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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Now you have the two figures ... what's your view/point?

My view is that McGillivan is a proven liar and bigot and gullible people, such as yourself, hang on his every word as though it's gospel, without a challenge to him. Therefore he is allowed to cite anything he wants, whether he blatantly knows it's a lie or not. I'm more inclined to go with Dave j on this than the proven liar and bigot. However don't let me stop you from heralding your hero.

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I'd say Dave's source is probably closer to the mark ... 15k pw seems pretty high for such shite players.

Poor Youngsy .. every club pays 6 million in wages to play and win in the lower leagues and get pumped oot the Ramsden cup twice without winning it ... dearie me ... they're worth every penny. 56 players? in your squad, yet apparently you have to field unfit players in the cup final ... what's that all about?

I simply post PMG's articles for discussion .. I never stated I believed or disbelieved him you moron. You assume too much.

My view is that McGillivan is a proven liar and bigot and gullible people, such as yourself, hang on his every word as though it's gospel, without a challenge to him. Therefore he is allowed to cite anything he wants, whether he blatantly knows it's a lie or not. I'm more inclined to go with Dave j on this than the proven liar and bigot. However don't let me stop you from heralding your hero.

That would be youngsy going down the same road today as he did yesterday, then...

If some people would just read what's posted and take off the assumptogoggles, they wouldn't make such twats of themselves. It wouldn't be half as much fun for the rest of us.

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This board had f*ck all do with the legal contracts signed by your previous board or the money grabbing whores like McCoisty .. it seems the only idiot is a fud like you repeatedly posting about who's salary figure for McCulloch is correct ... what do you think your mercenaries are on ..?

I notice your mob keeping trotting out the 'other wages' being higher than 'footballing wages' .... but rumour is circulating that the 'footballing wages' don't include the manager, coaches nor the youth team ...

Joke club ,,,, joke supporters.

We deserved 'Fergus', you deserve everything that's coming .... you're all more concerned in ridiculing timmy rumours than seeking the truth or doing something constructive.

What the fucking hell are you going on about? That post was in reply to 'the 67' and an ongoing conversation with him, you stupid cunto. Again 'rumours circulating', oh,please just do one.

We were speaking of the outgoing of money at the club as it stands at the moment. Try to engage what you have for a brain and read the conversation, or better still, just f**k off.

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These accounts posted earlier then - wages at 99% of turnover? Seriously?

Is there any option left for ra peepul other than to starve the new club of cash, in the hope that some glib and shameless White Knight comes along and hoovers up the debris for peanuts

rescues the famous old "institution"?

Because if not, that claim of "watching from the pavements" might get tested...

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That would be youngsy going down the same road today as he did yesterday, then...

If some people would just read what's posted and take off the assumptogoggles, they wouldn't make such twats of themselves. It wouldn't be half as much fun for the rest of us.

Are you for real, WRK. That last post was in reply to denboy and his continual lauding of a proven bigot, if that doesn't suit you then there isn't much i can do about that. He asked for my view, he got it, perhaps it may be more prudent of you to ask why his last post to me was a pile of nonsense, at least try and be consistent with any criticism.

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The bears seem extra angry since their defeat in the Ramsdens cup final.. I have witnessed several meltdowns since and they seem to be lashing out at everyone.. I don't think some of them are enjoying the journey anymore :(

Aye, strange that. Personally speaking, this "journey" malarkey has been quite entertaining.

I'm particularly enjoying the revisiting of some of my earlier input, especially as wee Bendy Bigot loves to ramble about "double standards" all the time. Looking at what bennett quoted earlier, my opinions remain exactly the same as they were then. The Orcs, on the other hand...






Got to admire a dignified fanbase that stick to their principles...

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Are you for real, WRK. That last post was in reply to denboy and his continual lauding of a proven bigot, if that doesn't suit you then there isn't much i can do about that. He asked for my view, he got it, perhaps it may be more prudent of you to ask why his last post to me was a pile of nonsense, at least try and be consistent with any criticism.

So firstly DhenBhoy posted that he believed Dave j.'s figure was more accurate.

Then he posted that he neither believed nor disbelieved Mad Phil.

"continual lauding"? Behave yourself.

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That's not a rumour, is it, that share price? Factual, you say?


Now we can have a discussion with all those berrz who won't discuss rumours, or demand "proof" of anything posted.

So, to the P&B sleuth, a general question:

Exactly how fucked are the rangers?

Answers on a postcard to What's Left of Scottish Football....

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That's not what youngsy on about - he was accused of breaking a confidence by revealing what was in a pm - but he has shown he got permission to make public the figure contained in the pm.

The figure it's self is irrelevant.

I had a conversation with youngsy via PM. He disclosed that conversation.

Say a rangers supporting poster said to me via PM that they had a negative opinion of tedi. Would it be acceptable of me to say that, without disclosing the specific term he used?

Of course it wouldn't.

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Seriously, I think it was to raise funds for the RFFFFFFFFF - you know, the money that apparently is now being used for fans of the new club to defend themselves against... oh, aye, the new club. :lol::lol::lol:*

I fucking love watching the way the shysters repeatedly screw these morons - they really cannot see how stupid they are, or how badly they're getting shafted (again)!

Dignity, I tells ya! :lol:

*This may or may not be wild Internet rumour, but who can tell with this lot?

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