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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ahhh i see. I thought it was your other second team. The thought of having that fruit loop as a fellow supporter is more than i could take

I'd just like to know why all of a sudden he switched from being a fan of the piggery inhabitants to Thistle.

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I'd just like to know why all of a sudden he switched from being a fan of the piggery inhabitants to Thistle.

You can do it you it youngsy.

You're never too old to walk away from institutionalised sectarianism dressed as sporting endeavour. :P

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Got this through my email (they keep sending me emails ever since i pledged £5000 to the share issue ;) )

Time to get on Twitter lads lol

Now that the season is over, this is a good time for me to speak to you directly as part of our ongoing Ready To Listen fan engagement programme.

In order to do so I will be answering questions from supporters today in a Twitter Q&A on our official club account. You can tweet your questions directly to me on @RFC_Official using the hashtag #ReadyToListen between 1pm and 2pm.

I will answer as many questions from supporters within the hour and look forward to speaking with as many fans as I can.

Graham Wallace,

Chief Executive Officer.

You fake pledged to King and Gough and got a reply off Wallace?? Really?

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The news from the BRALT is that yer friend Dhen spends as much time talking about me as he does Rangers.

The news from Ibrox is that Chief Spiv Graham attempted to answer a few cherry picked questions regarding the clubs future in a last ditch attempt to shift some ST`s, he convinced nobody.

and the qc isnae a big fan of reddies :lol: but he is a fan of thistle

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Friend? We have discussed this before ted, just names on a screen on a football forum ;)

When is season ticket deadline and how many have been shifted so far? Has Kenny miser signed, I saw something a week ago bout this?

kenny miser is maybe the worst bit of banter i have ever seen particularly considering the fact he had artur boruc picking it out the net on plenty.of occasions :)

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Seem to remember he scored in Celtic colours against a team from Ayebrokes... :o Will he be getting paid in bottles of fake tan seeing as there is no money left in the kitty?

think he probably scored more at parkhead in rangers colours than celtic colours tbf haha. he will have to pass a medical and initation test. the initation being a song on allys karaoke.

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I do agree with what you said being a possibility. I was saying what i think Kings game plan is, you've said what you think Laxeys game plan is. We could both be right or both be wrong but what i've always said is that i think King has won the game already and all the press work is just formality. Of course being a Rangers fan i'm obviously going to want King to win and look to that theory more where as you will look towards the Laxey asset stripping thoughts.

Where i disagree is that i just can't see Laxey not budging, i think that they weren't for budging but they'll have no choice if BPH/Margarita deal with King. If King got BPH/Margarita shares then he'd be able to force out Laxey. Again i could be wrong but i don't think Laxeys clients would be happy with their money being used in a boardroom battle (if King was in and they were still there).

We shall see by two weeks time though that's for definite.

Most of the handbags at twenty paces between the spivs & King has been around the assets, it would appear that the assets and who owns them when this has all been sorted out is the priority.

You are completely wrong about the institutional investors selling out quickly, if it is a hedge fund or pension fund they will be in it for the long game. Should the club reach the top tier and gain European footy they stand to make a wad of cash from the club so these few bleak years the club is going through will be written off.

The club is in debt to the parent company and deliberately placed that way so if anything goes wrong the Inter PLC parent company will just take the assets from the club at no cost and rent them out to the next incarnation of Rangers FC. This will ensure the institutional investors will be making money each year from the club and over 10 years that will come to around millions to the investors and that will be one of the scenarios the investors will already be looking at.

They do not care about the club one iota if it is not making money but they will make money from the assets should the club go tits up by renting them out to another Rangers FC.

King ?, he'll most likely fcuk off into the wind like a fart when he finds out the Inter PLC board have wrapped the club up into debt to the Inter PLC in many legally obligated contracts and so on. King can't buy out the whole club & parent company because that means £30 million plus easy and needs a warchest to fund the club further, King won't buy the club from the parent company as the club itself is in debt to the Inter PLC and most likely the assets will be tied up to the Inter PLC somehow.

King is actually damaging the club because he most likely wants the money he lost in the old Rangers back from the new Rangers as he is a fucking shark and shameless glib and liar.

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I have given them authority to collect my ST money should they be given security over Ibrox.

Tedi you already know that there will be no security on the assets ever and the Inter board have publicly stated as such. It won't matter to the Inter board how many have abstained from buying an ST because the first game of the season will be a sell out and Tedi & chums will be there to see it and the Inter PLC will make more from PATG that day than from ST's.

If Fat Salary manages to get the squad to perform week in week out you and your chums will still be attending Ibrox at higher than ST prices and that will suit the Inter PLC board more than ST's. If yer club is top of the table by Xmas then those half season ST's will go through the roof and most likely will be priced that little bit higher to screw that extra bit of cash from you.

You know if your team performs you and your chums will be at Ibrox, spivs win in the end if the squad delivers but the club is fucked if Fat Salary has the club mid table by October.

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Meanwhile .. UTURN TEDI is swaying in the wind ....

It would appear he doesn't really know who or what to back and the same goes for a few other P&B bears who have said one thing only to change it completely at a later date. :huh:

Back in 2012 all the bears wanted for Christmas was a club to support, they have that but still they complain even though the spivs have done a sterling job so far putting out a squad that has won two consecutive leagues which is what the bears wanted. Although they fucking knew damn well that Green & co were going to fleece them they still showed up in numbers and have the bare face cheek to bitch about having a successful team on the park. :blink:

What to the bears do when things go wrong ?, they wait for some other shyster to come along and rob them rotten ! rinse & repeat as many times as required. :lol:

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Rangers fans buying ST`s can only be described as 'screwing the fans' if the club then renegs on that contract, this is the main reason why I am not renewing (outside of gaining Ibrox security) I have no belief if I paid in cash the club would deliver on all those games.

Tedi you have posted on here countless times you pay money to watch your club and that's all you do ?, there is still a club at Ibrox so pay yer money to watch yer club and stop complaining and let the glib & shysters fight it out as long as there is still a team to support.

IMO Tedi I'm farking certain the spivs will find some way to limp through next season no matter how many bears abstain from buying an ST.

You and your fans won't get rid of the spivs ever because in the end no matter what the spivs will have ownership of the assets to rent to a Rangers FC. and King won't be the next owner of the club because he won't even invest his own money this time round and shows the glib up for what he is.

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What's this drivel in response to?

Care to answer the questions you were asked .. where have stated that you are purchasing a ticket via King and Co's fannies before today?

as opposed to your stance on April 15th ...

Dhenny something tells me he has already renewed his ST but he is too ashamed to publicly say so. :whistle

No8 has probably already done so as well :lol:

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So the hierarchy at Sevco would rather ask their meedya friends to spread rumours about signing 'catch the imagination players' to sell season tickets than do any hard work finding real investment to back up their stance against Dave King.

This is the silly season and rumours about this and that quality players signing when in truth all Sevco will sign will be the likes of Alan Gow (injury prone) and Craig Easton (past it)

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