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Do you actually see this "one poster" as a Rangers fan?

I'm seeing him as an imposter. Despite citing similar sources at points, I'm pretty certain he's not Tedi. The content is just too mental. If Frank really is a Rangers fan, he's the best possible illustration of not only why Rangers run into trouble, but why the rest of us love it so.

I have my doubts about him though. He conforms to our beloved stereotype too neatly.

Agreed, I'm waiting for the tedious scooby doo moment when the villain is unmasked

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Is Charlotte actually Paul Murray ?? :blink:

During one of the numerous AIM investigations into RIFC, Cenkos were able to confirm that as a result of terminations, leaks should cease.

Also it was stated to the regulators that the email server, hosted by a third party, had been breached. *This is news to me. Had such an

intrusion taken place, I would have heard about it. I would therefore urge all to ask RIFC for further clarification and implications.
Edited by GreenockRover
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We service our debt.

We pay our taxes and creditors.

We took stock of overspending years ago (to keep up with the cheating oldco) hence why we have been shockingly bad for so long

But as a club our heads are held high.

Your shameful Newco is an arrogant, immoral, disgusting entity just like your scum support.

Enjoy your big fancy state of the art electronic scoreboard while we watch the Newco die

Enjoy your half a million pound team bus (whats left of it)

Enjoy worshipping the greedy, fat, scaremongering joke of a manager

Enjoy the Charity money your despicable new club have kept for themselves

Enjoy reading articles from an ex-media hack who agrees with us all your club died on your OFFICIAL site

Whilst the rest of us wait for the inevitable day when you have no football club at all to attach your draconian, outdated, bigoted views to.

Hopefully then you will all go back to the caves where you were born and rid Scotland of it's shame.

RIP Rangers Inter & God bless and long live Glasgow Tomahawks! :lol:

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If the Rangers support want to concentrate the minds of the spivs they should totally boycott (yes, I know!) the next game.

I mean what does the fixture actually matter? A totally empty stadium would demonstrate that the taken-for-granted gullible source of spiv pension fund donatees are saying 'enough'.

Focus the anger on the sinister carpet-baggers rather than externally on your 'enemies' - who mostly exist in your bunker mentality agendas

Apache proud to be enemy of forked-tongue XXXXL fuds. :thumsup2

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Yes i'm back and judging from your post count it seems like you never left. :rolleyes:

I know it's all about Rangers and that you are obssesed with us but feck sake how many posts about Rangers accounts do you need to make. Rangers must keep you awake at night judging by the amount of time you seem to spend posting about the club.

You do relise St mirren have a vital relegation batttle against Hearts on Saturday don't you?? Maybe not!!! :unsure2:

I'm guessing you are a 'sleeper' recently awakened by The Polterfud. Right? You certainly have the MO.

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Is Charlotte actually Paul Murray ?? :blink:

During one of the numerous AIM investigations into RIFC, Cenkos were able to confirm that as a result of terminations, leaks should cease.

Also it was stated to the regulators that the email server, hosted by a third party, had been breached. *This is news to me. Had such an

intrusion taken place, I would have heard about it. I would therefore urge all to ask RIFC for further clarification and implications.

He or she is certainly not one from the green side that's for sure. Initially, I thought it was some pen pusher inside Ibrox who had copied a bunch of files onto a pen drive one day. After seeing it play out over the months it's probablly someone who is, or was a director at some point, and CF is most likely someone acting as a proxy for them. Infact, its rumoured several people are using CF's account. If CF releases a evidence which shows undeniable proof that Whyte is pulling the strings behind the scenes early next year, then it will confirm my suspicions of the motives behind the account.

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Although he is quite rightly regarded as a complete tit, It now appears Mr Graham is dancing to the tune of the P&D's.

By Chris Graham | Contributor

Much of the focus in the past two days has rightly been on the release of the audited accounts for Rangers. There is much analysis still to be done on these and they arguably raised more questions than answers but I will leave the detailed analysis to those better qualified than myself to speak on such matters.

However the old adage about certain days being good ones to release bad news was taken to new levels by this current board on 1st October 2013. Not only did they pick the day that Celtic played Barcelona to ensure that scrutiny of their various releases to the London Stock Exchange (LSE) would be minimised, but they also clearly knew the accounts would be the main topic of conversation.

Now the accounts were woeful. Let’s not beat around the bush. Mather and Stockbridge can try, and have tried, to put a brave face on it all but only an idiot would accept that the club has been run well over the last 12 months. Huge director salaries and bonuses, IPO costs around 25% when the standard is around 5%, non-playing staff costs dwarfing those of the playing staff (a unique proposition for football clubs) and the IPO money gone in less than the space of year. The spin that our two esteemed executive directors have tried to place on these matters over the past two days has been bizarre to watch, but that is for another article.

There were no less than four releases to the LSE by Rangers on the 1st October. One was the aforementioned annual results and notice of the AGM to be held on the 24th October at Ibrox. A small side point here – if you are a shareholder make sure you attend and vote in this AGM. If you can’t attend then make sure you find a way to proxy your vote to either a group like the RST or a friend who can attend for you. If you bought your shares from a broker (after the IPO) then make sure you contact them and inform them of your wish to attend the AGM and vote – they should be able to advise you what you have to do.

The second notice was about Charles Green finally disposing of shares beneath the notifiable level of 3%. Many pronouncements have been made over the past few months by both Green and the Easdales about the disposal and purchase of these shares but most of them have failed to materialise on the LSE website. Despite the best efforts of their media and blogging mouthpieces, the levels of shareholdings announced via those mediums still do not tally with the situation as announced to the LSE. It now at least appears that some of Green’s shares have indeed been sold, breaking the lock in agreement with Cenkos, although Green’s assertion that he no longer has any financial interest in Rangers is difficult to verify. I certainly won’t be taking his word for it.

The third and fourth notices are probably of the most concern though and were clearly released in the hope that they would be swamped by the news of the accounts and the incredibly #brave actions of our chums from the East End in another Champions League defeat. To some extent this has worked.

First of all it was announced that we have parted company with our second nominated advisor (NOMAD) in the past year. Strand Hanson took over from Cenkos and are the advisers who were used to block the suggested compromise deal to add Sandy Easdale, Paul Murray, Frank Blin and John McClelland to the board. It would appear things have become too hot for them and they have now been replaced by Daniel Stewart who previously acted as brokers for Rangers.

A number of things are concerning about this: Firstly, the fact that we are now on our third NOMAD in just under a year is virtually unheard of. Cenkos are generally regarded as a top notch NOMAD in the City of London and the circumstances of their departure are still unexplained. Strand Hanson, without being unkind to them, were a step down at least in terms of reputation. Daniel Stewart are a further notch, or several, below that. By their own admission they are incapable of representing a company the size of Rangers. But what is particularly concerning is that Daniel Stewart have clear connections with Charles Green having previously worked with him at Nova Resources.

Daniel Stewart is also the firm which Green famously told Jim McColl to deposit £14 million with in order for him to walk away from Rangers. Why are we appointing a lesser known NOMAD with links to Charles Green on the day that Green’s shareholding drops below the 3% mark? Why can we not hold onto a NOMAD for longer than a few months?

The above is bad enough but the most concerning notice has been left for last. Behind curtain number four is reference to Section S338 of the Companies Act but, in layman’s terms, this board are attempting to block the nomination of other directors at the AGM. In effect this means that instead of the shareholders attending being allowed to have a democratic vote on both the current and proposed directors, the board would prefer it if nobody opposed them.

Now I can understand this. Their performance, in my opinion, has been a shambles both in terms of their financial guidance of Rangers and also their general representation of the club in public and private. If I were them then I wouldn’t want an open and democratic vote on my future either. However that is what the fans want and it is what the shareholders want. No matter what you think of Paul Murray and Jim McColl, you must be concerned that this board do not want to give shareholders the opportunity to vote for change.

I bought shares partly to have a say in such matters but mainly to help my football club to rebuild itself after financial Armageddon. I didn’t expect to make money from the shares I purchased. I’ve watched the money that myself and others put up, in my opinion, squandered on ridiculous executive salaries and bonuses. I’ve seen what I consider to be poor commercial performance and I’ve seen executives make some bizarre and indefensible statements which are unworthy of my football club. I’d like the opportunity to attend an AGM and, along with other fan and institutional shareholders, decide whether these people should be allowed to continue or whether those nominated by the institutional investors should be brought in instead. This board are attempting to deny me that right in what I consider to be a desperate stunt.

Their assertion that the documentation has already been sent to the printers is one of the most pathetic excuses I have ever heard of to stop what amounts to an election. The requisitioning shareholders have already offered to pay any additional printing and postage costs. Why are this board so determined to stop anyone from outside their little clique being brought onto the board? Why won’t they allow a democratic shareholder vote on the direction our football club takes? They will happily use mouthpieces like Bill McMurdo to tell us that they will win any vote easily so why try to stop that vote with these pathetic excuses?

The financial figures are atrocious. Many questions remain about exactly where large amounts of money have gone. The level of IPO fees alone is cause for concern and there is no clarity in the accounts on why those costs are so high. The Pinsent Masons report remains unpublished and will stay as a document seen only by the board. We still have no clarity on the beneficial shareholders behind Blue Pitch and Margarita. We still have minimal clarity on exactly what Charles Green’s shareholding situation is. We can’t hold on to a NOMAD for more than a few months. We can’t see the board’s five-year plan despite their calls for the nominees to produce theirs.

Both the fans and the shareholders deserve a say in the future of this board. They are trying to deny that say to shareholders at the upcoming AGM and to fans in the stands by demonising them for protesting. If alarm bells are still not ringing for a few in our support then they best wake up soon.

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He's just trying to get you to donate to their funds by calling that premium number!

Some alternatives from http://www.saynoto0870.com/numbersearch.php

General 0141 580 8500; Community, football coaching 0141 580 8819; Tickets 0141 580 8501


Edited by cyderspaceman
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and I bet bayern's manager isn't paid as much as sooper doper ally

Cool story.

Win at Bayern and the coach who has a €17m-a-year salary (£14.5m) will extend the "little Barcelona" entourage he has established in Bavaria; falter and his "clique" will be seen as burden on the wage bill


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RIFC also noted it passed a resolution “in accordance with section 506 of the Companies Act 2006 that the auditors name should not be stated” in the accounts.

Section 506 can be invoked if there are “reasonable grounds that statement of the name would create or be likely to create a serious risk that the auditor or senior statutory auditor, or any other person, would be subject to violence or intimidation, has resolved that the name should not be stated.”

Secrecy. They just can't exist without it. :shutup Transparency! That's what we need.

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RIFC also noted it passed a resolution “in accordance with section 506 of the Companies Act 2006 that the auditors name should not be stated” in the accounts.

Section 506 can be invoked if there are “reasonable grounds that statement of the name would create or be likely to create a serious risk that the auditor or senior statutory auditor, or any other person, would be subject to violence or intimidation, has resolved that the name should not be stated.”

Secrecy. They just can't exist without it. :shutup Transparency! That's what we need.

From who????

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This is why you can't have Sevco fans investigating Sevco. Not prepared to dig further, or draw any damning conclusions.

Tedi's back! And he's raging more than ever :lol:

Chuckles bought them BTW :1eye

I keep asking this question.

Who is the legal owner of all that lovely silver in the trophy room?

If I had bought the assets I'd have melted that lot and sold it immediately.

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You're right in saying that I sort of accept continuation. It's not based on what LNS, or any self-serving governing bodies say though. It's based on the notion that clubs are really about their fans, and that something lives on if they're still around.

I don't accept this continuation as seamless though. Something did die and a re-birth was necessary. It was therefore entirely right that they re-start at the bottom of the national set-up.

They can keep their unbelievably ugly history if they wish, as far as I'm concerned.

I kind of think of it like if someone was pronounced dead (i.e. their heart had stopped beating) but then they were miraculously brought back to life. It's still the same person.

I do think Rangers have to live with (1) having a broken history (2) handing Celtic 3 titles during their stay in the lower leagues, (3) other fans laughing at them, (4) the fact the majority of non-Rangers fans will never accept it's the same club.

All of this will make them feel even more persecuted which in turn will make their intransigent fans even more intransigent. But I for one accept they are the same club and have 54 titles, wish it wasn't the case but there you go.

One thing I will say: if LNS / SFA / UEFA had said the opposite and insisted it was a new club with no history, you'd struggle to find a single Rangers fan who would have accepted that. We'd have "in our hearts we know it's still the same club, don't care what Nhimmo-Smith says" etc. They quote him now because it suits them to do so, not because they unflinchingly accept his every word.

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Do you actually see this "one poster" as a Rangers fan?

I'm seeing him as an imposter. Despite citing similar sources at points, I'm pretty certain he's not Tedi. The content is just too mental. If Frank really is a Rangers fan, he's the best possible illustration of not only why Rangers run into trouble, but why the rest of us love it so.

I have my doubts about him though. He conforms to our beloved stereotype too neatly.

Disagree, I think it is indeed the one with many names ;) . As for 'The content is just too mental.' I would suggest you re-read some of 'Little Grasp's' posts immediately prior to his 'Tedi' persona's departure to join the spirit world. The reason he fits the stereotype so neatly, is because he designed it. He is probably responsible for about half of all accounts on here, that are or have been attributable to his tribe.

Edited by Apache Don
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I see both Malcolm Murray and Craig Mather are both saying the cash burn not their fault. (Tom English on Twitter)

I suppose a big boy did it and ran (walked) away.

{quote, Tom English}

Craig Mather says Rangers cash burn not his fault. Malcolm Murray says it's not his fault either. Pathetic buck-passing.


Can't copy and paste. even on 2nd attempt.

Finally, lol

Edited by glensburgh
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