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What's strange is you readily applauded one piece of sick innuendo as a magnificent piece of trolling and are now condemning another for the same. Double standards, hypocrite and no real moral stance on the subject matter are all accusations that readily spring to mind.

But hey .. no doubt you'll say your fishing while Monkey thinks 'you've got him there'.

Glad to see your principles are sound.

You attacked my principles Dhenny simply for pointing out that it was strange for HBQC to use a beast analogy after so vehemently arguing against mentioning the beasts of parkhead.

8 and benny did troll you extremely well. The thing about innuendo is that the party reading or hearing that innuendo needs to make the connection. "Fritzel moment" is not innuendo, it's a direct reference to child abuse.

Why are you not losing the plot with HB? Why are you picking on me?

EDIT- sorry X if I was included in that. Started my post before your reprimand.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Ban him Mr X ... he clearly stuck two fingers up to you. In the fairness of a right of reply to your question seeing as it's been asked.

Innuendo and connection. Bennett's 'Celtic and 'Big Lie' .. is exactly the same ... nothing else could be inferred from it especially with No8's reply.

I asked you to explain what else it could infer or the blatant point scoring posts that followed.

You simply declined to answer. There is no difference as those terms are publicly acknowledged to be linked to that incident.

To pretend that either the Fritzel moment is somehow different to 'Celtic and the Big Lie' nudge, nudge , wink wink, is at best disingenuous.

As for my lack of comment on HB .. I already responded to you on that point. You were the one making supposed intellectual judgements on the authors and their content, nobody else.

I notice you have looped back to start of the argument and ignored the pointing out of your hypocrisy altogether.

Happy to leave it there and take it to PM ... My apologies to the forum and Mr-X.

This was a discussion between me and HB, leave it at that, you are heading down the same route as before. Your input was neither required nor requested.
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Two celtic supporters have now used child abuse as whataboutery/ point scoring. One tried to blacken the name of a former Rangers captain even though there is actually no prove whatsoever....none.

Bennett and i were mildly mocking their refusal to accept their cover up

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I can't be fucked reading the entirety of his eye-bleeding pish posts, but did Dhenbhoy understand that using child abuse to mock (Fritzl) then cry like little bitches when others use it in the other direction (Torbett etc) is hypocritical?

Or did he swerve it completely with a mix of tear stained barely-literate pish and Sevco-related whataboutery?

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I can't be fucked reading the entirety of his eye-bleeding pish posts, but did Dhenbhoy understand that using child abuse to mock (Fritzl) then cry like little bitches when others use it in the other direction (Torbett etc) is hypocritical?

Or did he swerve it completely with a mix of tear stained barely-literate pish and Sevco-related whataboutery?

Good guess.

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I can't be fucked reading the entirety of his eye-bleeding pish posts, but did Dhenbhoy understand that using child abuse to mock (Fritzl) then cry like little bitches when others use it in the other direction (Torbett etc) is hypocritical?

Or did he swerve it completely with a mix of tear stained barely-literate pish and Sevco-related whataboutery?

Close but not quite. Dhense tried to use the completely unfounded rumours about Gough to cover up the cover up.

A certain Thistle supporter is being very quiet now.

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Nope if you read my posts .. I answered the question.

Maybe you can answer the question Stoney keeps ducking.

"Celtic" coupled with "the Big Lie" are publicly acknowledged to specifically refer to the incidents at CBC and this is common knowledge on football forums (The racist's comments only confirmed Bennett's intended meaning).

If Bennett and No8's comments sorry innuendo were not 'directly attributable' to the incident at CBC what could they possibly have been referring to?

It's an easy enough question to answer, yet it has been ducked time and again.

Personally I see no connection to anything else.

Edit: And for the record it was non-firm fan that jumped in and tried to pull them up for posting that pish and was rounded on by the pair of them ... at that point any sense of trolling OF firms was long gone.

It's not about trolling OF fans it's about drawing out meltdowns in the uber sensitive.

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Close but not quite. Dhense tried to use the completely unfounded rumours about Gough to cover up the cover up.

A certain Thistle supporter is being very quiet now.

I'm respecting Mr.X's wishes and not personally attacking posters. You know what I think of you, not that you care, no-one with your opinions would be capable of that. If it makes you feel better you can apply about 60-70% of what I said to HB. Still horrible but somehow your denial of the whole thing just make you worse in my eyes.

Edited, said DB instead of HB. Already pulled up DB the other day.

Edited by aofjays
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I'm respecting Mr.X's wishes and not personally attacking posters. You know what I think of you, not that you care, no-one with your opinions would be capable of that. If it makes you feel better you can apply about 60-70% of what I said to HB. Still horrible but somehow your denial of the whole thing just make you worse in my eyes.

Edited, said DB instead of HB. Already pulled up DB the other day.

Nah. You made a complete fool of yourself. You mistook mildly mocking the cover up with using child abuse to score points...something two celtic fans have since done and one is just made up bullshit. Nothing from you.

You later contradicted yourself by saying those who covered up said abuse should be 'hounded' but got upset over mild mocking.

I am denying nothing. I said what i said and it is there for anybody to see for themselves. I am still waiting for you to show me where i used the actual abuse as point scoring. It has only be 3 days :rolleyes:

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So where do you draw the line Stoney ... what exactly is considered 'fair innuendo' for trolling .... ??

Sexuality, face pressed against the window with his tongue out, child molesters?

f**k me I only went .. *cough gough cough* a potential typo, my first reply to the whole subject .. Monkey and then No8 (after he was briefed on it) were up in arms.

The hypocrisy and double standards on this forum at times is astounding ...

Either it's a free for all or it isn't .... Free for all never bothers me. How ever if there are boundaries then they apply to all equally.

I have no problem with any of the posts, the fact they are still up after a mod has intervened says a lot.

I do think the resultant meltdowns are fascinating and amuzing. I especially like posters getting all high and mighty then posting in a way which flies in the face of the morals they were purporting to follow themselves.

But, your contribution has to be the best of the lot. TBF you have not changed your posting style, I am just highlighting it because I am enjoying your meltdowns as much as the ones which are missing due to Tedi's holiday.

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Nah. You made a complete fool of yourself. You mistook mildly mocking the cover up with using child abuse to score points...something two celtic fans have since done and one is just made up bullshit. Nothing from you.

You later contradicted yourself by saying those who covered up said abuse should be 'hounded' but got upset over mild mocking.

I am denying nothing. I said what i said and it is there for anybody to see for themselves. I am still waiting for you to show me where i used the actual abuse as point scoring. It has only be 3 days :rolleyes:

Sorry, this will be my last reply to you on the subject, if you want to take that as some kind of victory you go right ahead but to be perfectly honest conversing with you makes me feel like I need to go for a shower. Simply put:

Even mildly mocking the cover up IS using child abuse to score points. There is absolutely NO reason to bring it up in this thread.

I pulled up DB when you mentioned it so I've no idea why you are claiming not a peep from me. Lying? No.8? Who'd of thought it?

If I am contradicting myself by getting "upset" then could you please tell us who in this thread covered up abuse? Who exactly are you accusing of this heinous act and why aren't you hounding them?

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A club convicted you say .. how is that possible?

Is it not your position that Rangers liable for the debt they left before liquidation and that CW was Rangers when he acted in not paying taxes.

Not saying the situations are even similar, just saying that it is legally possible to hold a company liable.

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Is it not your position that Rangers liable for the debt they left before liquidation and that CW was Rangers when he acted in not paying taxes.

Not saying the situations are even similar, just saying that it is legally possible to hold a company liable.

Yes, but can you convict one and put it in jail?

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Ah but i thought the party line was it wasn't the club and had nothing to do with the club and the boys club were completely separate from the club. It does beg the question why the manager of the club went into the clubs social club and forcefully removed the paedo. You would think he knew something or did he just throw wee Torbett out on a whim?

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This was all explained previously and we know you have the attention span of a gnat.

He threw him out. Why he didn't go to the police is sheer speculation ... possibly those involved did not want to go to court.

But don't let that stop you trying to drag a dead man's reputation through the mud after all you have none.

Any answer on the tarring and feathering of racists and those that support and joke along with them? No? You just ask questions?

You cannot defame the dead.

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