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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Does that make this Walter Mitty bid mark 5? They should have taken that boy's offer of the empty Irn bru bottles :lol:

Irn Bru bottles my arse! They're boycotting NEXT year's sponsors as well..

BTW, I'm still awaiting a reply on my offer of three hubcaps off a '79 Ford Capri.


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Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland's Sportsound, Murray said: "I've been talking to Brian every day for the last three months. We have built up a good relationship.

"I respected his decision to bid on his own but it was very clear that he was very much a kindred spirit in terms of wanting to help the club

"He also has a lot of experience in owning sporting clubs and I think that experience plus his business acumen is a great combination.

"That combination with the rest of the guys is a powerful cocktail."

So they've been cooking this up since 2-3 weeks before the admin happened? And still they can't get a cohesive plan together?

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Speaking as a Celtic bhoy, ranjurs leaving the SPL and their hate filled traditions dying is for the betterment of all scottish football

and society

Only half the job though.

We also need to get rid of Celtic and their hate filled traditions for the betterment of all Scottish football and society.

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"On the assumption that 75% of the value of those creditors vote for it, then the CVA becomes effective," said Murray."There is then a 28 day cooling-off period where people can request more information.

"Ticketus have a lot of financial leverage over Craig Whyte.

"I expect them to be positive on the CVA and I expect them to deliver the shares as well."

Murray is clearly deluded. Why the hell would he expect Ticketus to deliver the shares? Why make these assumptions? That`s just trying to get the ever-decreasing hopes of the fans up if you ask me. Nothing here to make me think anything other than liquidation is the end game.

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Only half the job though.

We also need to get rid of Celtic and their hate filled traditions for the betterment of all Scottish football and society.

hard to disagree with the captain, once again he hit the nail on the head 8)

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Gentlemen, (and ladies) I presume there are ladies on here too? :blink:

Stop worrying about Sally, Hately, Goram, Keevins, Chico etc. The most fun in this administration at the moment is watching/listening to their guff. They are providing us with comedy gold for the next 50 years - keep it coming :lol:

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Only half the job though.

We also need to get rid of Celtic and their hate filled traditions for the betterment of all Scottish football and society.


I hear what you're saying

I like to think the hate goes from celtic when the rangers go. Life's to short to hate but that's my

opinion. I like to think the result of the demise of the orcs could have a cathartic effect not only in relations between

clubs but in the wider society and we stop defining ourselves in relation to them but maybe 'I'm a dreamer'.

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It wasn't delayed as in put back 20 minutes on the fly just before it started. The kick off was deliberately re-scheduled for later to allow for coverage of the press conference. The point they were pissed off at was shown on the video. The game didn't finish til half past midnight.

I watched the video and they did also highlight in yellow the word 'delay' hence thinking that the game had been delayed rather than rescheduled. Spanish games can kick off much later than our evening games anyway so it all fitted.

Anyway, back to chuckling at the bigots...

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Anyone else suspect that Ticketus dropping out the group is actually because they have agreed to whatever is needed to approve the CVA ? They are now the largest creditor (pending the tax tribunal outcome) and if they approve the CVA then HMRC can do f**k all to stop it.

Just hope the SPL/SFA throw the book at them for the dual contracts/EBT stuff as I can see a scenario they get out of this paying a tiny sum

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hard to disagree with the captain, once again he hit the nail on the head 8)

I love this thread. Its great to see fans of all the so called diddy clubs uniting in the hope that Rangers are finished off.

The only blackspots on this thread are the posts from Celtic fans who somehow think they are in this with us. They aren't. We need to get rid of them too.

What is happening at Ibrox may be overshadowing everything just now - but rest assured, Scottish football fans won't forget the way Celtic, Lennon, Lawwell, Reid, et al, went about stirring up sectarian hatred last season (and this) and their intimidation of referees and match officials. We won't forget how they have used sectarianism, bigotry and hatred for the past 100 years to gain success on the pitch and lord it over us all.

Once we get Rangers out of the way its time the remianing clubs acted to get rid of Celtic. We need to get shot of all the bogots in one fell swoop.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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So they've been cooking this up since 2-3 weeks before the admin happened? And still they can't get a cohesive plan together?

They have a plan.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.

I make a bid.

Pull it out.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.

I make a bid.

Pull it out.

You make a bid.

Pull it out.


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I hear what you're saying

I like to think the hate goes from celtic when the rangers go. Life's to short to hate but that's my

opinion. I like to think the result of the demise of the orcs could have a cathartic effect not only in relations between

clubs but in the wider society and we stop defining ourselves in relation to them but maybe 'I'm a dreamer'.

If the Green Brigade can disappear with their nonsense about being oppressed then maybe you aren't dreaming.

I doubt it though.

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