend it was 'a Rangers supporter' so as to deflect attention away from the c**t in question? Here's the first clue as to who introduced the subject - it wasn't any of the Rangers supporter. And neither was it the first time of late.

This is your big chance to prove HT right and show us you aren't just a complete fucking liar.

Here's the final clue. The following quote is the first time the subject is raised after you posted the Grieg image: "And while I'm not 100% certain that you've joined in with the child-abuse rants on here over the months, I'm 110% certain that you've never pulled any of your fellow-bigots up for same."

Not the type was it? Aye...

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Keep digging, racist...

Your faux-offence is unsurprising - I confess to being a wee bit disappointed that you haven't picked up on the clues that are littered through the last day or so's posts.

Not very good at this game, are you?

I dont play games with the likes of you. Your hatred shines through every post you make. It is glaringly obvious exactly what you are. As somebody said...given time hate filled bigots will always out themselves in the end. You burst onto this thread and unsurprisingly this thread alone and i would have classed you alongside the likes of monkey tennis...how wrong could i be! You have slowly unraveled in plain view to the sad wee bigot we see today.

I have probably made a few spelling mistakes here...tbh i couldnt care less. I am sure you get the drift of my message. I have nithing but contempt for hate filled people like you

Edited by No8.
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Keep digging, racist...

Your faux-offence is unsurprising - I confess to being a wee bit disappointed that you haven't picked up on the clues that are littered through the last day or so's posts.

Not very good at this game, are you?

What a scummy little bhoy you are. Not content with repeatedly raising the subject of child abuse into the thread - I've just noticed that image of the disabled guy you posted.


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I dont play games with the likes of you. Your hatred shines through every post you make. It is glaringly obvious exactly what you are. As somebody said...given time hate filled bigots will always out themselves in the end. You burst onto this thread and unsurprisingly this thread alone and i would have classed you alongside the likes of monkey tennis...how wrong could i be! You have slowly unraffled in plain view to the sad wee bigot we see today.

I have probably made a few spelling mistakes here...tbh i couldnt care less. I am sure you get the drift of my message. I have nithing but contempt for hate filled people like you

I'm beginning to wonder why the plastics allow this fhanny to be a part of their wee gang. He'd shame the devil if he had a conscience.

And I owe Monkey Tennis an apology for comparing him to this scummy b*****d. MT hasn't even touched the sides of the burning hate the WKR has for anything Rangers.

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