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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Craig Burly


 and Andy Goram (Sun site behind paywall)


had similar acute  bigotfest deprivation pish stained tears articles at the week-end.

Burley's possibly an even bigger c**t than Provan. His tear and snotter filled diatribes over the last 18 months have been utterly fantastic.

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I actually genuinely do some seething when I read dishonest shite like that from Burley and Provan. I've said before that if there's one thing more ridiculous than the prattling of an ex-Rangers player on the subject of Rangers, it's that provided by an ex-Celtic player. Hartley' s given us similar pish too. These Celtic guys think they're being all mature and objective, but all they're really doing of course is pandering to the OF bias that helped make them, while strangling interest for the rest of us.

The Provan article is of course so error and prejudice strewn, that it's laughable. I can't laugh though. I resent the platform afforded such an ill-informed, ignorant liar and the damage he can do by sharing his lies with the unquestioning masses.

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Sevco has just released Dean Shiels.  As he was contracted until 2016, this must have cost them a small fortune.  Reality beginning to dawn at Castle Greyskull perhaps.  Cappielow-bound I hope. :thumsup2

I wouldn't worry about it, just another one off cost for them

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Craig Burly


and Andy Goram (Sun site behind paywall)

had similar acute bigotfest deprivation pish stained tears articles at the week-end.

"If results go pair shaped for both then we are stuffed once more."

"pair shaped" - that's atrocious!

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EIGHTEEN months and counting. A year and a half left of this one-horse race before we have a proper championship again.Assuming Ally McCoist gets Rangers back into the top flight on schedule.He had better deliver, an extra year of the current nonsense and we?ll need chloroform.On occasions I?ve found myself at English grounds where everyone in the media centre was glued to the lunchtime Old Firm game. Southern journalists couldn?t get enough of it.Last Thursday at Newcastle, one of them asked me which division Rangers are in right now.

A proper championship? Every football supporter in Scotland has known for 25 years at least that one of the old firm were going to win the title. This hasn't changed. One of the old firm are going to win the title.

That?s the extent of the interest.If the essence of any sporting contest is uncertainty, the wise men of the SPL gave our top flight a lethal injection two summers ago.Under the guise of ?sporting integrity? they sentenced Rangers to three years hard labour and killed their own competition while they were at it. Clever, eh?It was arguably the most idiotic decision in the history of Scottish football.Boycott threats from the anonymous halfwits of cyberspace saw our Premier League chairmen fold, condemning our

biggest league to three years of decline.

The "lethal injection" was self administered by Rangers through years of unsustainable spending in pursuit of one thing - beating Celtic. Rangers weren't "sentenced to three years hard labour", they died and re-applied to join the set up.

SFA chief executive Stewart Regan was ridiculed for predicting ?Armageddon? in Rangers? absence. He wasn?t far wrong.Why did every club in the league have to pay the price of Craig Whyte?s ransacking of Ibrox? Did Rod Petrie and Co really believe that ?Sell-out Saturday? nonsense?Did they believe the internet eejits who promised they?d turn up every week to fill club coffers?So much for the moral high ground. Sporting integrity has put Scottish football up against the wall.Yeah, Celtic have been insulated from the fallout by reaching the Champions League proper in successive seasons.But as the growing rows of empty seats prove, Hoops punters are bored stiff with the extent of their domestic dominance.Trust me, if it was Neil Lennon?s call Rangers would be back in the top flight next season.

I wonder if Davie will tell us in what form this "armageddon" exists. Aberdeen, Motherwell and Dundee United are all having excellent seasons, drawing in good crowds and playing fine football. St Mirren, Hearts and Kilmarnock have all won trophies since Rangers entered administration and started heading down the toilet of oblivion. They must be fucking gutted.

Likewise, I?m told Peter Lawwell wanted to keep Rangers in the big league with a points penalty, before he too bowed to the mob.Thanks to Lennon?s European success, Celtic?s balance sheet is in good nick but defeat in next season?s Champions League qualifiers will have accountants reaching for the valium. Elsewhere the rest of the SPFL is suffering. Rangers? demotion

Liquidation Davie, liquidation.

saw every budget in the top flight slashed.When costs have to be cut, youth development is the first casualty.At a time Dundee United are producing a special crop of youngsters, who would vote to shut down the production line?

Sorry, what?

Some silly people have suggested Celtic?s recent hammering in Barcelona was no reflection on the standard of Scottish football. Really?Celtic won the league by 16 points last season without breaking sweat, yet they managed just three points from 18 in the Champions League. What does that say for the rest of the league? Our other European representatives? Scottish Cup finalists Hibs got a crack at the Europa League and lost 9-0 on aggregate to Malmo. Motherwell lost 3-0 over two legs to Kuban Krasnodar, currently ninth in the Russian league.Thankfully, St Johnstone flew the flag briefly with a great win over Rosenborg before losing in the third qualifying round to FC Minsk.

Scottish clubs having pish results in Europe? I can't remember this ever happening with Rangers in the top division. In particular i've completely forgotten about our clubs' standard being so low as to lose ties to Kaunas, Maribor, Malmo, Viktoria Zizkov to name a few in years gone by. The clubs responsible for those results must have been utter fucking diddies.

Putting Rangers in the poorhouse gave a lot of people satisfaction but was the price worth paying?Under the yoke of the Old Firm, attendances were better, sponsors easier to find and the league table was worth looking at every weekend.With the pair at each other?s throats for Champions League cash, both had to spend to stay in front.A lot of that money went to fellow SPL clubs. Dundee were weighed in for Rab Douglas, Nacho Novo and Gavin Rae.Hibs got an Old Firm auction going for Scott Brown and Kevin Thomson. Kilmarnock punted Kris Boyd and Steven Naismith. Dundee United got a million plus for Barry Robson, while Celtic outbid Rangers for Motherwell?s Scott McDonald.That Old Firm arms race kept both clubs on their toes and helped subsidise the rest of the league.Now we?ve got Celtic trying to get through the entire season undefeated while the rest play for second place and a brief skirmish with the Europa League qualifiers.League One is no less of a freak show where you can watch Rangers playing keepie-uppie with their part-time opposition.

We should apparently be grateful that the old firm removed everyone else's ability to be competitive by tapping up and signing their best players.

Eighteen months and counting.......

Yup, eighteen months until this fucking haddy can go back to fellating BOTH halves of the old firm in the top flight.

Provan has, accidentally summed up everything that's wrong with Scottish sports journalism in that one piece. An utter dog-turd of a column riven with inaccuracies, paranoia and stupidity. His belief that the whole sporting world can't wait for the OF derby is hilarious. Outsiders watch that game purely and simply for the same voyeuristic reasons that americans watch bum fights. They don't care about the football, they just want to see two sets of societal underclass fight each other. However, I think it's fair to say that all diddy club supporters can take massive delight that this worthless has-been is absolutely seething that actual football supporters, and not deferential, simpering, forelock-tugging "journalists" wielded the power in 2012.

He's gutted.

Get it right fucking up you Provan.

Edited by jupe1407
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Poor Davie getting all that stick from the inernet halfwits lol

"Boycott threats from the anonymous halfwits of cyberspace saw our Premier League chairmen fold, condemning our biggest league to three years of decline"


"Did Rod Petrie and Co really believe that ?Sell-out Saturday? nonsense?Did they believe the internet eejits who promised they?d turn up every week to fill club coffers"




He's described 90% of P&B pretty accurately if you ask me..

When are the sympathisers going to get things right ?

Noone ever said they would turn up every week. We said we WOULD NOT if the newco was fast tracked into the top division.

In any case attendances are up !!!!!!

All this time and the MSM are still peddling the word "DEMOTION".

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I actually genuinely do some seething when I read dishonest shite like that from Burley and Provan.  I've said before that if there's one thing more ridiculous than the prattling of an ex-Rangers player on the subject of Rangers, it's that provided by an ex-Celtic player.  Hartley' s given us similar pish too.  These Celtic guys think they're being all mature and objective, but all they're really doing of course is pandering to the OF bias that helped make them, while strangling interest for the rest of us.


The Provan article is of course so error and prejudice strewn, that it's laughable.  I can't laugh though.  I resent the platform afforded such an ill-informed, ignorant liar and the damage he can do by sharing his lies with the unquestioning masses.

It's quite unbelievable they're still peddling this "Armageddon/Scottish Football needs a strong Rangers" pish after it's been completely disproved. :lol:

No doubt the mouth breathers at Sevco Media will be lapping it up.

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When are the sympathisers going to get things right ?

Noone ever said they would turn up every week. We said we WOULD NOT if the newco was fast tracked into the top division.

In any case attendances are up !!!!!!

All this time and the MSM are still peddling the word "DEMOTION".

Epic fail from Vicky again. She just can't help herself. :lol:

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When are the sympathisers going to get things right ?

Noone ever said they would turn up every week. We said we WOULD NOT if the newco was fast tracked into the top division.

In any case attendances are up !!!!!!

All this time and the MSM are still peddling the word "DEMOTION".

You can't beat a bit of revisionism lol

We'll pure fill oor stadiums everyweeks so we will :lol:

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:lol::lol: You ignorant twat Bennett.

Clearly this was intended as another of your unfunny narrow minded suggestions that WRK supports Celtic.

Clearly it's exposed you once more as a fool.

No it was not intended in that way.

Funny that you linked him with celtic mind you.....

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EIGHTEEN months and counting. A year and a half left of this one-horse race before we have a proper championship again.Assuming Ally McCoist gets Rangers back into the top flight on schedule.He had better deliver, an extra year of the current nonsense and we?ll need chloroform.On occasions I?ve found myself at English grounds where everyone in the media centre was glued to the lunchtime Old Firm game. Southern journalists couldn?t get enough of it.Last Thursday at Newcastle, one of them asked me which division Rangers are in right now.

A proper championship? Every football supporter in Scotland has known for 25 years at least that one of the old firm were going to win the title. This hasn't changed. One of the old firm are going to win the title.

That?s the extent of the interest.If the essence of any sporting contest is uncertainty, the wise men of the SPL gave our top flight a lethal injection two summers ago.Under the guise of ?sporting integrity? they sentenced Rangers to three years hard labour and killed their own competition while they were at it. Clever, eh?It was arguably the most idiotic decision in the history of Scottish football.Boycott threats from the anonymous halfwits of cyberspace saw our Premier League chairmen fold, condemning our

biggest league to three years of decline.

The "lethal injection" was self administered by Rangers through years of unsustainable spending in pursuit of one thing - beating Celtic. Rangers weren't "sentenced to three years hard labour", they died and re-applied to join the set up.


SFA chief executive Stewart Regan was ridiculed for predicting ?Armageddon? in Rangers? absence. He wasn?t far wrong.Why did every club in the league have to pay the price of Craig Whyte?s ransacking of Ibrox? Did Rod Petrie and Co really believe that ?Sell-out Saturday? nonsense?Did they believe the internet eejits who promised they?d turn up every week to fill club coffers?So much for the moral high ground. Sporting integrity has put Scottish football up against the wall.Yeah, Celtic have been insulated from the fallout by reaching the Champions League proper in successive seasons.But as the growing rows of empty seats prove, Hoops punters are bored stiff with the extent of their domestic dominance.Trust me, if it was Neil Lennon?s call Rangers would be back in the top flight next season.

I wonder if Davie will tell us in what form this "armageddon" exists. Aberdeen, Motherwell and Dundee United are all having excellent seasons, drawing in good crowds and playing fine football. St Mirren, Hearts and Kilmarnock have all won trophies since Rangers entered administration and started heading down the toilet of oblivion. They must be fucking gutted.


Likewise, I?m told Peter Lawwell wanted to keep Rangers in the big league with a points penalty, before he too bowed to the mob.Thanks to Lennon?s European success, Celtic?s balance sheet is in good nick but defeat in next season?s Champions League qualifiers will have accountants reaching for the valium. Elsewhere the rest of the SPFL is suffering. Rangers? demotion

Liquidation Davie, liquidation.


saw every budget in the top flight slashed.When costs have to be cut, youth development is the first casualty.At a time Dundee United are producing a special crop of youngsters, who would vote to shut down the production line?

Sorry, what?


Some silly people have suggested Celtic?s recent hammering in Barcelona was no reflection on the standard of Scottish football. Really?Celtic won the league by 16 points last season without breaking sweat, yet they managed just three points from 18 in the Champions League. What does that say for the rest of the league? Our other European representatives? Scottish Cup finalists Hibs got a crack at the Europa League and lost 9-0 on aggregate to Malmo. Motherwell lost 3-0 over two legs to Kuban Krasnodar, currently ninth in the Russian league.Thankfully, St Johnstone flew the flag briefly with a great win over Rosenborg before losing in the third qualifying round to FC Minsk.

Scottish clubs having pish results in Europe? I can't remember this ever happening with Rangers in the top division. In particular i've completely forgotten about our clubs' standard being so low as to lose ties to Kaunas, Maribor, Malmo, Viktoria Zizkov to name a few in years gone by. The clubs responsible for those results must have been utter fucking diddies.


Putting Rangers in the poorhouse gave a lot of people satisfaction but was the price worth paying?Under the yoke of the Old Firm, attendances were better, sponsors easier to find and the league table was worth looking at every weekend.With the pair at each other?s throats for Champions League cash, both had to spend to stay in front.A lot of that money went to fellow SPL clubs. Dundee were weighed in for Rab Douglas, Nacho Novo and Gavin Rae.Hibs got an Old Firm auction going for Scott Brown and Kevin Thomson. Kilmarnock punted Kris Boyd and Steven Naismith. Dundee United got a million plus for Barry Robson, while Celtic outbid Rangers for Motherwell?s Scott McDonald.That Old Firm arms race kept both clubs on their toes and helped subsidise the rest of the league.Now we?ve got Celtic trying to get through the entire season undefeated while the rest play for second place and a brief skirmish with the Europa League qualifiers.League One is no less of a freak show where you can watch Rangers playing keepie-uppie with their part-time opposition.

We should apparently be grateful that the old firm removed everyone else's ability to be competitive by tapping up and signing their best players.


Eighteen months and counting.......

Yup, eighteen months until this fucking haddy can go back to fellating BOTH halves of the old firm in the top flight. 



Provan has, accidentally summed up everything that's wrong with Scottish sports journalism in that one piece. An utter dog-turd of a column riven with inaccuracies, paranoia and stupidity. His belief that the whole sporting world can't wait for the OF derby is hilarious. Outsiders watch that game purely and simply for the same voyeuristic reasons that americans watch bum fights. They don't care about the football, they just want to see two sets of societal underclass fight each other. However, I think it's fair to say that all diddy club supporters can take massive delight that this worthless has-been is absolutely seething that actual football supporters, and not deferential, simpering, forelock-tugging "journalists" wielded the power in 2012.


He's gutted.


Get it right fucking up you Provan.

Great post.

It's beautiful just how seething morons like Davie and Burley still are at the Diddy Rebellion.

As you say, GIRFUY. :D

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Sevco has just released Dean Shiels. As he was contracted until 2016, this must have cost them a small fortune. Reality beginning to dawn at Castle Greyskull perhaps. Cappielow-bound I hope. :thumsup2

Proof please.

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EIGHTEEN months and counting. A year and a half left of this one-horse race before we have a proper championship again.Assuming Ally McCoist gets Rangers back into the top flight on schedule.He had better deliver, an extra year of the current nonsense and we?ll need chloroform.On occasions I?ve found myself at English grounds where everyone in the media centre was glued to the lunchtime Old Firm game. Southern journalists couldn?t get enough of it.Last Thursday at Newcastle, one of them asked me which division Rangers are in right now.

That?s the extent of the interest.If the essence of any sporting contest is uncertainty, the wise men of the SPL gave our top flight a lethal injection two summers ago.Under the guise of ?sporting integrity? they sentenced Rangers to three years hard labour and killed their own competition while they were at it. Clever, eh?It was arguably the most idiotic decision in the history of Scottish football.Boycott threats from the anonymous halfwits of cyberspace saw our Premier League chairmen fold, condemning our biggest league to three years of decline.

SFA chief executive Stewart Regan was ridiculed for predicting ?Armageddon? in Rangers? absence. He wasn?t far wrong.Why did every club in the league have to pay the price of Craig Whyte?s ransacking of Ibrox? Did Rod Petrie and Co really believe that ?Sell-out Saturday? nonsense?Did they believe the internet eejits who promised they?d turn up every week to fill club coffers?So much for the moral high ground. Sporting integrity has put Scottish football up against the wall.Yeah, Celtic have been insulated from the fallout by reaching the Champions League proper in successive seasons.But as the growing rows of empty seats prove, Hoops punters are bored stiff with the extent of their domestic dominance.Trust me, if it was Neil Lennon?s call Rangers would be back in the top flight next season.

Likewise, I?m told Peter Lawwell wanted to keep Rangers in the big league with a points penalty, before he too bowed to the mob.Thanks to Lennon?s European success, Celtic?s balance sheet is in good nick but defeat in next season?s Champions League qualifiers will have accountants reaching for the valium.Elsewhere the rest of the SPFL is suffering. Rangers? demotion saw every budget in the top flight slashed.When costs have to be cut, youth development is the first casualty.At a time Dundee United are producing a special crop of youngsters, who would vote to shut down the production line?Some silly people have suggested Celtic?s recent hammering in Barcelona was no reflection on the standard of Scottish football. Really?Celtic won the league by 16 points last season without breaking sweat, yet they managed just three points from 18 in the Champions League. What does that say for the rest of the league? Our other European representatives? Scottish Cup finalists Hibs got a crack at the Europa League and lost 9-0 on aggregate to Malmo. Motherwell lost 3-0 over two legs to Kuban Krasnodar, currently ninth in the Russian league.Thankfully, St Johnstone flew the flag briefly with a great win over Rosenborg before losing in the third qualifying round to FC Minsk.

Putting Rangers in the poorhouse gave a lot of people satisfaction but was the price worth paying?Under the yoke of the Old Firm, attendances were better, sponsors easier to find and the league table was worth looking at every weekend.With the pair at each other?s throats for Champions League cash, both had to spend to stay in front.A lot of that money went to fellow SPL clubs. Dundee were weighed in for Rab Douglas, Nacho Novo and Gavin Rae.Hibs got an Old Firm auction going for Scott Brown and Kevin Thomson. Kilmarnock punted Kris Boyd and Steven Naismith. Dundee United got a million plus for Barry Robson, while Celtic outbid Rangers for Motherwell?s Scott McDonald.That Old Firm arms race kept both clubs on their toes and helped subsidise the rest of the league.Now we?ve got Celtic trying to get through the entire season undefeated while the rest play for second place and a brief skirmish with the Europa League qualifiers.League One is no less of a freak show where you can watch Rangers playing keepie-uppie with their part-time opposition.

Eighteen months and counting.......

Where do we start with this complete and utter pile of 5hit. Every sentence can be ripped apart.

Provan, grade A ****.


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