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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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No you're correct it's not beyond the realm of possibility that people have friends that work for Rangers or any other club but when these people put out information given to them by the employee is completely at odds to that given by another party then maybe a response is approppiate, especially when the figure from both parties is at very much different levels to each other.

TBH I'd take dave.j's source over Phil, but regardless of that what do you expect dave.j to say? He can hardly demand his source supply him with verifiable paperwork. The most he can say is either "My source may be wrong" or "Phil's source may be wrong".

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I'd say Dave's source is probably closer to the mark ... 15k pw seems pretty high for such shite players.

In all honesty, the wages question is the kind of smoke and mirrors that has suited the shysters since day one.

If Killie had brought in tens of milions of pounds over a period of eighteen months and then got on the phone to Wonga to keep the lights on, I'd be asking some questions a bit more searching than what's McClogger's basic or how much does daly get per goal.

But nah, eighteen months of messengers shot and men played later, they're about to wind up for another chorus of "why did nobody tell us". At least they've got the World Record for most expensive lower league titles to look back fondly upon - I assume there are DVDs available?

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Deflect, is it? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I wasn't part of that conversation, so it would be rude to butt in. I just wanted a wee bit clarification (as the other lot call it, I believe) on your statement that the club and company were in fact the same entity. It's just that you, er, fucked off for quite some time last time the subject was raised...

You could always have sent a PM if you were that bothered about me not being on here for a while. As to the club and the incorporation to a Ltd. Company in 1899, not a problem for me in giving my take on the

liquidation of the PLC. as in the transfer of the assets and SFA Membership ensured the recognised continuation of the club, founded 1872.

However as we've been here many, many times before i'll leave it with this, that in the opinion of many official sources, football and otherwise, this club, The Rangers Football Club, is deemed the same club, that has never been refuted by any other official source, you know that, you may not agree with that, but that's how it stands. Now as i've said we've been here many, many times so play another tune, as to be quite honest it is getting rather boring.

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TBH I'd take dave.j's source over Phil, but regardless of that what do you expect dave.j to say? He can hardly demand his source supply him with verifiable paperwork. The most he can say is either "My source may be wrong" or "Phil's source may be wrong".

So in that case there is a challenge to McGillivan on his opinion or source as to McCulloch and his salary. Also for what it's worth, having had the info from Dave i would rather believe his level of salary that McCulloch is on than that of McGillivan, but there is an argument to put things straight.

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You could always have sent a PM if you were that bothered about me not being on here for a while. As to the club and the incorporation to a Ltd. Company in 1899, not a problem for me in giving my take on the

liquidation of the PLC. as in the transfer of the assets and SFA Membership ensured the recognised continuation of the club, founded 1872.

However as we've been here many, many times before i'll leave it with this, that in the opinion of many official sources, football and otherwise, this club, The Rangers Football Club, is deemed the same club, that has never been refuted by any other official source, you know that, you may not agree with that, but that's how it stands. Now as i've said we've been here many, many times so play another tune, as to be quite honest it is getting rather boring.

"The Plc is the Club". Direct quote there, I believe.

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Deflect .. deflect .. 6 million in wages for that team ... not including bonuses.

Yet you're more concerned about who's correct in identifying the correct wage of one or two individuals ..

Laughable in the extreme ...

You are aware a portion of the coming ST monies will go to paying those 'fantastic' players wages and win bonuses for this glorious season you are watching?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Are you for real? Where is the deflection from me, it seems that it's you that is deflecting and certainly backtracking, after all if you weren't so naive in believing McGillivan you wouldn't post his blog, that's how much of a fanny you are. As for the ST money paying players salaries, doesn't this happen at every club.

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"The Plc is the Club". Direct quote there, I believe.

Has the continuation been recognised by the aproppiate authorities, WKR? Because tbh that is all that i'm concerned about. As i've stated in my previous post this has been done over and over again, so i'll leave it there. You carry on but if that's what you desire.

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In all honesty, the wages question is the kind of smoke and mirrors that has suited the shysters since day one.

If Killie had brought in tens of milions of pounds over a period of eighteen months and then got on the phone to Wonga to keep the lights on, I'd be asking some questions a bit more searching than what's McClogger's basic or how much does daly get per goal.

But nah, eighteen months of messengers shot and men played later, they're about to wind up for another chorus of "why did nobody tell us". At least they've got the World Record for most expensive lower league titles to look back fondly upon - I assume there are DVDs available?

So in that case there is a challenge to McGillivan on his opinion or source as to McCulloch and his salary. Also for what it's worth, having had the info from Dave i would rather believe his level of salary that McCulloch is on than that of McGillivan, but there is an argument to put things straight.

And yet you put so much faith in McGllivan and his blogs that you post them on here. What a fanny you are.

Are you for real? Where is the deflection from me, it seems that it's you that is deflecting and certainly backtracking, after all if you weren't so naive in believing McGillivan you wouldn't post his blog, that's how much of a fanny you are. As for the ST money paying players salaries, doesn't this happen at every club.

Has the continuation been recognised by the aproppiate authorities, WKR? Because tbh that is all that i'm concerned about. As i've stated in my previous post this has been done over and over again, so i'll leave it there. You carry on but if that's what you desire.

No further questions, M'Lud. :lol:

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We've done that but if you want to deflect from what i posted to Dave, you carry on, not a problem to me. However it may well be prudent to ask Dave why he isn't taking Denboy to task as regards McCulloch and his salary given that the sum that was put across by Denboy is completely at odds to the information he was given by a "source within the club''.

Why would i take Dhen "to task". He posted a link.

Are you now saying that you would tend to agree with what i've said previously, and that mad Phil is miles out? or the opposite?

You're a good gers man, have you not heard any suggestions or any rumours of players wages?

There's no way you're telling me that you guys, who rubbish every rumour on here, never over hear or get involved in a discussion with your friends on a match day on something based in rumour?

Go... on... just for a laugh... why don't you guys start a discussion based on a rumour you've over heard, regarding your club.

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It states club liquidated .. club and company are synonymous .. 'reformed' .. you are a 'fanny' no doubt of it. Refer yourself back to your own statements ... WRK can assist you.

No, no, no. I think he's doing a grand job on his own. :lol:

Almost Tediesque, in fact.

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Showing your age Benny. Shakin Stevens rules.

Its almost like he was singing about the future:

This old house once knew its children

This old house once knew its wife

This old house was home and comfort

As they fought the storms of life

This old house once rang with laughter

This old house heard many shouts

Now it trembles in the darkness

When the lightning walks about

This old house is gettin' shaky

This old house is gettin' old

This old house has seen the rain

This old house has seen the cold

Ain't gonna need this house no longer

Ain't gonna need this house no more

Ain't got time to fix the shingles

Ain't got time to fix the floor

Ain't got time to oil the hinges

Nor to mend the window pain

Ain't gonna need this house no longer

He's getting ready to meet the saints

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Why would i take Dhen "to task". He posted a link.

Are you now saying that you would tend to agree with what i've said previously, and that mad Phil is miles out? or the opposite?

You're a good gers man, have you not heard any suggestions or any rumours of players wages?

There's no way you're telling me that you guys, who rubbish every rumour on here, never over hear or get involved in a discussion with your friends on a match day on something based in rumour?

Go... on... just for a laugh... why don't you guys start a discussion based on a rumour you've over heard, regarding your club.

Oh i've heard many rumours but until they become fact i won't post about it, hence the reason i've not posted the info you gave me, not my place. However as for you not challenging McGillivans blog and informing the forum that there is a massive disparity from the info you got and his then sorry that makes you a bit of a hypocrite, after all the info you provided to myself is showing such a gulf in salary that i would think it's something that should be challenged.

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It states club liquidated .. club and company are synonymous .. 'reformed' .. you are a 'fanny' no doubt of it. Refer yourself back to your own statements ... WRK can assist you.

Still haven't seen the words anywhere "new club". Seen "new company" but not "new club". Still haven't seen any official football source not recognising the club continuation from 1872. You'll need to show me where it is.

Edited by youngsy
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Oh i've heard many rumours but until they become fact i won't post about it, hence the reason i've not posted the info you gave me, not my place. However as for you not challenging McGillivans blog and informing the forum that there is a massive disparity from the info you got and his then sorry that makes you a bit of a hypocrite, after all the info you provided to myself is showing such a gulf in salary that i would think it's something that should be challenged.

Well why don't you go challenge Phil... contact him and see what he says.

i've got no reason, want or inclination to challenge him.

I know who my source is, i have no idea who mad Phil's is. Go challenge him if you think he's talking shite.

I don't know why you are so fearful of discussing rumours on here. before your old club died, every day the back pages of the red tops would be feeding the fan base some pile of shite rumour about the worlds best player signing for rangers.... bet you were all happy to discuss these rumours?

now for some reason, you are all scared to, until they become fact!

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RM states it's under 15% ??

So it depends where you sit?

Tedi sits on the half way line of the Govan Road stand.... he's easy to spot in the pictures. He's the only guy not holding a red card up to liquidation.

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