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Glad to see dense is still not over his warning for being a bigot, I think he deserved much better than his 2nd place in last weeks 'heads gone' thread.

Will he ever get over it?

The more he whines about it, the more i smile about it lol

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I would prefer that over a hate filled history littered with bigotry and cringy attempts at getting round sectarian word filters, I am glad we are very much different.

Remember when he proudly claimed that he hated Rangers for religious reasons..........

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The debt was down to £18m, down from a high point of £74M?, £18M debt would not have scared investors without the tax case hanging round its neck.

I doubt the figures very very much.

Though I suppose it depends on the word 'debt'.

Murray underwrote the last share issue iirc. He sold it all for £1. Why?

He ain't a fool re £££, so why? Because the debts outweighed the assets.

Bill Millers big black hole springs to mind...

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My post is in jest but you are right if stories are true and Ashley has a plan to keep this going then he's done more than the current board and the laughable Dave 'not with my money' king put together.

The sons of struth in all honesty seem like a group of wallopers who can't see past the here and now.

Ashley bought the rights from Charles green, who has been away for a while. Has he used them yet? No.

Wonder why? Is he waiting to have further control before doing so?

Maybe saving it to sell on to someone else for a value more like its' worth, when the time is right?

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If you are no fool you will know the definition of a bigot. I would think describing a group of people as 'Absolute scum. Everyone of them Utter Scum' i would that was just a little bigoted. Wouldn't you?

If the condition or qualifying characteristic which led me to describe them as such was innate or involuntary, then absolutely that would be bigoted. You mean those brought up in a religious faith, out those with differing skin colour, that kind of thing?

Those who choose, of their own free will, to support emotionally or financially an organization which follows discriminatory policies, which follows criminal behavior as a business plan, and which condones sectarian behaviour as long as the money keeps coming in, must obviously approve of such behaviour - or condone it.

Exactly what would it take for you to throw away the 54 titles comfort blanket?

There are forty clean clubs in Scotland, and a generous choice outside the senior leagues.

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Ok then...

We are talking about a different Murray here....the bank forced him to sell it for a £1, why? because they were duped into believing the tax case was a forgone conclusion....the bank were wrong (like so many others)

Duped :D

Aye right. The fit and proper test that Rangers should have done on Whyte was ignored.

Who knew if he had the cash to cover the debt off the radar.

You are being blinded by the banks part in this Tedi, it was not in their interest fipr it to go to Whyte.

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No. Do remind us - you know, post a link, that kind of thing.

Of course, silly me. It's just another Bennett fantasy.

Or bare faced fucking lie, if you prefer.

why do you keep denying something we all read. You said ... quoting roughly....you hate Rangers more than celtic due to your religion. IMHO that is pretty tame bigotry if bigotry at all but you did post it

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I had a drunken women in the taxi last night that shares your view. It made my night watching her going nuts just because i voted No. Of course i waited until i got paid first.

I can just imagine a guy getting in your taxi and you’re looking at him as you think you ken him.

“Are you somebody famous, are ye a lord ?”

“I am now”, he says, “just call me darling”.

“How much is the fare?”

“f**k all, I mean nothing to you my lord, let the plebs pay”.

“But they are paying you silly little man, it’s on expenses”

“Oh well, thank you”

“No, thank you. It’s plebs like you that made me what I am”.

And you blush and kiss his…… :lol:

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I can just imagine a guy getting in your taxi and youre looking at him as you think you ken him.

Are you somebody famous, are ye a lord ?

I am now, he says, just call me darling.

How much is the fare?

f**k all, I mean nothing to you my lord, let the plebs pay.

But they are paying you silly little man, its on expenses

Oh well, thank you

No, thank you. Its plebs like you that made me what I am.

And you blush and kiss his :lol:

I did have the former scottish labour Mp and chairman in the taxi who called me comrade over and over again. What made me laugh was my 'comrades' all lived in houses in the more affluent areas of the city.

Pretty sure he got the jail for his expenses

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why do you keep denying something we all read. You said ... quoting roughly....you hate Rangers more than celtic due to your religion. IMHO that is pretty tame bigotry if bigotry at all but you did post it

"Quoting roughly" - you really are priceless at times, you know that?

"You did post it" - so where the fùck is it, then? In your head, that's where.

If you want something a bit more accurate, then why not just ask what I said? Which would be that my opinion of rangers would naturally be lower due to the abuse and occasional violence which I suffered from people identifying themselves as rangers fans and, more importantly, identifying me as a catholic. I didn't use the word "hate"in terms of my emotions at any time, as you've probably found out by searching back. I also stated my offence at celtic fans assuming that I would somehow align myself on their side of the fence.

Now, I'll ask again. Examples of bigotry that aren't entirely imaginary - in your own time, now.

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I did have the former scottish labour Mp and chairman in the taxi who called me comrade over and over again. What made me laugh was my 'comrades' all lived in houses in the more affluent areas of the city.

Pretty sure he got the jail for his expenses

Aye but how many didnae go tae jail?

That b*****d who was the speaker should be doing time for agreeing tae their expenses.

Whit happened - he got a big fat payoff, big fat pension and a seat in the House of Lords.

Job for life and it's thanks tae plebs like you.

f**k all tae be proud of or pleased with.

Lord Jack Mconnell is another one, a supposedly guid socialist.

Burns was right - "A parcel o' rogues in a nation"

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