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if the spfl are withholding money from the club then maybe the action of the club could be to not allow cameras in to show the rangers celtic cup match and this include banning celtic tv from the ground. Another option could be to forfeit the match.

Celtic v Sevco Sunday 1st February 2015 13:30 @ Hampden Park :lol:


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if the spfl are withholding money from the club then maybe the action of the club could be to not allow cameras in to show the rangers celtic cup match and this include banning celtic tv from the ground. Another option could be to forfeit the match.

They would prevent the cameras how?

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if the spfl are withholding money from the club then maybe the action of the club could be to not allow cameras in to show the rangers celtic cup match and this include banning celtic tv from the ground. Another option could be to forfeit the match.

How exactly are rangers not going to "allow" cameras into Hampden? Methinks you overstate their influence in the matter. It's the National Stadium, muncher, and I hardly think you'll get the people rangers are moaning about facilitating any "banning", especially when your Sisters presumably pay a fee to provide coverage.

On the one hand, a few quid. On the other, upsetting a few people. How would rangers, or the rangers, have chosen?

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I still don't get what's in this for Ashley in the long run. I know he's been wanting out of Newcastle for a long time, but there is far more money to be made out of that club than Zombie FC. If he thinks things will be less stressful in Scottish football, then he's got another thing coming. You only have to look at the pish Minty had to put up with during the latter half of his tenure.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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We consulted with UEFA, which explained that its rules allowed for the recognition of the ‘sporting continuity’ of a club’s match record, even if that club’s corporate structure had changed

We also consulted with the SFA, which confirmed that its definition of a football ‘club’ varied depending on context, and could sometimes refer to an entity separate from the club’s corporate owner.

The SFA further pointed out that, following RFC’s transfer to a new corporate owner, Newco did not take a new membership of the Scottish FA but rather that previous membership was transferred across to them so they could continue as the same member of the Scottish FA.

We considered that consumer would understand that the claim in question related to the football club rather than to its owner and operator and therefore concluded that it was not misleading for the ad to make reference to RFC’s history, which was separate to that of Newco

REMEMBER the 78 and REMEMBER the 82 who could not let it go.


I already mentioned this lot, Tedi. I wasn't aware though, even given this Government's mania for outsourcing, that the ASA had taken over the Justice System. Thanks for playing, though.

*shuffles of to find "wanking scarecrow" jpeg in anticipation of Tedi's next post*

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how would this be defined between the two?

its just i was under the impression the debts had been already paid as part of the held to ransom deal



so how was this football debt missed by charles green, he promised?

The way I read this, Newco has accepted this debt as part of the 5-way agreement but, with the authorities not seeing any sign of the money, they informed Newco (last month, I believe) that they'd withhold payments (prize money and telly?) to cover it.

Seemed plausible at first but the timeline does seem a bit... extended. Maybe they know something about the state of Rangers' finances that we don't. 8)

[Edit to fix grammar before Bennett points it out - couldn't have that.]

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I still don't get what's in this for Ashley in the long run. I know he's been wanting out of Newcastle for a long time, but there is far more money to be made out of that club than Zombie FC. If he thinks things will be less stressful in Scottish football, then he's got another thing coming. You only have to look at the pish Minty had to put up with during the latter half of his tenure.

Sports direct are opening shops up now on mainland Europe,if he can get sevco on an even keel

and have sevco playing European football it will give sports direct more advertising .

That is what I'm guessing anyway.....looks like he is going to use sevco to push the sports direct brand.

I would imagine if sevco get to the top league, the first meeting with Celtic would be broadcast live...

And mike will have ibrox covered with those shit looking sports direct advertising boards.

Have you seen newcastles games recently????

There ground has these boards everywhere.

Edit to add...in European games these boards are covered....so maybe he will rename the stadium...

But that will not go down well with the fans....can't see what other way he can do this for euro games.

You also need to remember he will make money from merchandise... he probably making double what sevco are from shirt sales and the like..if they are in top league and winning games playing in Europe the fans will come back and spend and fill up sports directs coffers...IMO he has them done up like a kipper

and all for peanuts when you consider the type of wealth he has.

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As usual, the accounts are your friend:


Per note 17 £251,000 of the OldCo debts were still outstanding. That link is from February 2013, 4 months before the balance sheet date.

Green told STV on Thursday: "We don't owe any more money or any more apologies to anyone."


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pre obtaining the licence from the oldco and sfa membership that had conditions attached like 12 month transfer embargo, payment of outstanding fines and football debts and agreement on broadcasting rights

How many companies have licences? I'd have thought that would be something for a club to hold - you know, the entity that competes in the league?

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if the spfl are withholding money from the club then maybe the action of the club could be to not allow cameras in to show the rangers celtic cup match and this include banning celtic tv from the ground. Another option could be to forfeit the match.


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guessing holds no weight, proof is needed.

the spfl are chasing a debt that isn't owed to them

the spfl didn't exist when the alleged debt existed or didn't

The SPFL is the same league as the SPL with a new company running it, or does that just work with clubs?

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Sports direct are opening shops up now on mainland Europe,if he can get sevco on an even keel

and have sevco playing European football it will give sports direct more advertising .

That is what I'm guessing anyway.....looks like he is going to use sevco to push the sports direct brand.

I would imagine if sevco get to the top league, the first meeting with Celtic would be broadcast live...

And mike will have ibrox covered with those shit looking sports direct advertising boards.

Have you seen newcastles games recently????

There ground has these boards everywhere.

Edit to add...in European games these boards are covered....so maybe he will rename the stadium...

But that will not go down well with the fans....can't see what other way he can do this for euro games.

There's an easy way to increase the brand visibility - although it's possibly one of the few things less appropriate for a professional athlete to have emblazoned on his kit than than the "electric soup" they advertised last year.

Does he not have other companies that could do with exposure? They could end up with shirts like some teams have in Ligue Un. Just think of the free advertising the next time rainjurs fans riot travel to support their team in a foreign land?

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pre obtaining the licence from the oldco and sfa membership that had conditions attached like 12 month transfer embargo, payment of outstanding fines and football debts and agreement on broadcasting rights

You didn't really answer my question as to why the new club would need a licence.

Anyways, I would consider all debts as "football debts" since it was the club who ran them up

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