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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I never debated or defended your current board .. I just pointed out you're an arse for linking to them to something they as individuals and the current collective had nothing to do with ... hee haw .. none of them were there and your ridiculous statement linked them to it.

Nothing more and nothing less .. so there's no need for you to drag other aspects into it ..

You made a c**t of yourself pure and simple ... :lol:

Listen son, i put this board on the same level as Stockbridge and the rest, that is they are all responsible for the mess the club is in. If you can't see that then too bad. You really don't matter.

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Been here, done that .. Craigy simply jumped onto the pending train wreck before it hit the buffers ... It was doomed before. Even Rangers Men wouldn't buy it from Murray ...

Duped ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

They would have been taking on a potential debt of approx £130 million, why the hell would they take that on, ffs. Whyte seen an opportunity, as he saw it, acted on it but unfortunately for him he came unstuck. Yes we've been here, done that, we all know the outcome, so we are where we are. And now hopefully we will try and get this current board out.

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Listen child ...

None of the current board were personally responsible for the financial mess or current legally binding contracts including the mercenary McCoist ,.. Rangers Man and LEGend ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is there something wrong with you? You're now bringing McCoist into this when we all know his salary, also as for the current board as i've said i look on them with the same disdain as Stockbridge, Mather, etc. Now do yourself a favour and grow up, you don't have to agree with people that's fine but try not to be an obnoxious person all of the time. I know it's hard but give it a go.

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SDM was so far up shyte creek without a paddle he was forced to sell (by the bank) the putrid toxic brand to the first shyster that came along with a quid in pocket and nae funds to put in ...

It was doomed from the get go ...

Anyway the new clone is heading the same way it seems ... :thumsup2

We know all this, however the fact is Whyte was responsible for adminstration,Leaving aside MIH financial problems at the time, Murray had the club on a serviceable bank debt of £18 million, Whyte increased the debt as soon as, for his own ends, not the club, therefore with his actions and the admin happened. That's the facts of the matter. His refusal to pay HMRC the PAYE caused the liquidation action by HMRC.

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rangers will not go into administration any time soon .as they would lose a lot o points they would have done it by now rather than lose them in next seasons promotion chase.

Without investment very soon i would say we are heading for administration, posibly over the summer.

McCoist has more of hand in the current financial problem than Wallace or the current board. He took the money to keep quiet and be a yes man from the outset.

You seem upset your 'hero' is tarnished much like SDM .. You seek culprits and scapegoats as long as the 'Ranger's Men' are not included.

Wee bit pathetic to be honest.

:lol::lol: I a bit too old to have football hero's, whether it's McCoist or anyone else. As for Murray i hold the man in contempt for many things club related but that's for another time. McCoist i have to say i'm disgusted with the salary that he is on and taking, considering the predicament we're in, even without the problems we have his salary is out of order and would be even in the top league, it's Scottish football we're in, not exactly the strongest in the world. You're quoting McCoist to have a go, carry on, you'll find that i'm totally against his salary and management ability, i regard him as a great player for the club, nothing more.

Edited by youngsy
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You do .. it's why I post his stuff. Seems to rattle you ....

The Soldier's bhoy love for the IRA man doesn't rattle anyone - it makes people laugh in your face.

Except for those ghuys who celebrated your colleague being murdered. Remember? The one you wanted the discussion taken to PM for so as to hide 'RA Sulk shame from scrutiny.

Everyone welcome at darkhead :lol:

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Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont 3m

Dave King saying today Rangers board review won't be published until after season ticket renewal period and now urging fans not to renew.

Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont 1m

DK adds that David Somers has told him board's intention was always to publish review after ST renewal period.

Alasdair Lamont @BBCAlLamont 52s

DK: due to this extreme act of bad faith I believe that it is vital that fans now withhold season ticket money from this board


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McCoist has more of hand in the current financial problem than Wallace or the current board. He took the money to keep quiet and be a yes man from the outset.

You seem upset your 'hero' is tarnished much like SDM .. You seek culprits and scapegoats as long as the 'Ranger's Men' are not included.

Wee bit pathetic to be honest.

Edit: As for obnoxious ... in one of your first responses of this exchange you called me a fanny ... so don't attempt to take the moral high ground now you utter fud.

You leave yourself open to it, Denboy. After all you try and denigrate every Rangers fan who is in a discussion because you don't agree with them, so what do you expect.

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Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamont 3m

Dave King saying today Rangers board review won't be published until after season ticket renewal period and now urging fans not to renew.

Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamont 1m

DK adds that David Somers has told him board's intention was always to publish review after ST renewal period.

Alasdair Lamont ‏@BBCAlLamont 52s

DK: due to this extreme act of bad faith I believe that it is vital that fans now withhold season ticket money from this board


Dave King making his move to get the club on a low purchase price in administration, maybe.

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Dave says:

The Rangers board and I issued separate public statements following our meeting last month. I made one correction to the RangersÂ’ statement but the Rangers board saw no cause to correct my statement. The board recommitted to issue the business review within the original 120 day deadline and, importantly, committed that the fans will have access to this review prior to advancing funds by way of season ticket renewals. Despite strong reservations from fan groups I asked the fans to give the board time to honour this commitment. Part of my motivation was that any public company board is bound to act in good faith and that breach of such a share price sensitive commitment would be an ethical, moral, and probably criminal breach.

I followed up on this commitment with the board after the recent announcement on season ticket renewals. The Chairman has advised me that the board will now only issue the review at the end of the season ticket renewal period and it will consequently not be timeously made available to fans. Disturbingly, the Chairman has advised me that the true intention of the board had always been to delay issuing the review until funds had been largely collected.

I apologise to all fans for wasting time by lending credibility to the boardÂ’s false representations. I was wrong to give them the benefit of the doubt. At least we now can no longer have any uncertainty about governance at the club.

It is common cause that the club is not a going concern without access to the season ticket loan from the fans. It is also common cause that the season ticket money will only provide partial relief in advance of a more permanent recapitalisation. I have hitherto urged restraint in dealing with the board, however due to this extreme act of bad faith I believe that it is vital that fans now withhold season ticket money from this board and similarly refuse to support the club by way of the purchase of replica kit or any other retail product.

An announcement will shortly be made providing details of a bank account that season ticket money can be paid into as an interim measure. The specific terms and conditions of this account will be made available to fans, including the basis on which funds will be advanced to the club and the basis on which funds will be returned to fans. As a minimum, the board must provide the club property as security against the season ticket money.

I recognise that fans will have anxiety about “betraying” the club and the risk of loss of a cherished seat at Ibrox. However, the time has come when the trade-off is a potential loss of a seat against the loss of the club. That would be the real betrayal. This board has lost its right to be dealt with on a good faith basis.

Richard Gough has agreed to join me as a custodian of the bank account that will be established and fan groups can nominate additional members.


Another club, another company, another admin?

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They lurch from one crisis to another, off the pitch and on the pitch.

They're quite possibly the biggest laughing stock in the history of Scottish football.


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Behave yourself ffs. I posted about the state of the club as it stands at this moment in time and how i see it. That being that this current board are doing nothing for the club, except pushing it further into debt, and that also takes in the acts of the likes of Stockbridge, Green and whoever you like to add from those previously there in the last year or so. Hence the reason why many, indeed the vast majority, want this board removed, including Wallace, who imo has stalled for time with his 120 day review. That's where i stand on this subject, you don't agree with that i have to say i'm truly bothered.

Never mind Youngsy a Ver 3.01 Rankers is always on the horizon but without a stadium to call their own. :rolleyes:

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Unbelievable statement to make the evening before their biggest match since liquidation.

Once again, a terrible position for Rangers fans to be in. Do they continue on with the gangsters and spivs, or side with the convicted fraudster who might not even pass a fit and proper person test.

Good to see another Rangers legend get in on the action too. Richard Gough obviously viaing for a place on Dave King's board when he does eventually gain control at Ibrox.

Edited by Kyle
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The 120 day evaluation by Wallace was always a smoke screen to fob of the bears at how bad things are at Ibrokes and today's statement just proves that. Who the feck in the world needs 120 days to tell the fans the club will go bust if the finances aren't constrained ? :lol:

Things are so bad there in Govan that even Tedi or Bennett could do Wallace's job for less cash, two minutes later at looking at the accounts "Wur fcuked chaps" :lol:

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Unbelievable statement to make the evening before their biggest match since liquidation.

Once again, a terrible position for Rangers fans to be in. Do they continue on with the gangsters and spivs, or side with the convicted fraudster who might not even pass a fit and proper person test.

Good to see another Rangers legend get in on the action too. Richard Gough obviously viaing for a place on Dave King's board when he does eventually gain control at Ibrox.

They deserve better you know. :)

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