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Hmmm. Not lies, though, Tedi. As with the majority of posts which you "quote", it's only now that we see a little bit more the original. As with the majority of posts which you " quote ", it's only now that we are some way towards seeing the whole post. And now that you (unlike the racist loyalist) have kindly provided the original link, let's have a further dig into the context, shall we!

I would say that it's a strange kind of a post for a celtic supporter to have produced, wouldn't you? You do still believe that, don't you? Deals fairly even handedly with both Sisters, in my view, given yer berrz' attitudes to non-peepul and my own attitude towards criminals and bigots of all stripes.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I was actually being pretty generous to you by describing it as pretty tame bigotry.

I did as you said and went back in your history to find the posts where you stated repeatedly you hated Rangers. As you might be aware i don't usually do that but a poster with a real dislike for you pointed them out to me and showed how to search for these posts. This was a quite a while ago...Not a Rangers poster BTW or somebody that is on here that often. I wondered why you were so keen on Bennett and I to go searching when there was so much evidence available but what do you know. Try searching for the said posts and they are no longer there. :lol: Well done WRK you know how to use the delete function...well played.

He must have spent hours searching for and deleting posts lol, Norman clearly isn't right in the head......

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not that it matters to you dhense, when proof is handed to you , you just simply ignore and run along with your view anyway

Wee bit of advice, ya big boy that ye are - left school and everythin', eh? - when handed "proof" by Five Stars, make sure where he's got it from and what he's left out. Many red faces could have been saved by using this simple tip.

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Wee bit of advice, ya big boy that ye are - left school and everythin', eh? - when handed "proof" by Five Stars, make sure where he's got it from and what he's left out. Many red faces could have been saved by using this simple tip.

what on earth does tedi have to do with my post , you utterly obsessed moron :lol:

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My wedding rocked the Bonding in '89 - didn't miss the bigots at all.

You wouldn't know a wedding if it fell on you.

Ideal wedding guests - "darling, I don't think we have enough racist, homosexual bigots....."

Ye're gay, Bennett, remember? The rituals of religious/traditional people needn't concern you. No doubt some would like a "token", but your lot can have a "blessing" - sort of "we don't mind you doing what you want " - not a wedding.

Not that it matters,on your couch with Mrs Palm and her daughters.

I was wondering why Norman was so upset today and then i remembered todays news.

Scotland's first same-sex marriage ceremonies are set to take place on Hogmanay.

The date was unveiled on Monday by the Scottish Government at an Equality Network celebration event held in Edinburgh to herald the announcement.

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014 will come into force on December this year and the first same-sex weddings will take place on December 31.

Bigots like you Norman are being edged out of our society, more and more people are leaving past prejudices behind.

Just a pity that you are stuck in the past.

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I was wondering why Norman was so upset today and then i remembered todays news.

Scotland's first same-sex marriage ceremonies are set to take place on Hogmanay.

The date was unveiled on Monday by the Scottish Government at an Equality Network celebration event held in Edinburgh to herald the announcement.

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014 will come into force on December this year and the first same-sex weddings will take place on December 31.

Bigots like you Norman are being edged out of our society, more and more people are leaving past prejudices behind.

Just a pity that you are stuck in the past.

Tell me why you call him Norman and then admit your post is an ironic mess. :lol:

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