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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What exactly is the relevance of this reply you've posted ?

It shows up the stupidity of you to tell other posters to get over being red dotted whilst at the same time you get wound up enough to give out red dots like you are dealing out some demented revenge.

Benny I can picture you logged onto P&B like a deranged revengeful sponge constantly clicking on the neg rep icon to posters who took the cnut out of you until you finally get your quota back and then you feel all better at giving out your sick twisted revenge.

Tear stained pished bed sheets washing away them tears from my welled up eyes because I got a fucking red dot n aw that. :bairn

Benny if you had an endless supply of neg rep red dots you'd stop posting pish because you'd be too busy dishing out red dots to every P&Ber you don't like and that would be about 99% of P&Bers.

Mods can we give Bennett an endless supply of red dots to stop him posting pish ?

:lol: I'm shit scared noo Benny :lol:

Giving out red dots is probably the only joy left in your miserable sad pathetic life. Why not pay the tenner so you can have an extra red dot to dish out !, you'll feel so much superior to other posters because they only get two a day. :1eye

This is the part of the evening where you come of looking incredibly stupid Benny.

So do tell me what was it that I posted that got you soooo upset you gave me your two daily WRK red dots ?

Now try and remember here, you think I'm upset enough to give you a red dot but at the same time I pissed you off to the point you used both your red dots on me as soon as you got your quota back ?

Take your time composing a reply ffs.

You do realise with a 974 rep despite your feeble attempts, he's not really bothered whether you dot him or not and he's simply laughing at you ... you do get it ... don't you?

Yes he's really not bothered by it at all.

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You do realise with a 974 rep despite your feeble attempts, he's not really bothered whether you dot him or not and he's simply laughing at you ... you do get it ... don't you?

really. he states he dosent care yet goes into 3 paragraphed tear stained responses when he gets a dot . yet you think he dosent care. and you call me stupid ?

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As I said it went from paying up front to something much more palatable.

I'm intrigued here Tedi ?

When King's plan fails and there is no security on the assets which means his company won't have any bargaining chip with the Rangers BoD, will you PATG or grudgingly purchase your ST to keep your seat you have at Ibrox and hope the spivs fulfil a whole season ?

I can see a huge spike in ST sales with days to go because King can't deliver on his promise and no cash will be taken from any fans bank account so they will grudgingly purchase an ST fully paid upfront for the love of their club.

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I see that Stoneys given you a couple of red dots for being a fanny lol

And somehow you take great joy in this most glorious of occasions ?

It's you who is the one whom takes great delight in thinking me getting red dots somehow upsets me, it's abuse of the rep system that pisses me off not the getting of red dots.

You can red dot me all you fucking like bub, it won't make a difference in the end seeing as I get a lot more greenies than reds. at a guess I'd say I've gotten well over 600 red dots from Rangers fans alone but I still have a decent rep.

And it's you who is a fanny so choke on it ya loony. :1eye

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You do realise with a 974 rep despite your feeble attempts, he's not really bothered whether you dot him or not and he's simply laughing at you ... you do get it ... don't you?

He never will, he'll still bang on about how upset I am at getting red dots even though he gets upset enough himself to give me his but he'll claim he did it for a laugh because he thinks in his tiny deluded deranged mind I'm pure dead raging here about getting red dots. :huh:

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fucking hell qc give it a rest . you clearly care about your rep on a football forum . just admit it and move on.

One way or another one of you brain farts that is a Rangers supporter will bring it up and perpetuate the myth I'm obsessed, and when this happens you'll know they are deliberately shit stirring and the orc horde will join in and further this myth I supposedly have to try to gain some points that I am allegedly obsessed about something.

Now if you scroll back through the pages you'll see daft arse Benny deliberately shit stirring by making sure this will go on and on as long as possible, so it is actually him who is obsessed.

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Of course we are.. that's why you support the hoops.

This should be entertaining enough,

Give a 100 word essay that proves it's the same club that can't be argued with or picked at or rubbished in anyway possible.

Bearing in mind we have all shot it down before and you don't appear clever enough to even remotely convince us at all that it's a football club at Ibrox.

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Yup .. you're pretty thick and it's blatantly obvious.

If you could manage a sentence, let alone a paragraph, it would be impressive.

i dont remember ever claiming not to be thick. what does that have to do with the qc beeing obviously beeling over a few dots?...

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One way or another one of you brain farts that is a Rangers supporter will bring it up and perpetuate the myth I'm obsessed, and when this happens you'll know they are deliberately shit stirring and the orc horde will join in and further this myth I supposedly have to try to gain some points that I am allegedly obsessed about something.

Now if you scroll back through the pages you'll see daft arse Benny deliberately shit stirring by making sure this will go on and on as long as possible, so it is actually him who is obsessed.

hb you were starting the same shite paranoid filled arguement with me last night because i gave you a reddie.for someone who dosent care you dont half get worked up about it ?

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