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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Was watching an episode of Come Dine With Me..I know...There was a coloured chap on it who described himself as coloured throughout. It was utterly bizarre that a young white primary school teacher kept complaining that he couldn't call himself coloured as he was being Racist. :1eye

As for the AGM. It looks like a done deal...The gangsters will win the day and Rangers will be in Administration before the end of the season. Seemingly the Easdales are not intimidated by little Red cards being waved at them. It has been a carve up since day 1 so it comes as no real surprise..I am just surprised so many of our supporters still cannot see it.

Will be interesting to see what happens come May when the renewal forms go out. I like to think i wont renew but walking away wont be easy. I know myself once the season ticket goes that will be it. I simply wont go back and i am not convinced i will have the courage of my convictions.

As for having Paul Murray on the board as a compromise. I don't see what good that would do. He would be left isolated and with no power whatsoever

Don't worry the impending admin and shit players for the next season will help you make your mind up No8 :rolleyes: , or the chance to go for a world record of 36 wins in a row in the championship may help you give the spivs your hard earned tips :P .

You know you won't surrender your ST when the renewal slip lands through your door :lol: .

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Technically correct though. Rangers International Football Club are the holding company of The Rangers Football Club (formerly Sevco Scotland). I'm assuming Easdale is the chairman of the former which is the club that owns the SFA Licence, pays players etc. Cleverly worked but still not proof for me that a club is a separate entity from the company that operates it.

It appears that RIFC (the holding company) is the one running the operating loss. I suspect that the structure is such that RIFC can go into Admin and the club (The Rangers FC , formerly Sevco Scotland) could then be sold debt free and the shareholders in RIFC could divvy up the proceeds.

I'm not sure if this incurs sanctions from the SFA or not. I don't think Hearts were punished when their holding company entered admin, only when the club itself did.

DJ D, to me that's exactly what is happening, the debt is being accrued by the holding company and when it goes into financial difficulty it will be wound up and the club/company will be sold off as an asset of the holding company and once again the fans will be fucked over because they bought shares in the holding company.

They won't have a say when the club is sold off as one entire entity to possibly another ego eccentric megalomaniac :lol: .

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£19m revenue, £18m wage bill. FD will outline one off costs later in meeting.

Excuse me? Revenues barely even meet the wage bill? Forget fixed costs, tax (No laughing, VAT receipts at least), depreciation, rates, utility bills, insurance etc, etc.

Utterly insane given the events of the last two years.



Could we all list the one off costs alone on the thread to gauge the accrued debt for the end of the season ?,

1, Cancellation of three players contracts Sandaza, & co. ? £1.5 million minimum.

2, In house investigation to say Whyte wasn't involved. ? £ ???

3, Directors pay outs after they were asked to leave. ? £ ???

4, Running costs for the stadium and matchday fixtures. ? £ 12 million plus.

Anything else missing ?. It would appear that Sevco are outspending themselves more than last season as it would appear to suggest that they have already spent well over £30 million just with the wages and stadium running costs :blink: .

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DJ D, to me that's exactly what is happening, the debt is being accrued by the holding company and when it goes into financial difficulty it will be wound up and the club/company will be sold off as an asset of the holding company and once again the fans will be fucked over because they bought shares in the holding company.


They won't have a say when the club is sold off as one entire entity to possibly another ego eccentric megalomaniac :lol: .


No, they have now made the club an asset, as it's no longer a company in its own right it can be classified as that and as an asset it's separate from the stadium and Murray park

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Was it Hearts fault our club was liquidated? Killies? Dunfermlines maybe?? Why wish that on any of them? I don't want to see any of those clubs go through what we have had to endure over the last couple of seasons. Try looking closer to home for those at fault..You and I and every other Rangers supporter have to take their share of the responsibility for the club being liquidated and the sooner you accept that and stop looking to blame others the better for the club.

I am fed up pussy footing around other Rangers posters/supporters and worrying about falling out with them. Our club is on the brink..literally on the brink again and you are honestly taking some solace in the fact Hearts might have to play a couple of seasons in the lower leagues.

I don't know what Rangers means to you but it means a helluva lot to me and i ll be honest i have been hurting at the thought of those b*****ds running our club. Running the club into the ground again and being helpless to stop it. Time you all woke up to the real enemy of Rangers and i ll give you a clue..It is not Regan..Doncaster..Lawwell it is not even an anti Scottish Presbyterian Opus Dei plot. Nope the real enemy of Rangers is a lot closer to home.

Never mind you Wee Sons Of Struth really showed them when you waved your wee Red Cards at them. I bet the Easdales were shaking in their boots when they saw a few thousand spotty weans waving the Red Cards!! FFS these are hardened criminals and no matter how many demonstrations you have they will be totally unmoved by it. They will be sitting in the Boardroom at Ibrox pissing themselves at the time and money wasted on these futile gestures.

Never mind eh...At Least Hearts will be in the Championship for a couple of years!! :rolleyes:

Well done No8 and I had already ran out of greenies or I would have gave one gladly :) , the mask always slips with you lot eventually doesn't it ?. If you had remembered the orc talk political party line they claim it was the company that got liquidated but here we are and the truth will always out :) , so if yer club got liquidated then what club do you support now :P .

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What's rangers financial year end, for accounts?

I've been told, player bonuses aren't getting paid until May. Win bonus, goal scorer bonus, and best of all, Some players are on a points accrued bonus.

Another one of Daves impeccable sources lol

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What's rangers financial year end, for accounts?

I've been told, player bonuses aren't getting paid until May. Win bonus, goal scorer bonus, and best of all, Some players are on a points accrued bonus.

Taking advantage of the new tax year, perhaps ?

Would it be good financial advice for anyone to register as self-employed and be responsible for one's own tax contributions etc if one's employer was having cash flow problems ?

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I was pretty sure but now you've got me wondering, i'll check back later. You may have done your usual "i agree but......" routine.

The old Rangers should only have players from the division we're playing in moan was a lot of nonsense, changing players every season would have been a nightmare. Our playing squad imo is ok, maybe a bit big and we could lose a few fringe players but it's a team of mainly free transfer journeymen SPLers, hardly the superstars that some make them out to be........... but good enough for what was the SFL levels.

The gorund was filled by fans wanting to see their team play fitba, nothing more - nothing less. Now i'd like to see those same fans take a step a back for a while.

The moneys not gone on the players, so it's a bit silly to say that we can't ask questions about it just because the team is winning.

25% of the share issue gone in fees, when the usual fee should be around a fith of that. (just one wee example of the problem)

OOOOOH my aching sides Benny :lol: , do you honestly think that Rangers fans will flood into Ibrox if they struggled to beat part timers in the Painters & decorators League ?. They will boycott the club because their need to pulverise the opposition into a pulp every week is an absolute must because that's all the Rangers fans have ever been used for over two decades and for those under 30 anything else isn't worth showing up for.

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OOOOOH my aching sides Benny :lol: , do you honestly think that Rangers fans will flood into Ibrox if they struggled to beat part timers in the Painters & decorators League ?. They will boycott the club because their need to pulverise the opposition into a pulp every week is an absolute must because that's all the Rangers fans have ever been used for over two decades and for those under 30 anything else isn't worth showing up for.


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Tedi red dotted this post ffs.............. :lol:

Tedi is at the same level as HBQC.

Kincardine is at the same level as Gordon Jackson QC

Haw you ffs :lol: , I'm way above Tedi but get sucked down to the fannies level of stupidity at times because he is a fud who likes nothing other than posting pish after pish :( .

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No, they have now made the club an asset, as it's no longer a company in its own right it can be classified as that and as an asset it's separate from the stadium and Murray park

The club is listed in companies house as a viable company in it's own right and owns it's own stadium and assets, but the club/company plus it's assets is owned by the International version which runs the clubs financial & legal obligations. If the holding company goes into financial meltdown the club can be sold off and could be run solely by itself without another holding company.

It's all in the wording probably :huh: .

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The club is listed in companies house as a viable company in it's own right and owns it's own stadium and assets, but the club/company plus it's assets is owned by the International version which runs the clubs financial & legal obligations. If the holding company goes into financial meltdown the club can be sold off and could be run solely by itself without another holding company.

It's all in the wording probably :huh: .

Apart from that it is against SFA and UEFA rules. UEFA and the SFA don't allow memberships to be transferred so that a club can avoid paying its debt.

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So essentially a Sevco (or future incarnation) living within its means. Would have a player budget of £2-3m a season, and that is assuming you have selfless directors and staff who are taking little to nothing in remuneration from them. However, when you're struggling to make top 4-6. The question in the long run will be if 20k+ fans be prepared to pay £500+ for a ST, and 10k+ fans are willing to pay £30+ to watch a league game. I think the answer is most likely no.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Another one of Daves impeccable sources lol

Like the last time I slipped some info on here?

AofJays slagged you for not believing me as it was proved correct less that two weeks later... It was round about then you decided to deflect from making a tit of yourself and started calling me Jim Jones. Very witty.

I'll give you a wee tit bit. Daly is on 7k a week. He's also on 7k a point. Bonus to be paid at the end of the season.

It looks like the leAks aren't going to stop as I got told tonight that one of my friends just got a job at Ibrox. And we're not talking in the pie stall, smart arse.

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Like the last time I slipped some info on here?

AofJays slagged you for not believing me as it was proved correct less that two weeks later... It was round about then you decided to deflect from making a tit of yourself and started calling me Jim Jones. Very witty.

I'll give you a wee tit bit. Daly is on 7k a week. He's also on 7k a point. Bonus to be paid at the end of the season.

It looks like the leAks aren't going to stop as I got told tonight that one of my friends just got a job at Ibrox. And we're not talking in the pie stall, smart arse.

Seriously are you trying to tell us all that Jon Daly, more often than not, is earning 28K a week considering that we have won every league game up until the draw v Stranraer on Boxing Day? You'll need to provide a lot more than a wee tit bit on that because i'll say right now you're talking out of your arse. So Daly has earned on bonuses alone £322,000, away and don't talk crap.

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Seriously are you trying to tell us all that Jon Daly, more often than not, is earning 28K a week considering that we have won every league game up until the draw v Stranraer on Boxing Day? You'll need to provide a lot more than a wee tit bit on that because i'll say right now you're talking out of your arse. So Daly has earned on bonuses alone £322,000, away and don't talk crap.

Provide evidence?

Listen, it's up to yourself if you believe it or not I couldn't give a shit. Just repeating what I was told by a very reliable source, who as my posts previously have shown have proved correct.

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Provide evidence?

Listen, it's up to yourself if you believe it or not I couldn't give a shit. Just repeating what I was told by a very reliable source, who as my posts previously have shown have proved correct.

I'll say this, irrespective of what you've been told before, you're naive if you believe every bit of tit-bit this mate tells you. Here's a wee tit-bit, I heard your mate is talking out his arse, believe that or not, makes no difference to me. That came from a very reliable source.

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