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...........but I'm sure he wouldn't like it if they dragged it out for almost 13 years, the way he did with his SARS case.

Would love to know who is pulling his strings. ;)

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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How can anyone read Kings statement and not just laugh at the irony.

Wants a police probe into financial

Mismanagement and talks about how there's no coherent plan and he would reject it if one of his CEO offered that plan to him.

Probably wouldn't be saying that if his CEO offered him some tax evasion scheme though.

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What is it with UoF?

They keep saying they want transparency, but when faced with the truth they want to shoot the messenger.

Got to feel sorry for Wallace. Came in November(?) to do a job.

He's carried out that job so far to the letter.

He carried out his 120 day review of the financial situation, as promised at the AGM.

But, the UoF don't like the results and are demanding Wallace's head.

Tough titties scumbags.

It's there in black and white as requested.

They're so proud of facing backwards to view their history, that's also the place where they'll find the reason for their present dilemma (that's putting it mildly). Not as they presume, with this guy.

Wallace, in his first six months, has done more to show the depth of the problem than all the other spineless "real rangers men" (twats) that have graced their "hallowed" doors.

"Union of Fannies" is becoming more apt as the days go by.

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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What is it with UoF?

They keep saying they want transparency, but when faced with the truth they want to shoot the messenger.

Got to feel sorry for Wallace. Came in November(?) to do a job.

He's carried out that job so far to the letter.

He carried out his 120 day review of the financial situation, as promised at the AGM.

But, the UoF don't like the results and are demanding Wallace's head.

Tough titties scumbags.

It's there in black and white as requested.

They're so proud of facing backwards to view their history, that's also the place where they'll find the reason for their present dilemma (that's putting it mildly). Not as they presume, with this guy.

Wallace, in his first six months, has done more to show the depth of the problem than all the other spineless "real rangers men" (twats) that have graced their "hallowed" doors.

"Union of Fannies" is becoming more apt as the days go by.


Wallace was also supposed to include a business plan.

All he could do was come up with fluff.

Another share offer that will dilute the price

promises of competing at the top level nationally and in Europe.

A player budget will be offered to salary.


They dont have investment

No money to compete

They cant afford a player budget the same as last year

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I may be wrong but I suspect that, had the new and ailing club performed as expected in the Ramsden's and fluked its way past Dundee United to another cup final, all would be rosy in the Rangers garden and the Union of Fannies would be toeing the line.

In other words, it's not the board's behaviour per se that the Fannies don't like, so much as the fact that the team is shyte and got pumped out of two cups, with only the guarantee of further pumpings in future.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Somers hits back at King

Rangers Chairman David Somers has reacted angrily to comments from former director Dave King suggesting the club's board should be investigated by the police.

Last Updated: 29/04/14 at 07:37 Post Comment skybet-logo.gif Scottish Championship Winner 14/15 Win Outright: Rangers 1/6


David Somers: Angry response to Dave King's comments

Police Scotland have confirmed they will investigate a complaint from a Rangers shareholder that Chief Executive Graham Wallace made misleading statements about the club's finances at December's AGM that may be in contravention of the Companies Act.

Wallace released his business review of the Glasgow club on Friday but King reacted angrily to it and questioned the assertion that Rangers had enough finances in place to last the season.

"It is seriously wrong for this board to state in the review that at the time of the AGM the board, and the CEO in particular, believed that there was sufficient cash to last until the end of the current season," said King.

"It is beyond doubt that the CEO and other board members (were) aware last December that there was insufficient cash. The CEO is now subject to a criminal complaint, but I believe that his comments were made with the full knowledge of the board.

"Certainly no one came out to contradict him. We should therefore expect any criminal investigation to extend to other board members."

Somers has hit back, however, issuing a statement defending the conduct of the board.

"Graham Wallace is working tirelessly and doing an excellent job in leading the rebuild of our football club by creating a Rangers our fans can be proud of," read his statement.

"He will continue to develop the club's long-term future plan which will return us to the top of Scottish football and competing in Europe.

"Any suggestions of inappropriate behaviour by him in relation to his duties as Chief Executive Officer are odious and unfounded. They will be defended with full rigour, if a substantiated complaint is ever put to him or Rangers.

"The history and facts have been explained in both the Interim Statement and the Business Review summary.

"Any media reports to the contrary are based on rumour and gossip which is damaging to the football club.

"If Mr King wishes to engage in constructive dialogue, then the door remains open. Regrettably however, he continues to make fictitious, inaccurate and misleading comments which are very unhelpful."

These never-ending he-said-she-said press releases. Not so much tit-for-tat as tit-for-tit-for-tit-for-tit-for-tit.

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Wallace was also supposed to include a business plan.

All he could do was come up with fluff.

Another share offer that will dilute the price

promises of competing at the top level nationally and in Europe.

A player budget will be offered to salary.


They dont have investment

No money to compete

They cant afford a player budget the same as last year

I understand that.

But, whether right or wrong, he has delivered a "business plan" of sorts, a sh*t one I'll grant you.

He inherited a mess, which I don't think even he could've envisaged prior to signing the dotted line.

His statement was probably an amalgamation of the board's thoughts and soundbites to appeal to the baser instincts of the bearz support, and the financial sector.

We'll find out how bad he is, or is not, by the result of his meeting with mccoist on financing next seasons player budget. Although, it'll be interesting to see where they'll get the money from.

As for UoF, they want a continuation of the "glory days", but can't comprehend no matter who they bring in the resulting financial catastrophe will still be the same.

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What is it with UoF?

They keep saying they want transparency, but when faced with the truth they want to shoot the messenger.

Got to feel sorry for Wallace. Came in November(?) to do a job.

He's carried out that job so far to the letter.

He carried out his 120 day review of the financial situation, as promised at the AGM.

But, the UoF don't like the results and are demanding Wallace's head.

Tough titties scumbags.

It's there in black and white as requested.

They're so proud of facing backwards to view their history, that's also the place where they'll find the reason for their present dilemma (that's putting it mildly). Not as they presume, with this guy.

Wallace, in his first six months, has done more to show the depth of the problem than all the other spineless "real rangers men" (twats) that have graced their "hallowed" doors.

"Union of Fannies" is becoming more apt as the days go by.

"Real Rangers Men" would be the guys who look back to the 60s and 70s for their inspiration, ensuring

1. that Scottish Football was run primarily for the benefit of Rangers

2. reinstatement of a selective policy on new signings based on primary and secondary school criteria

3. Rangers players will be chosen for Scotland as a matter of course, irrespective of talent, and if a Rangers man is on the bench, the Rangers men in the crowd can arrange a substitution by booing the relevant position's incumbent, embarassing the Manager into making the required switch.

4. introduction of an exclusive transfer window each Monday morning whereby anyone who plays a blinder against Rangers on a Saturday can be signed before12:00 on the Monday, stuck in the reserves for a couple of years, so they never have the temerity to threaten the Might Morphing Sevco Rangers again.

5. that the folk songs of Rangers are permitted to be sung without recourse to legal action, as they are of cultural and historical significance.

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