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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Serious question, No.8. Do you not get embarrassed at associating yourself with the same club/organisation that attracts low-lifes like this?

ETA: Similar question to Tedi. They may be nothing to do with Football - and I agree with you on that score - but they are all about rangers. Surely the club should be distancing themselves - and issuing public statements to dissociate themselves from the loons?

I could go in to some detail about these people but i won't. I left all that shit behind me many many years ago....whether you choose to believe that or not.

What i will say is this... They are not Rangers supporters. They are not even football fans they use my football club to further their own selfish agenda. They use it to further their own political and religious beliefs. They are the Billy Boy Brigade.

Am i embarrassed... Not at all. It takes all sorts to make up a support. I am actually glad that tbey have that page. Everybody should have their say on the current situation and they have somewhere to voice their concerns. They are always free to come on here and put their point across.

Posting my picture was fucking outrageous but then again i am big enough and ugly enough to deal with that. As the picture proves.

I have said before i won't shy away when i am confronted by these people. A few have doubted that and some believe i am one of them. Hopefully this puts that nonsense to bed

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I do not think they would say it face to face, hiding behind a faceless facebook page and naming and shaming real fans seems to be more their game, pretty disgusting but you just have to read some of the other stuff on that page to know what they are all about, just hate and nothing to do with football.

Don't worry mate. If they do confront me i ll tell them you made me do it....f**k all that bravado bollocks. In fact i ll just tell them you were at Tannadice :P

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I was hiding behind one of those masks I made :ph34r:

and lets not forget, they backed him too.

You made the masks???? I would not dream of mentioning that on here :ph34r:

Vanguard Bears....Tedi made the Craig Whyte masks for the United supporters . :P

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That's horrific stuff to face just for supporting your team.

Not sure I could be arsed tbh.

f**k Off You have to park your motors in Feegie and then walk through it to support your club. It might get bad at times but i comfort myself in it never gets that bad :P

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Posting your PIC is indeed fucking outrageous, what message is that sending? I've had run ins with their sort myself, I always assumed they saved all their vitriol for people like me with the audacity to have a foreign name. Never thought it was actually as bad as that when it came to infighting amongst the bears. You guys are buggered if that is what you can expect from your fellow fans.

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Wonderful. The club are destroying themselves from the inside out, the fans are destroying themselves from the inside out. The fans want to destroy the club and the club wants to destroy the fans.

I have to admit maybe the Orcs were right two years ago. Maybe I am jealous of them. :lol:

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i honestly predict a fair bit of trouble between rangers fans at ibrox this season ,the split among the support has got extremely bitter over the last few months. I have renewed my season ticket but I have no problem with people who have or have not. people have made their choices based on what they believe will save the club , wether I agree or disagree with that decision , I will not result to threatening or name calling a fellow rangers fan over it. my reason for doing so is simply to follow my club and down to the fact that I am genuinley lost and not clued up at all about all this financial, shares , takeover nonsense , a bit more clued up than i was pre 2012 but still no expert. reading that page with no.8s pic on fb and seeing the fighting amongst rangers fans was actually shocking.

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They have been doing this for years... It is what they do... They intimidate and shout down those who disagree with them.

Today i received a pm from them. Last night he said to me it is simple...Support Rangers or f**k off and die. That's all fine and well but today in the pn he says....he stopped going in 1989 when Rangers signed Mo Jo. He goes on to say this is not Rangers but simply a shell...a pale shadow of the team pre 1989. He didn't go back until after SDM left...Honestly this is the mentality among our support. Theives Crooks Spivs and Gangsters are fine....well as long as they are not '*****s'.

I fucking give in. How can you argue with that?

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They have been doing this for years... It is what they do... They intimidate and shout down those who disagree with them.

Today i received a pm from them. Last night he said to me it is simple...Support Rangers or f**k off and die. That's all fine and well but today in the pn he says....he stopped going in 1989 when Rangers signed Mo Jo. He goes on to say this is not Rangers but simply a shell...a pale shadow of the team pre 1989. He didn't go back until after SDM left...Honestly this is the mentality among our support. Theives Crooks Spivs and Gangsters are fine....well as long as they are not '*****s'.

I fucking give in. How can you argue with that?

It's amazing that this is considered a valid reason to boycott Rangers yet being unhappy with the current set up makes you 'scum' etc.

How do you sit with these nutjobs every week?

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Tynecastle last day of the season as well.

Could be some game.

tbh it will be good to get a few games that actually get the bood flowing , as much as going around and getting pished in all these wee towns has been fun , the football has been dire to watch and lack of rivalry has been a bit boring too. looking forward to games with a bit of bite and edge . Think the dundee utd game this season was the only game last season I had that pre match nerves and giddyness feeling.

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tbh it will be good to get a few games that actually get the bood flowing , as much as going around and getting pished in all these wee towns has been fun , the football has been dire to watch and lack of rivalry has been a bit boring too. looking forward to games with a bit of bite and edge . Think the dundee utd game this season was the only game last season I had that pre match nerves and giddyness feeling.

^^^ Not enjoying the journey ^^^


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It's amazing that this is considered a valid reason to boycott Rangers yet being unhappy with the current set up makes you 'scum' etc.

How do you sit with these nutjobs every week?

I don't. By his own admission he doesn't go as the Rangers he supported died in 1989.... There you Shull...fill yer boots lol

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