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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Nah...They are all out on their arses and the season hasn't even kicked off yet :lol:

Booming i tell ye. BOOMING!!!!111!!!! :thumsup2

You know how easily that is all countered though don't you, by pointing to Rangers' European record in the last two or three years before liquidation?

So why do you do it?

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A week to early there.....

Nah...They are all out on their arses and the season hasn't even kicked off yet :lol:

Booming i tell ye. BOOMING!!!!111!!!! :thumsup2

So much bitterness. :(

You never did get back to me where Groningen and Luzern ranked on the Falkirk/Rosenborg scale?

Hope you can come to terms with the death of oldco Rangers at some point lads, 2 years is obviously still too soon.

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You know how easily that is all countered though don't you, by pointing to Rangers' European record in the last two or three years before liquidation?

So why do you do it?

A major European cup final.....

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A major European cup final.....

Yip, I said the last two or three years before liquidation.

2012 - 2 = 2010

2012 - 3 = 2009.

When was that final?

Outline please for me Rangers' Europen record over the timescale I identified.

No8 is clearly implying that early exits in Europe are indicative of elite football in this country struggling in the wake of Rangers' absence from it.

And yet in the years immediately ahead of Rangers' departure from the scene, the record was little different. In fact, Rangers recent record in that arena was simply appalling.

This need of yours to highlight a situation that doesn't actually exist is desperate.

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Yip, I said the last two or three years before liquidation.

2012 - 2 = 2010

2012 - 3 = 2009.

When was that final?

Outline please for me Rangers' Europen record over the timescale I identified.

No8 is clearly implying that early exits in Europe are indicative of elite football in this country struggling in the wake of Rangers' absence from it.

And yet in the years immediately ahead of Rangers' departure from the scene, the record was little different. In fact, Rangers recent record in that arena was simply appalling.

This need of yours to highlight a situation that doesn't actually exist is desperate.

in that timescale we had 2 european champions league group stage appearances and a uefa cup last 16 appearance....

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You know how easily that is all countered though don't you, by pointing to Rangers' European record in the last two or three years before liquidation?

So why do you do it?

Aye those Champions League nights and runs to European Finals still haunt me to this day....I would swap it all for a 4-1 hammering away to the mighty Legia Warsaw :lol:

Aye the mighty Rosenborg who lost at home to the mighty Sligo Rovers. :lol:

Just out of interest does anybody know how Legia Warsaw got on at home the last time they played an Irish team....well an Irish team other than celtic :lol:

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Yip, I said the last two or three years before liquidation.

2012 - 2 = 2010

2012 - 3 = 2009.

When was that final?

Outline please for me Rangers' Europen record over the timescale I identified.

No8 is clearly implying that early exits in Europe are indicative of elite football in this country struggling in the wake of Rangers' absence from it.

And yet in the years immediately ahead of Rangers' departure from the scene, the record was little different. In fact, Rangers recent record in that arena was simply appalling.

This need of yours to highlight a situation that doesn't actually exist is desperate.

You do realise in the years you are talking about Rangers co-efficient was by far the best of the Scottish clubs competing in European competition

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What was your record in terms of wins, draws and losses?

That is of little consequence. When was the last time every Scottish club was knocked out of Europe before the league season had kicked off?

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Just for Tedi. I asked this in another thread. I'll let him decide where he'd like to answer it. (BTW the original question was asked of Bennett but Tedi felt he could give a better (read 'more sarcastic') answer.)

Bennett, this isn't meant to be an aggressive post - I'm interested in the views of a Rangers fan.

Do you really not think there's much chance of an admin event this season? If so, I this a common position among the fans you're friendly with?

To me, it seems nailed on, short of another source of funding being found in the next few months or a sell-off of some assets (players, MP, etc.). Has something happened since the last accounts were issued that makes you think things are looking more positive?

I'm not wishing this on Rangers - if they can find a way to get the faithful digging down the back of the sofa, good luck to them - but it seems like one of the groups is missing something.

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That is of little consequence. When was the last time every Scottish club was knocked out of Europe before the league season had kicked off?

They're not.

You do realise in the years you are talking about Rangers co-efficient was by far the best of the Scottish clubs competing in European competition

You're not quite getting this couldn't afford it bit, are you?

Day off and a bottle of whiskey I take it.

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Aye those Champions League nights and runs to European Finals still haunt me to this day....I would swap it all for a 4-1 hammering away to the mighty Legia Warsaw :lol:

Aye the mighty Rosenborg who lost at home to the mighty Sligo Rovers. :lol:

Just out of interest does anybody know how Legia Warsaw got on at home the last time they played an Irish team....well an Irish team other than celtic :lol:

Grow up No8 mate and discuss the issue.

I'd suggest that nobody on here has taken more delight in Celtic's latest result than me.

However, when you use that somewhat silly "Booming... I tells you" line, you're clearly implying that these poor showings are evidence of a game that is in real trouble and you're tracing an unsubtle link to it and Rangers' current circumstances.

Now you might deny this of course and I can't stop you, but you know fine well that if Rangers were still operating at such a level, you wouldn't be saying it.

It's all rather needy and pathetic.

I don't like seeing you reduced to it - honestly.

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You do realise in the years you are talking about Rangers co-efficient was by far the best of the Scottish clubs competing in European competition

Weren't Rangers a net drag on the co-efficient during those years?

I'm sure HJ has already established that, although I seem to recall you starting to cry during subsequent discussions.

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Weren't Rangers a net drag on the co-efficient during those years?

I'm sure HJ has already established that, although I seem to recall you starting to cry during subsequent discussions.

Nope...HJ and Craigkillie took it upon themselves to rewrite the rule book to suit their agenda.

Rangers were by some distance the largest contributors to Scotlands coefficient...They both claimed that if you took out Rangers points tally and then divided what was left it would have given Scotland more points...Completely missing the point that Scotland had X amount of entries and they would have to replace Rangers tally with that of a club with less points and then divide it by X. Giving a far smaller total.

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As good as and happy as I am about celtic getting pumped it is still a miserable state of affairs for Scottish Football.

Do not get me wrong, this has nothing to do with Rangers absence, in no way am I suggesting this, in fact given our current situation I believe we would have every chance of an early exit too.

I agree Celtc getting pumped was great, and yes the Motherwell result was embarrassing, but both Aberdeen and St Johnstone eliminating higher ranked opponents is hardly what I'd call a miserable state of affairs.

Of course we could be doing better , and I respect your argument on that front, my beef was more with 8's apparent delight in our teams defeats as it either backs up his previous negative views and/or is somehow linked to rangers absence.

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