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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And yet our footballing authorities thought it was ok to let the new team from the old team back into football while losing £1 million a month, I'd like to have seen that due diligence report. I;m used to people ducking and diving but the Rangers saga has reach depths that I did not think possible

I would imagine the meeting was something like this

'Get them in at all costs' stuff the precedent that is now set for teams like Hearts.

The irony being they think the authorities are "out to get them"

You cannot make this stuff up.

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He cancels games for international players even when he had enough players to comfortably win them games without said players, and then has the cheek to moan about playing the rearranged fixtures with said players :blink: , what a tool :1eye , and karma is a bitch :lol: .

I'm looking forward to one of Scotland's sports journalists putting this point to him.

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Look at what McCoist's become.

The years have performed their terrible dance on his looks, but we can forgive him that. Happens to the best of us, though rarely as drastically.

From a bright, chirpy, personable, even witty guy though; he's descended to this dishonest, whinging small minded fool who's perfectly happy to play to the lowest common denominator while prostituting himself to a succession of chancers.

Yes, he's grown fat (in more than one way) on the back of it all. I suspect however that one day he'll recognise the price that's come at.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Monkey must think that he looks like George Clooney lol

Alas no, which is why I said "happens to the best of us" in relation to the deterioration in his looks.

Hell Bennett, I'll even concede that McCoist had further to fall in that department than most of us, including me, in the first place.

Any comment on my perceived deterioration in his character though, or would you rather make daft wee snide comments that miss the point, while proving you'd not read the original post properly?

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Alas no, which is why I said "happens to the best of us" in relation to the deterioration in his looks.

Hell Bennett, I'll even concede that McCoist had further to fall in that department than most of us, including me, in the first place.

Any comment on my perceived deterioration in his character though, or would you rather make daft wee snide comments that miss the point, while proving you'd not read the original post properly?

He's put some weight on and lost some hair, whats the issue with that? I probably still would....

If you have no problem with it, then don't post about it.

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Yes WKR lite you never had a go at his looks, you handsome devil.....

Stop being so daft.

Clearly my post was about McCoist's behaviour. The reference to his looks was couched in such terms as to say "we can forgive him that". The point is that he has changed from someone who spoke engagingly into something of a moron.

Why you wish to turn this into reflections about my looks, I've really no idea.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Stop being so daft.

Clearly my post was about McCoist's behaviour. The reference to his looks was couched in such terms as to say "we can forgive him that". The point is that he has changed from someone who spoke engagingly into something of a moron.

Why you wish to turn this into reflections about my looks, I've really no idea.

You can attack McCoists looks when ever you want but you have an issue with someone mentioning your looks lol

P.S You brought your looks into this yourself.

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Quit trying to educate the buffoon ... his comprehension failures are littered all over the thread .. your post is crystal clear to the educated.

Indeed. Best left alone.

I honestly don't know if he genuinely fails to understand or is knowingly 'at it'.

I don't suppose it matters.

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TBH there's little point in even pushing this with him.

He's an incapable simpleton, who adds absolutely nothing to any and every thread he posts in.

Just because i laughed at one of your posts... rants lol

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