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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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See, there's another phrase that gets bandied about - what exactly are the best interests of the club? Indeed, can we actually define the club?

The best interests of those who have a financial interest in the various companies carrying the rangers brand are quite obviously being served pretty well - unless we are to believe that tens of millions of pounds have simply vanished into thin air, rather than into various shady bank accounts.

If by "the best interests of the club" we mean that this latest incarnation can become a viable company operating a football team in the SPFL, then that ship has pretty well sailed - waved Bon Voyage by the massed ranks of the Horde celebrating "hard-won" lower league titles.

I'll confess that, after the fans bought so many STs, I saw this latest "rangers" becoming a force in Scotland within a decade - and by "force" I mean becoming the "best of the rest", as celtic would still be drawing most of the European money and so could easily dominate any club based purely on domestic income. This fear has been dispelled by the incredible dysfunction shown at ibrox.

Just did a double take on that flawed catchphrase on what this really means.

Best interests of the company?. Which would imply no one outside the club like Dave King, Union of Fans and all the other supporters have any influence on what are the clubs best interests. Most football clubs in Scotland don't have companies running them and are closer to the support, so the support have influence. But with Rangers if I was a supporter I would have as much influence as if I supported Mars Bars, .....supporter or customer?. How can you support a company like a football team?. Go Team Tesco!!

Question also is do the people that run the company view the Rangers supporters as supporters or customers?

Maybe what is happening right now is in the best interest of the club whatever the agenda and direction the directors/shareholders want to send the the club 'front'?. And the way it seems now its all about personal gain (short term) rather than any long term plan and the company Rangers IFC is the main body and Rangers FC Ltd is like a works team.

Works team.....nice

That could mean the company could pull the plug at any time if its main source of income is not providing enough gain to make it worth while and shift to another market that does, companies can be dissolved (it doesn't have to be in vast amounts of debt or have any debt at all) and the same people involved can go on their merry way to some other venture having dropped the Rangers name.

Maybe then someone else could pick up the brand and 'maintain continuity'. :1eye;)

Just read that Vauxhall Motors FC have resigned from the English Conference North http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/vauxhallmotorsfc/news/club-statement-1172986.html Can see some parallels with Rangers in that statement. Don't like to see football teams drop out but with works teams they are less likely to flog a dead horse than a straight forward football club staggering from one season to the next.

Edited by CityDave
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Except you did use that exact term, the mod above clearly states you referred to another poster as a 'window licker' why else would he use that exact term.
Fell free to ask him to confirm it again if you wish.

Done ... seeing as that is how you wish to proceed.

I have no idea whats going between you two and even less inclination to get involved.

If you want to indulge in personal tit-for-tat conversations, do it via PM. On here, discuss the topic or f**k off, its become beyond tiresome

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I have no idea whats going between you two and even less inclination to get involved.

If you want to indulge in personal tit-for-tat conversations, do it via PM. On here, discuss the topic or f**k off, its become beyond tiresome

Can I have some more red dots please? I hardly ever use them so 4 or 5 extras today wont hurt.

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I replied while playing poker ... edited it while waiting for you ... took you 9 minutes .. for this ... really shouldn't have bothered.

Dear god .. 11 minutes for this ... what a total moron.

Let's just stick to the topic shall we ... I'm done with this childish tit for tat ... stick to the thread topics or f**k off ..

says he wants to stop childish tit for tat the edits to add a childish point about time it takes to reply. jesus wept. you are a special kind of tit dhense

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Fux sake give it a rest. My eyes are bleeding at this pish. If you canna stay on topic then GTF.

This has turned into an old firm board now, probably best just to move this thread over there and be doen with it.

Stuck him on ignore .. for the best. I've noticed his drivel is the same old tired personal patter with everyone.

Remember what i told you about brown nosing him?

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PMG - Hearts Rescued

Read it, don't read it. You know who it is. It's a link .. you're not forced to use it.

If you post about the messenger ... you're obviously 'irked'.

Yup ... I can live without your pish patter as well ... you contribute f**k all to this thread.

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Just did a double take on that flawed catchphrase on what this really means.

Best interests of the company?. Which would imply no one outside the club like Dave King, Union of Fans and all the other supporters have any influence on what are the clubs best interests. Most football clubs in Scotland don't have companies running them and are closer to the support, so the support have influence. But with Rangers if I was a supporter I would have as much influence as if I supported Mars Bars, .....supporter or customer?. How can you support a company like a football team?. Go Team Tesco!!

Question also is do the people that run the company view the Rangers supporters as supporters or customers?

Maybe what is happening right now is in the best interest of the club whatever the agenda and direction the directors/shareholders want to send the the club 'front'?. And the way it seems now its all about personal gain (short term) rather than any long term plan and the company Rangers IFC is the main body and Rangers FC Ltd is like a works team.

Works team.....nice

That could mean the company could pull the plug at any time if its main source of income is not providing enough gain to make it worth while and shift to another market that does, companies can be dissolved (it doesn't have to be in vast amounts of debt or have any debt at all) and the same people involved can go on their merry way to some other venture having dropped the Rangers name.

Maybe then someone else could pick up the brand and 'maintain continuity'. :1eye;)

Just read that Vauxhall Motors FC have resigned from the English Conference North http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/vauxhallmotorsfc/news/club-statement-1172986.html Can see some parallels with Rangers in that statement. Don't like to see football teams drop out but with works teams they are less likely to flog a dead horse than a straight forward football club staggering from one season to the next.

The same old regurgitated crap from non-Rangers supporters.

Manchester United plc., is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands;

Chelsea are owned by Chelsea Village plc.; and

Abu Dhabi United Group (amongst others) own Manchester City.

This is quite normal in sport. It happens all over the world. However, for some strange reason, this knowleedge has not reached Scotland. Is there something in the Scottish mentality that can't grasp this? What is it that makes some Scots so thick, when it comes to something so simple? Is it bigotry, jealousy, or obsession or all three?

I think it's all three.

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This has turned into an old firm board now

Exactly. It is beyond tedious now and tbh i rarely read this thread now. I am only here as Rangers season is over and thought i would look in.

I remember when this thread was somewhere to go when you wanted an alternative view to what you read on Rangers Forums. I didn't always agree with what was posted and some of it was just out and out bollocks but you soon learned who to read and who to just skim over. Now the personal fights on here just swamp the informed posts on the actual subject. It is simply not worth looking through the pages of bickering anymore...which is a great shame

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