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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Dave J recently claimed that the WKR had mental health issues, so i just let him ramble on now.

It's really not worth arguing with him....

Can you really not resist the urge to lie about other posters? You really are a despicable little shitbag.

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So whens Ill Phil predicting administration number 12352?

I was posting about the number of predictions there has been. This week eh? I'll try to keep an eye out for that one happening.....

Evidently, short-term memory retention is a problem for you. That figure is probably more relevant to the number of usernames you've had on here.

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Looks like there's a denial out there.


So it's Monday, then? ;)

Seriously, to make such a specific denial leaves all other options open. Things go tits up on Thursday, they can claim they told the truth.

Oh, and why are they so quick to rush out this denial, when they've been very quiet over plenty of other allegations/rumours recently?

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So it's Monday, then? ;)

Seriously, to make such a specific denial leaves all other options open. Things go tits up on Thursday, they can claim they told the truth.

Oh, and why are they so quick to rush out this denial, when they've been very quiet over plenty of other allegations/rumours recently?

That wasn't a quote. This seems to be one, though hopefully more will emerge presently:

"There is absolutely no truth in these claims which appear to come from agenda-driven bloggers who are out to damage the club. There is no chance of administration while there is no board meeting tomorrow. This is all completely false."

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That wasn't a quote. This seems to be one, though hopefully more will emerge presently:

"There is absolutely no truth in these claims which appear to come from agenda-driven bloggers who are out to damage the club. There is no chance of administration while there is no board meeting tomorrow. This is all completely false."

Another post from that thread,,,,,,, no 'Board' meeting may be the same as no 'Bank' debt ;)

Originally Posted by rangeral viewpost.gif
Got a phone call about hour ago about this

King and Laxey are meant to be doing a deal that mean we go into admin and back out very quickly

Time will tell if true of not

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Bears ,,,

Fails to grasp the enormity of their cash flow problem when having no real line of credit and bills to pay.

Anyone know where the players stand with their contracted win bonuses ... (also heard a rumour that Daly is on something like 7k a goal).....

How many of the big earners are going to be happy about having their wages slashed ??

If this happens the SFA have a lot to answer for ...

Thats nearly as good as Jackanory Daves £7k per point.....

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Bears ,,,

Fails to grasp the enormity of their cash flow problem when having no real line of credit and bills to pay.

Anyone know where the players stand with their contracted win bonuses ... (also heard a rumour that Daly is on something like 7k a goal).....

How many of the big earners are going to be happy about having their wages slashed ??

If this happens the SFA have a lot to answer for ...

Well said that man.

Hope The Red Army can sneak some banners into the Final with a message for Cockwomble, Regan, Ogilvie, Dung and Jabba. Right in front of the cameras.

Who knows, I hear we have already had 2 proposed displays turned down with a third now being discussed. Maybe we have tried already.

35000 Afc fans, 10-15K ICT fans with THIS IS ARMAGEDDON will do.

Sevco will be celebrating their 2nd ever trophy that weekend...hahahahahhaha GIRFUY

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A word from the wise Kinky !, when posting statements to the public at large who aren't as educated as yourself it is best not to come across as an over educated smart arse by using such words no one except complete bellends use to complicate the simple facts and then shove your foot inside your mouth at the same time contradicting your own argument as of lately.

There is no danger whatsoever that you will ever come across as an 'over educated smart arse' Hellish.

A word from the wise, eh?

Fucking brilliant. :)

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That's surely the central question here. Oh my, it is a mystery and a puzzle and an enigma - if Rangers were in fatal financial distress, why not call in these massive cash loans?

Answer: Because they weren't loans.

^^^^^ Never getting over LNS. Not ever.

Lovely. :)

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Yeah both CFC and Police Scotland rejected 2 displays. The guys doing the display wont reveal what they were until after the final.

A few thousands of pounds raised so far. Langfield auctioned his gloves, Hayes his cup final jersey, all money going to the fans.

Money coming in faster than that joke 500K it took the so called "world leading brand" to raise when their club died.


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