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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Two years worth of information from a myriad of "sources of dubious origin" and by far the majority of it within a respectable touching distance of actually having basis in fact, resulting in the wholly embarrassing demise/reincarnation/duplication/maceration of anything associated with the word "Rangers" ?

Yep. f**k all to see here bears.

Wallets oot... :lol:

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Nah.... took it for as long as he could possibly get away with it. Pretty predictable really, not sure we all wouldn't do the same thing if we thought we could also. :angel

Remember, Sally's mindset is formed by those around him and the "ethos" they all prescribe to; "We are Scotlands' most successful Club, we deserve the best, so we're going to continue our financial spending patterns to reflect our opinion" (They Are The People)

The realities of their position in the lower leagues has been suspended in their heads because they see themselves as "returning" ;) to the Premiership in three great leaps so want to spend and behave like - well - RFC of old really. It's as if the overspending mantra of old never happened.

Denial in it's most delusionary form enhanced by a massively self perpetuated victim culture that simply stops them being able to see or believe that they're having their wallets emptied faster than a drunk bloke asleep on the London Underground.

Sad AND hilarious in equal measure. As I mentioned previously....Hoisted on their own petard.

f**k 'em.

f**k 'em ALL

you'd need a fairly big gravestone to get all that on, but it would make a good epitaph for Rangers Mark II

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Yes. Why do you ask here of all places? What has it to do with your cheating dead club being liquidated or your current club pissing money away?

It's all he's got left to cling to tbf.

Keep on shooting those messengers, it's worked a treat so far! :D

Someone with more time on there hands had to pull out some old posts praising Chucky.

Clap your hands if you hate the SFA! :lol:

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Again, trying to be fair HB. I'd say that a high percentile of the reds you get are deserved, there is a portion which are not, but in the main.....

Sounds like you're perhaps not familiar, with the recent Tedi tactic of going back months to red dot posts, to those who have - as HB says - gotten under his skin. He has also - allegedly - created several 'alias' accounts, which he has been using to boost his own rep and that of selected pals (check out Bennett's profile, Tedi is responsible for about 80% of his rep :o ) whilst attacking the likes of HB with his arsenal of red arrows bullets.

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Sounds like you're perhaps not familiar, with the recent Tedi tactic of going back months to red dot posts, to those who have - as HB says - gotten under his skin. He has also - allegedly - created several 'alias' accounts, which he has been using to boost his own rep and that of selected pals (check out Bennett's profile, Tedi is responsible for about 80% of his rep :o ) whilst attacking the likes of HB with his arsenal of red arrows bullets.

Another one keeping tabs on yours truly :lol:

Best profile on P&B..............

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Imagine when chucky rolled into town, I don't think even the craziest Diddy could have written a script for his end game this entertaining! :D

Although Chris Graham send to have undergone a Damascene conversion over to the P&D's way of thinking. :)

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this is the mentality that is actually killing their club. (Or killed their old one and is killing the new one)

quote from 'nachothelegend'

Its been unbelievable this Week and those at the BBC ,RC ,DR ,SUN and no Doubt all the other Left Wing University Socialist Republican Elitist, Rangers Hating Terrorist Loving Scum, have been working overtime to drive a Wedge in between us ,and the Board at Rangers FC .

Some of our Fans really Really need to waken up to this ,been saying it for Years now that in our Midst, there are some who will capitulate to them at the drop of a Hat.

Every club has within it's support a few bawbag frothing lunatics. Let's say typically 1 or 2 % ( I've met a few Dons guys who are single brain-cell idiots)

But with 'The Rangers' I would estimate 40%* of their followers are morons. Loud, nasty, blinkered and bigoted morons.

any advance on 40%?

The irony of the bit in red, when most of the population of Scotland, if asked, ''Which football club in this country, would you consider to be regarded as -The Establishment's Club? '' would've replied ''The Glasgow Rangers''. Muppets! :lol:

PS I have no recolection of this meeting. :o

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So why does Ian Hart refer to Chuckie as He with a capital H? IBecause Chuckie is the nearest thing to God he can find?

In essence he is saying no one will touch an investment in Rangers, the fans are split and clearly this is a company in chaos.

Watch the flaming arrows hit them on a daily basis during October 2013. This could be the most entertaining and enlightening month of this long sorry saga.


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