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My friend and fellow Celtic supporter DhenBhoy who is also a former British soldier would be well within his rights to take issue with being called scum by you

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That's not going to happen, after all we've got the Army behind us. :P

Is this the same British Army who our Government trusts so much that when they send them into conflict send a Whitehall mandarin as policy advisor, This advisor who told Lieutenant-General Sir Graeme Cameron Maxwell Lamb, KBE, CMG, DSO what he could and could not do when we invaded Iraq for the second time? This mandarin who grew up playing Irish Rebel Songs with James Connolly posters on his walls? The only good thing is that he has since gained promotion and is no longer the Mods head of counter terrorism but is now much higher up. I for one feel much safer.

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This pro/anti military stuff is just irrelevant nonsense, pushed by horrible people.

Just ignore it and it'll go away soon enough. All of it is attention-seeking idiocy that has precious little to do with politics, let alone football.

Roll your eyes and change the channel. They thrive on controversy and want everyone at each others' throats over nothing. Ignore them all and they'll die out.

You totally stole that from a very deep novel.

Someone ending in a 'ov' or an 'o'

I love the 'o's particularly.

Eco, Saramago, Rushdieo, Bulgakofio,

ffs I'm totally, a little bit, squiffy.

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Oh ffs, you're a really bitter person aren't you. I've not agreed with everything the British Army have done in the name of the British people but at the end of the day they have put this country first and foremost. Just too add if the armed forces were against their personnel participating in the events at Ibrox do you think they'd sanction it.

General Hague! Rotfpmlaasmkbilintfoac

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Greenie owed if you care about such trivialities.

Reputations are immense on P&B.

Ask any amigo.

Even the ghosts.

Like the dead club!

Except!!!!; there urny any ghosts!!!

Yer died, forever. ;)

They sit in a, reeking off evil basement (see 'Pulp Fiction') (( Near the end AWRA:)) (((yer favourite KUMBIT!!)))

Edited by johncolegrady
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You're just biased, Henrik. And as someone who has a brother who was a serving soldier who was wounded,(shot in the buttocks while on the retreat I hasten too add), I applaud them

Really, Youngsy, you're quite intelligent. Does that no make ye gringe like f**k???????????????????????????????????????????

Can anyone other than BP so unpoliticised?

Edited by johncolegrady
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Your act isn't washing Dhensest - I doubt your fellow plastics are buying it either - your trying too hard to be disrespectful to your fellow soldiers to appease the sporting wingers. Your their enemy within - literally.

Did you not see earlier in the thread how you are regarded by the plastics? Scum they called you.

Bloostained wasn't it? Aye, that's it.

Total drama queen.

I think the auld term is 'melt sumthin'.

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What honour is there in whistling,shouting and applauding on a day that is set aside to respect the fallen to be followed by a glorified football match in which the majority of fans will quickly forget the dead to spout bile in the same breath ?.

Just imagine if Stenny pump The Clone Rangers at Ibrox then how fucking dignified will your fellow fans be then ?.

Do you actually think those who fell in battles for our freedoms and died care about the circus proposed at Ibrox tomorrow ?,it's a sham and a disgrace to my family members who died in those great battles and would most definitely be insulted by it with a Football club using the occasion for a cheap publicity stunt to appear like they fucking care.

My Grandpa spent six years of the war defending London by manning an anti-aircraft gun.

He didnae like fascists.

He supported Blantyre Celtic.

Go figure amigos!

You support an anachronism.

Guess what?

You're died.

Lie down.

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To me and most other normal people the events at Ibrox look nothing more than a jazzed up recruitment show to tell the gullible how much fun you could have in the army :rolleyes: To me they glorify war with all this shite and the dead seem to be the last thing on anyones mind, especially a bunch of pissed up football fans.

Maybe they are planning for the future as they intend the next incarnation to start life as Sevco CSKA

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So you find it acceptable to mock people with disabilities??

This from you is a disgrace.

You recently received a warning from the mods for your repeated use of the vile and disgusting phrase "window licker"

You repeatedly throw around the word "spacker". Another reprehensible word used pejoratively to describe and insult people with disabilities.

And now you wish to point score on this subject??

If you were genuinely concerned about the use of language in this regard you would first apologise for your use of the term "window licker" which you were asked to do at the time. You refused saying that you dont ever apologise for anything (a clear indication of your mentality).

You care nothing for the subject and only wish to use it to point score. A vile act.

Will you now apologise for using the term "window licker" and "spacker" repeatedly?

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This from you is a disgrace.

You recently received a warning from the mods for your repeated use of the vile and disgusting phrase "window licker"

You repeatedly throw around the word "spacker". Another reprehensible word used pejoratively to describe and insult people with disabilities.

And now you wish to point score on this subject??

If you were genuinely concerned about the use of language in this regard you would first apologise for your use of the term "window licker" which you were asked to do at the time. You refused saying that you dont ever apologise for anything (a clear indication of your mentality).

You care nothing for the subject and only wish to use it to point score. A vile act.

Will you now apologise for using the term "window licker" and "spacker" repeatedly?

I'm assuming that last is what they call a rhetorical question?

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Has Major Eales came out in opposition to this particular event in honouring the forces? I'll take a guess here and say no, simply because if there was opposition to it from anyone in high authority of the forces then i'm quite sure it wouldn't be happening. Would you agree with that?

Of course I'd agree with that.

I'd also agree that night follows day, that grass is green and with lots of other thoroughly irrelevant stuff.

As you know, last year's absurd display was being highlighted and discussed, when you said that nobody from the forces' hierarchy had any objection. Once more, you shifted the focus when the fact that you couldn't have been more wrong, was pointed out.

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