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No matter how often you repeat that ... it's simply not true ... your obsession with it is endless.

No I haven't reported your posts for banned words that you bypassed the filter, I'm not that sad.

However if you can get a global moderator to state the word itself is sectarian .. please feel free .. no doubt they will be laughed at as well ..

Still dodging the charity bet then .. you wuss ... dobn't want to make a donation you tightfisted loser.

Sad wee obsessive ..

Edit: The mods confirmed that whether or not it is sectarian is debatable as it's simply a banned word. :lol: :lol: :lol:

dhense you posted a link last week to prove your point about teuchter being derogatary which also explained under the letter h part of the link , the reason why the h word is seen as secterian. :1eye

now just accept that and move on from this utter shite

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dhense you posted a link last week to prove your point about teuchter being derogatary which also explained under the letter h part of the link , the reason why the h word is seen as secterian. :1eye

now just accept that and move on from this utter shite

And tell me, young grasshopper, what's your posting been like today?

(I take it the English Prelim was not a success?)

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No matter how often you repeat that ... it's simply not true ... your obsession with it is endless.

No I haven't reported your posts for banned words that you bypassed the filter, I'm not that sad.

However if you can get a global moderator to state the word itself is sectarian .. please feel free .. no doubt they will be laughed at as well ..

Still dodging the charity bet then .. you wuss ... dobn't want to make a donation you tightfisted loser.

Sad wee obsessive ..

Edit: The mods confirmed that whether or not it is sectarian is debatable as it's simply a banned word. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did they now?

Its all getting a bit personal and nasty on here. Maybe some posters would like a wee October break, just like their school kid counterparts?

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No matter how many times you deny it, it will always be true...you got a warning for being a bigot, live with it.

So you lied then, empty threats, nae bottle.

Sure 'With immediate effect the use of religiously prejudicial terms including but not limited to terms like "***", "tim", "*****", "*****", "******" and the like will not be tolerated on these forums.'

There ya go, seems clear enough to me, however I am sure you will be unable to accept what is written and twist it in some daft attempt to justify being a bigot.

No I will not be making a charity bet in order to reward you for not being a bigot, lol.

Seems clear enough to me, as well, Tedi. So if DhenBhoy (or anyone) has been found using any of these terms.....

Why are they still - obviously - being tolerated? There must be a raisin, surely?

(interesting that only one of the banned words appears to got through the filter on your post... ;))

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Did you or did you not say that the usage of the word can be debated? If you can debate it ... it's debatable ..

Or are you saying that's on it's own it's sectarian ?

I am responding to his repeated assertions that it is sectarian .. nothing else.

Ooft. Thats some quality word twisting there.

What I said was that there was nothing to stop posters debating whether the word is sectarian or not - other than the mind numbingly, tedious, pointlessness.

Dont try and twist that into some kind of implicit agreement with whatever particular argument you seem to be making this week.

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I think he was illustrating the delusional levels of the phruny phlegms ... you seem upset. You don't believe in the DK pish or do you?

I didn't say you were.

Love Stevie Nicks ...

Er, yes you did but i won't prolong this trivial point, yours, Mick Fleetwood.

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No capital again, exposed bigot you.

I believe hbqc and i have come to some understanding through PM but i am sorry my learned friend. The accusations of bigotry as i never used a capital letter is one of my all time favourites lol

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Why .. did it receive complaints ... Celtic fans even call themselves by it (see the website ETims)

Even lists defining slur words for religious and ethnic groups do not mention Tim despite being comprehensive lists.

Every Celtic fan I know calls themselves .. **** .

So why has it been barred ... genuinely interested .. ?

have a look at the translation of the word which starts with T and ends with aig and you will see why the word probably can be viewed as a naughty word and therefor was decided to be banned etc . I dont know many celtic fans that find the word offensive but its these sort of things which are enough for the scottish goverment to decide wether or not they are acceptable to use and the reality is their is heehaw we can do about it. like the h-word the word can take on a sectarian meaning at certain times.

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