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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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With The Sevco Cost Cutters in financial soapy, the next round will be one hot ball and one cold ball in the draw and it will be a Celtic v The Great Pretenders quarter final to try and get the debt collectors FC some much needed cash before they run out of monopoly money.

You will know if it is a fix when the fucktard who gets chosen from the endless list of Rangers sympathisers rummages around the glass bowl feeling out for the hot ball and then drops it like a hot potato as soon as it is out the goldfish bowl.


why would Aberdeen be either a hot or cold ball?
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Anyone else remember Hearts response to the STV news of their administration? It was a non-denial denial attacking one minor part of the story.

This Rangers statement is equally wooly, but doesn't actually address any of the claims made by the admittedly odious and insanely egotistical Phil McScrabblescore.

"Totally inaccurate" does not, at all, mean false.

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Chucky fingerprinted :D

From the Sun via the Swamp so plenty of extra ?'s

EX-Rangers chief executive Charles Green was fingerprinted by fraud cops investigating the club?s former owner Craig Whyte.
Green gave his dabs to Police Scotland detectives investigating claims that vital papers were forged during his Ibrox takeover two years ago.

Officers interviewed the businessman in an informal meeting at his lawyer?s office in London.

A source said last night: ?They wanted Charles? fingerprints to prove he did not sign crucial documents on which his signature mysteriously appeared.

?The detectives guaranteed this was the only purpose. They were at pains to confirm Charles was not under caution.?

Yorkshireman Green, 60 ? who quit last year ? led a consortium which bought Rangers in 2012 following the club?s plunge into administration after Whyte?s disastrous nine months at the reins.

Cops are looking into how Whyte, 43, borrowed millions to fund his purchase of Gers from Sir David Murray in 2011.

They want to know whether Green?s signature was scanned with a digital gadget and used to rubber-stamp the boardroom paperwork in question ? as has been alleged by an internal club inquiry.

?He is happy to help cop probe? Green met two officers last week at his solicitor?s office in Covent Garden, central London.

The source added: ?It was a friendly meeting, by appointment.

?There were sandwiches and coffee laid on and it lasted about an hour, including Charles giving his statement and his prints.

?He is happy to help with the police inquiry.?

Last night Green confirmed he?d been fingerprinted.

He said: ?I met with officers and provided them with elimination fingerprints but categorically confirm this was not under caution but to assist the police with their investigations into Mr Whyte.?

Whyte was banned from Scottish football for life in 2012 after an SFA panel ruled he was guilty of ?scandalous business activities? ? including failing to stump up £13million in taxes.

The forgery allegation emerged in a probe by lawyers Pinsent Masons, commissioned by Rangers, into his claims that he still has a legal stake in the club.

Whyte insists he was involved with Green in the deal to buy Gers? assets from administrators in May 2012.

But Green claims he hoodwinked the tycoon to gain his co-operation ? and the keys to Ibrox.

Pinsent Masons considered Whyte had no claim. But his alleged stake was listed in Rangers annual accounts in November as a possible future debt. A source close to Whyte said: ?Craig is aware police have been speaking to Green.?

A police spokesman said last night: ?Inquiries are ongoing.? Rangers wouldn?t comment.

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They stayed away to spite Dunfermline who get half the gate receipts.

(or should get half the gate receipts!)

Maybe Dumfi should apply to the Courts immediately to have that money ring-fenced........before it goes on the leccy bill, unpaid PAYE (allegedly!) or flights to France (well that's where the Ibroke crooks generally do a runner to isn't it?!)

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