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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aye, handy smokescreen for the spivs, that's what I was thinking. Keep the gullible masses occupied for a few days.

*Opens can of worms*

I don't think use of the H word alone is enough to confirm bigotry, but maybe that's just me.

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His comments were silly for an official club publication and more suited to a fanzine but his tweets on twitter will land him in some hot water.

Livi have no option but to remove him.

Nah I don't believe in this sacking shite. I believe in consistency. If the Livi programme for their home game against Hibs on Oct 18th says something like, "We welcome a team who have only won the Scottish Cup one time their history" or somesuch then I'd regard it as an interesting way of writing programmes.

If they fail to do that then I'd be grumpy.

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Thank God I am a Rangers fan, rather than someone more obsessed with hating a club than supporting one.

I only dip into this thread two or three times a year, but every time I come away feeling better about myself as a human being when compared with the likes of monkey tennis and white rose celtic.

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Not at all. I am perfectly happy with people to disagree with me. However, I eschew cant and always have done.

What have you got against the language of Gypsy travellers? Is it a prejudiced thing?

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What have you got against the language of Gypsy travellers? Is it a prejudiced thing?

What i it with the diddies not being able to distinguish between upper and lower cases? Is it only we elbow-typing knuckle-draggers who ken the difference between cant and Cant and kent and Kent?

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What i it with the diddies not being able to distinguish between upper and lower cases? Is it only we elbow-typing knuckle-draggers who ken the difference between cant and Cant and kent and Kent?

At least I kent that the letter beginning the name of the language is not capitalised, seeing as how it's not an official language an that, more a way of speaking.

At least we can have a discussion not involving religion or politics though you humourless old git.

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At least we can have a discussion not involving religion or politics though you humourless old git.

And at least I live in Bucks not Kent and ken the difference between Cant and cant yah fucking Teuchter b*****d. BTW great start to the season for your team. Today's result must have been a sair yin though. I'd have bet on 3 points for you.

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And at least I live in Bucks not Kent and ken the difference between Cant and cant yah fucking Teuchter b*****d. BTW great start to the season for your team. Today's result must have been a sair yin though. I'd have bet on 3 points for you.

Sair yin? That first half had me ragin, snot, tears, the lot. Almost as bad as Pitodrie last week. Far too many passes being picked off the toes of our players. Yogi has us playing some nice football, when it works, but our players are just not of the quality to pull it off without the costly blunders.

FYI Teuchter is a derogatory term for a community of people (Highlanders of Gaelic descent) borderline racism. I don't like the term but not overly offended. I would thank you not to address me by it again though.

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It means 'requiring' and referred to the bit in bold. "You come away feeling better" which indicates there was a requirement

I feel better after a bar of chocolate. Does this mean I "need" one? There is a difference between a requirement and an indulgence.


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Even you cannot be that thick.

Oh wait, perhaps you are on a good batch of skunk.

Maybe you'll believe Collins English dictionary. I used to use the H word without researching it's meaning or origin, I bet you don't know where the term h*n originates as a derogatory term for Rangers supporters? I now do not use that term, even though it is not sectarian.

Surely you can stop using the T word?

Respect costs nothing.

Edit http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/teuchter

Edited by stonedsailor
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FYI Teuchter is a derogatory term for a community of people (Highlanders of Gaelic descent) borderline racism. I don't like the term but not overly offended. I would thank you not to address me by it again though.

My auld man was from about 20 miles west of Thurso (Strathy) and didn't speak English until he was 4. He was very much a Gaelic speaker and I'd always regarded myself as half-Teuchter.

If you regard it as a pejorative term then I am happy to withdraw my comment.

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My auld man was from about 20 miles west of Thurso (Strathy) and didn't speak English until he was 4. He was very much a Gaelic speaker and I'd always regarded myself as half-Teuchter.

If you regard it as a pejorative term then I am happy to withdraw my comment.


Are you Geordie?

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If you are entitled to use that it would make you a smelly Cattach ... otherwise please refrain. :P

Aye the stink of the C*unty faithful is still hinging aboot me so I'll accept that ye cull. :P

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Thank God I am a Rangers fan, rather than someone more obsessed with hating a club than supporting one.

I only dip into this thread two or three times a year, but every time I come away feeling better about myself as a human being when compared with the likes of monkey tennis and white rose celtic.

Better as a human being?

What an extraordinary claim to make based on others' expression of dislike for a football club.

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