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No doubt he will blame somebody else again and PhilMcMadeupName will be telling us all (in a fake irish accent) how he alone predicted it.

If this is what is going to happen then so be it, might as well get to the end point now rather than hanging about for another few years.

Unlike dasodaha I will still here supporting my team.

Can't argue with that, if they strung it out for another few years - who knows how much more they'd get their paws on.

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No doubt he will blame somebody else again and PhilMcMadeupName will be telling us all (in a fake irish accent) how he alone predicted it.

If this is what is going to happen then so be it, might as well get to the end point now rather than hanging about for another few years.

Unlike dasodaha I will still here supporting my team.

You're letting that clown get to you :lol:

You know who he will blame. Dave King...The former players..the supporters..the media...in particular the BBC..They will blame everybody and anybody except for the real culprits. The people who have robbed £50 million+ from the club!!!

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I expect Dave King or Richard Gough to come out with something positive this week..As much as it sticks in my throat i think they should make an offer to buy the thieving scumbags out. It would be in the long term best interests of the club..as much as it pains me to say it i think that is what could happen this week or over the weekend. Obviously none of us want these b*****ds getting richer on our money but if that is what it takes then so be it. Get it done and for as little as we possibly can get away with.

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Awe grow up. Looking at things from a different perspective, I must say, sending the youth team out with the five star badged shirts does seem a bit naff tbf.

you are either a shite troll or a cretin who i am quite glad will never be in amongst the home support at ibrox again. Either way you are still a cretin!
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Sorry to keep banging on about this, but again a level of openness 'Rangers' can only dream of.

More transparency from Hearts re the deal with Ann Budge


The basics of the arrangement is that Ann has put up £2,237,950 of her money in a loan to BIDCO 1874 to fund the CVA., which in turn is repayable by HoM PLC.

Ann will be paid interest of 6% per annum, calculated quarterly.

There is an arrangement fee of £110,000 payable in December 2015.

The Loan plus interest is payable in 5 years from now, although it seems that it can be paid up in instalments, other lump sums, or before the due date, without penalty (will probably depend on the level of pledges achieved).

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So a 6% flat rate and 5% fee, with interest charged quarterly, could end up being quite a high APR depending on how repayments are made, it is not exactly cheap but yet again still not bad for a distressed football club.

What is it secured on? what are the penalties for non payment?

Not sure?

But I did notice in the Management Document it shows that Ann will be inheriting a bank balance of £602K, but after accounting for further income of £259K and expenditure of £961K to 9th May her opening deficit will be £99K.

So BDO will have run the club for 11 months at a deficit of £99K, which includes all BDO’s legal fees / expenses etc. D&P ran RFC for 4 months with a deficit of £4.5M.

Two entirely different kettles of fish.

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So here's the discussion:

Cheers, didn't expect my first game as an official Jambo to be v Rangers but hey ho. C'mon the Hearts, winning 2-1.

Awe fux

Das, this is not a go but a genuine question. What's the background to your post?

My post on 10th may 22.27 I think. Either that or check my profile.

I asked a plain and polite question and got, "My post on 10th may 22.27 I think. Either that or check my profile." as a reply.

I know not which team you're affiliated with but you you are certainly not one of we handsome and erudite Bears. ;)

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Awe grow up. Looking at things from a different perspective, I must say, sending the youth team out with the five star badged shirts does seem a bit naff tbf.

Honestly. the youth team wear the strip with the five stars? That's priceless. Is this the extent of the new austerity, the youth team don't have their own kit and have to borrow the first team's? :lol:

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Honestly. the youth team wear the strip with the five stars? That's priceless. Is this the extent of the new austerity, the youth team don't have their own kit and have to borrow the first team's? :lol:

More disgusting was the yoofs went out advertising alcohol......

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Honestly. the youth team wear the strip with the five stars? That's priceless. Is this the extent of the new austerity, the youth team don't have their own kit and have to borrow the first team's? :lol:

Aye and the Aberdeen yoof team wear a strip with 2 stars and one of those is for winning a glamour friendly

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Aye and the Aberdeen yoof team wear a strip with 2 stars and one of those is for winning a glamour friendly

'Glamour' is a really good word to use re Sevco...in many senses,,,,,,,,

archaic Enchantment;
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Honestly. the youth team wear the strip with the five stars? That's priceless. Is this the extent of the new austerity, the youth team don't have their own kit and have to borrow the first team's? :lol:

Aw c**t loves the 5 stars. Even The Fat Royal George gets a stauner as evidenced by my whimsical post here:


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Aye and the Aberdeen yoof team wear a strip with 2 stars and one of those is for winning a glamour friendly

How many ''glamour friendlies'' has your club won, that has resulted in it being presented with a UEFA branded trophy?

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How many ''glamour friendlies'' has your club won, that has resulted in it being presented with a UEFA branded trophy?

Was it not my club that thought this glamour friendly up in the 70s? I am sure i read that somewhere. Anyway it is utterly ridiculous to have a fucking star above your badge for winning what is no more than a friendly :rolleyes:

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How many ''glamour friendlies'' has your club won, that has resulted in it being presented with a UEFA branded trophy?

Don in, "The sheep have 2 euro trophies unlike the arse-cheeks with one apiece" shock post/

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