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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He originally called for a penalty, he then changed his mind. Whether or not "he" genuinely believed it wasn't a penalty (correct decision or not) is debatable as lied about it.

Old firm game at Ibrox

Rangers get awarded a penalty

Scott Broon takes the ref aside and has a word.

Penalty revoked and Rangers player booked.

You had no issue with a ref changing his mind there sunshine...

Edited by bennett
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Yes there was still a high level of northern Irish migration to Liverpool but not as much as the numbers who emigrated to west of Scotland. Majority of liverpools Irish immigration where from the south where communities were not so divided.

I remember reading a study that claimed this was the only reason behind sectarianism. Glasgow had the highest proportion of Irish Catholics (35% I think whereas Liverpool was 25%). The report went further to say there's pretty much bugger all sectarianism in Glasgow these days claiming that only one third of one percent of murders were sectarian in the last decade and in even those cases it was actually about football and not religion. I'll see if I can hunt it down.

Can't find it, but this article quotes some of it's stuff. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2011/apr/24/scotland-sectarianism-research-data

Edited by aofjays
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Anyone seen the BRALT thread anywhere?

It moved briefly to The Scottish Indy section - the ''What happens after a No'' thread - :o

Edited by Taza
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Vanguard bears are nut jobs, no doubt about it.

That guy they are targeting is a raving bigot, no doubt about that either.

They are so intimidating that they forced poor No8 to throw away his principles and give his money to gangsters and put himself at risk of sitting beside random arseholes who are helping destroy his club.

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They are so intimidating that they forced poor No8 to throw away his principles and give his money to gangsters and put himself at risk of sitting beside random arseholes who are helping destroy his club.

You know Tedi knows me. He knows that just wouldnt happen.

These nutters get far more coverage than they deserve. They are representative of a tiny minority of the Rangers support.

I havent read much about this as i am on my phone but it looks like the same tactics used to out known Republicans in the past.

I ll state it clearly here for you...The Vanguardbears are arseholes to a man.

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I see Vanguard Bears are now targeting employees of HMRC who are Celtic fans. The irony being they're a secret club who won't reveal their own identity


You hope the police will step in.

We can only hope Rico, if rules/laws have been broken then most people would want to see them do their stuff.

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Hilarious how aofjays is happy to pick you up, yet completely ignores the OP :lol:

I'm not picking him up, I was asking a question since the rangers fans have, for some time, been saying criminal charges need to be brought against tax officials - I incorrectly assumed bennett had more info than he in fact does. I didn't ask Enricco anything as I couldn't work out what he meant. Who is "you" and who do they want charges brought against. VB against Tax fanny? Tax fanny against VB? Don't know and frankly don't care. Criminal charges against HMRC would on the other hand be quite interesting. HTH.

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Just another case of aofjays diving in head first and not reading what was actually posted.

No, I read it fine. Rangers fans have been talking about charges for ages, it's hardly a stretch to think you might know what your fellow fans are complaining about. Hilarious how you're not pulling Tedi up for jumping in without any idea what he's talking about. I'm sure Tedi will be along to mock you for that any second.

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