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If you want true 'heads gone' ... stuff 16 pages of it ... I only read the first two and the last one .. they were still at it.

Jeez, nothing from RM should come as a surprise, but even by the standards of that place, it's just amazing.

In fairness, there are some sane voices in there, but true, nasty ignorant bigotry has a place to thrive.

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If you want true 'heads gone' ... stuff 16 pages of it ... I only read the first two and the last one .. they were still at it.

Jeez, nothing from RM should come as a surprise, but even by the standards of that place, it's just amazing. In fairness, there are some sane voices in there, but true, nasty ignorant bigotry has a place to thrive.

Two posts from RM:

Voice of reason ?

Who cares? Scotland have rented the stadium for a Scotland game. The Saltire is appropriate for this occasion.

Unoffended Loyal.

And the voice of…….

this is Scotland he’s taking about (presumably his country).

If this is true just manifests the hypocrisy of having this Scum in Ibrox today, the board should hang their head in shame for agreeing to have this game staged in Ibrox.

Of course when the Grotland have their Republican love in at the spud dome the tricolour will be flying proud.Strachan/ONeil/Keane, how much further will RFC go to appease this Scum.

Edited by Wee Willie
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Me .. fuel the fhlames .. heaven forbid. What ever gave you that idea? :lol:

If you want true 'heads gone' ... stuff 16 pages of it ... I only read the first two and the last one .. they were still at it .. No wonder wee simpletons like Ted get their knickers in a twist ... a flag ... FFS.

That just cracked me up especially as the OP seems to have got the title wrong at the start. Getting it right up their Union Jacksies. :lol:

Some of the more insulted members of that forum might be better off going out and finding a job. It's easy claiming to be British when you're being paid benefits by the British taxpayers.

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Two posts from RM:

Voice of reason ?

Who cares? Scotland have rented the stadium for a Scotland game. The Saltire is appropriate for this occasion.

Unoffended Loyal.

And the voice of…….

this is Scotland he’s taking about (presumably his country).

If this is true just manifests the hypocrisy of having this Scum in Ibrox today, the board should hang their head in shame for agreeing to have this game staged in Ibrox.

Of course when the Grotland have their Republican love in at the spud dome the tricolour will be flying proud.Strachan/ONeil/Keane, how much further will RFC go to appease this Scum.

So SFA shouldn't rent out ibrox and give them a much needed cash injection ??

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Houston said: 'Over 100 Rangers fans staged a protest outside the shop then went into the store to pick up items, some expensive and some normal.

'They were ran through the till and, when told the value of the transaction, each supporter offered £1. That, of course, is significant because its the same amount at which Mike Ashley values the name of Ibrox.

Toe-curling levels of cringe.

Someone, somewhere, thought that was an amazing idea as well. "Aye ah've goat an idea, let's offer a pound tae buy stuff that's worth a lot more cause that's whit he did tae us!"

Rangers have a huge support. Are the fans so weary of all the turmoil that they can't deliver something a lot more hard hitting than this sort of embarrassment of a protest?

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Toe-curling levels of cringe.

Someone, somewhere, thought that was an amazing idea as well. "Aye ah've goat an idea, let's offer a pound tae buy stuff that's worth a lot more cause that's whit he did tae us!"

Rangers have a huge support. Are the fans so weary of all the turmoil that they can't deliver something a lot more hard hitting than this sort of embarrassment of a protest?


They either do nothing at all, or they embark on courses of action like this one which are literally worse than useless.

Incapable of any kind of sustained or effective action.

You need only look at the ST crumblers on here to see how easy they are to exploit.

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Nope. They either do nothing at all, or they embark on courses of action like this one which are literally worse than useless. Incapable of any kind of sustained or effective action. You need only look at the ST crumblers on here to see how easy they are to exploit.

What else can you expect from a club which has "500million" supporters in the world and yet can't even find a respectable rich person who hasn't been to jail to pump in a couple a trillion dollars (it's the Rangers way) to keep the lights on at Ibrox. "Nobody likes us and we don't care" was never truer than now. Nobody gives a f**k if your club lives or dies. Even Mike Ashley knows that he will still be able to sell memorabilia to the nostalgic 50 years after Sevco has gone for good.

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Nope. They either do nothing at all, or they embark on courses of action like this one which are literally worse than useless. Incapable of any kind of sustained or effective action. You need only look at the ST crumblers on here to see how easy they are to exploit.

That's true.

If The Rangers supporters want Mike Ashley tae listen tae them then they will have tae make him an offer he cannae refuse.

Does he own ony racehorses ? :lol:

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Basically the question is whether they're still in the huff with the SFA? and if so how big a huff?



I have listed organisations who are listed on the SFA official website for the support as a whole to boycott but feel free to suggest others and I will add them to the list; I have left out Greaves and G4S as Sandy Jardine is supposed to have asked us not to boycott them as they have supported us during this. I know some of them are realistically not going to be boycotted by the support but I have put up links so we can complain and tell them we are no longer going to be spending our money with them any longer until they withdraw sponsorship/partnership from the SFA as if enough supporters get in touch they will notice us.


I think people who support Rangers here in Ulster should get our local Unionist politicians to comment on this more and perhaps put some pressure on the SFA and the sponsors of the SFA and see what happens. Just a suggestion.

Totally agree. The calculation I use is that if 10,000 bears spend an average of £100 a month in William Hills then if they stop that's a loss of £1,000,000 a month or £12,000,000 a year. From a financial point of view it makes no sense for them to want to sponsor further SFA products.

Now I don't know how many bears spend money in William Hills but out of thousands of fans we must be able to even make a dent of a few million. Big company or not you don't set out to lose money when you sponsor something.


Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Whats this protest about then?

Are they objecting to the naming rights being sold because the Big Hoose should always be called the Big Hoose? If so the price is irrelevant.

Or are they objecting to the rights being sold for a quid, in which case they're presumably happy with playing at Corporate Arena, providing the club/company gets a fair price?

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"Quoting roughly" - you really are priceless at times, you know that?

"You did post it" - so where the fùck is it, then? In your head, that's where.

If you want something a bit more accurate, then why not just ask what I said? Which would be that my opinion of rangers would naturally be lower due to the abuse and occasional violence which I suffered from people identifying themselves as rangers fans and, more importantly, identifying me as a catholic. I didn't use the word "hate"in terms of my emotions at any time, as you've probably found out by searching back. I also stated my offence at celtic fans assuming that I would somehow align myself on their side of the fence.

Now, I'll ask again. Examples of bigotry that aren't entirely imaginary - in your own time, now.

I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

The problem is others probably remember the posts as they went to great lengths to defend you and your 'bigotry'.

'I hate rangers more. For two reasons, or maybe three

1) No fan of celtic ever put me in hospital simply because of the school I went to.'

You missed this one and only this one. Considering how many there were i would say good job WRK. It must have taken quite a while :thumsup2 .

Just for the record..I had to pass St Aeldreds Roman Catholic school to get to my school. It was an all boys school (at the time) and took in the RCs from Feegie, Foxbar and Glenburn so as you can imagine it was a pretty rough School. I was involved in quite a few altercations with pupils from that School but do you know what? None of those incidents led me to hating Roman Catholics or Hating the team the vast majority of them supported.

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You need only look at the ST crumblers on here to see how easy they are to exploit.

Did you not crumble? I am sure you said you admired a few posters who had turned their backs on the club after the way they voted on the Rangers issue.

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I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

The problem is others probably remember the posts as they went to great lengths to defend you and your 'bigotry'.

'I hate rangers more. For two reasons, or maybe three

1) No fan of celtic ever put me in hospital simply because of the school I went to.'

You missed this one and only this one. Considering how many there were i would say good job WRK. It must have taken quite a while :thumsup2 .

Just for the record..I had to pass St Aeldreds Roman Catholic school to get to my school. It was an all boys school (at the time) and took in the RCs from Feegie, Foxbar and Glenburn so as you can imagine it was a pretty rough School. I was involved in quite a few altercations with pupils from that School but do you know what? None of those incidents led me to hating Roman Catholics or Hating the team the vast majority of them supported.

Here's an idea - I'm quite happy for you to request the mods to check my history. If I have deleted more than maybe a dozen posts in my history, and the content is a flow of "hatred" towards rangers - i.e. if I've "done a Tedi" - I'll give 100 notes to your favourite charity. When (not if) you fail to get your desired result, you apologise for your unfounded allegations. No-lose situation for such an upstanding citizen as yourself, I'd have thought. Shall we say a week?

"You missed this one and only this one" - so why not quote it? There are other posts where I have used the expression in the context of replying to others' use of it, but many many more where I have specifically eschewed this word in favour of a more nuanced term. Oh, and those ones are still "up there" as well.

ETA: I've just had a wee search myself to find that "quote" you posted. Don't forget to thank your fellow-crumbler (and, incidentally, master-deleter) for helping you make a tw@ of yourself.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Did you not crumble? I am sure you said you admired a few posters who had turned their backs on the club after the way they voted on the Rangers issue.

I thinhk what MT meant was that he admired those who turned 180 degrees. Not those who did a 180, made great play of their morals and principles on the Net, and then carried on spinning right round for their ST.

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I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

The problem is others probably remember the posts as they went to great lengths to defend you and your 'bigotry'.

'I hate rangers more. For two reasons, or maybe three1) No fan of celtic ever put me in hospital simply because of the school I went to.'

You missed this one and only this one. Considering how many there were i would say good job WRK. It must have taken quite a while :thumsup2 .

Just for the record..I had to pass St Aeldreds Roman Catholic school to get to my school. It was an all boys school (at the time) and took in the RCs from Feegie, Foxbar and Glenburn so as you can imagine it was a pretty rough School. I was involved in quite a few altercations with pupils from that School but do you know what? None of those incidents led me to hating Roman Catholics or Hating the team the vast majority of them supported.

Fs another one of wrks harrowing tales of oppression And victimisation. It's a a wonder you ever left the hoose Norman as Everytime you did their seemed to be some protestant vigilante group waiting to ask you what school yae went tae.

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Did you not crumble? I am sure you said you admired a few posters who had turned their backs on the club after the way they voted on the Rangers issue.

What position are you suggesting I crumbled from?

There are posts from me on this site from within a day of the SFL vote, where I say I've no plans to muster a boycott, but might feel less inclined to slavishly attend every home match, if there are alternative things I really could/should be doing.

You and Bennett have spent a couple of years lying about this, claiming I was giving it the big 'un about never going back, before sheepishly returning. Absolute rubbish.

You on the other hand, declared volubly that you wouldn't return to watch, under the current regime, before just doing it anyway.

You really, really, need to stop telling lies about me. The evidence of what we've each said on here is still there and very easy to locate. You end up looking stupid, as well as dishonest.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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