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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Even if Rangers were to play in Europe, Newcastle/EPL games are probably watched by more people than a Scottish team in Europe will ever get. The only plus side i can see is that he wouldn't suffer the current levels of ineptitude.

More than 500 million? I'm flabbergasted.

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How else will he get the kit down to the laundrette? Pauline's not going to come and pick it up herself, is she?

Very important job that, I can see why he has a company car. :) Best to have fast transport to get their shit stained shorts cleaned after getting well and truly bummed off of Hibs. :lol:

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A sensible post from the Bears' Den:

"We could simply buy a new set of strips for each game. Say 100 quid per player for a full strip. So say around 1700 quid total per game. Then right now 50 games per season. That's 85 grand. Still saving nearly 100K and no need to wash strips for 180K for two Kitmen or company cars."

That really puts things in perspective.

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A sensible post from the Bears' Den:

"We could simply buy a new set of strips for each game. Say 100 quid per player for a full strip. So say around 1700 quid total per game. Then right now 50 games per season. That's 85 grand. Still saving nearly 100K and no need to wash strips for 180K for two Kitmen or company cars."

That really puts things in perspective.

The kit man would just charge them £100K for delivery. And he'd need a car.

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Perhaps they just following their own rules....again

Cannot say I buy into any of this paranoia or talk of SFA conspiracies against or for Rangers either way to be honest.

Wasn't your first ever post on the BRALT about how corrupt the SPL were and they were only out to punish Rangers as much as possible with illegal sanctions and shit ?, how did that work out again in Rangers FC favour ?

And by the way, your previous incarnation of Rangers FC conspired to cheat and break the associations rules & regulations about dual contracts and the club did everything it could to thwart and hide any ongoing investigation into the clubs illegal financial activities. Loophole or not it was still cheating by not playing by the rules the associations wrote into their rulebooks.

I love how you stick to your noose of the associations are working within it's rules, I await your meltdown when the rules are applied to your new club when it hits the financial brick wall sending your club down into the relegation battle with a badly depleted squad. :)

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A sensible post from the Bears' Den:

"We could simply buy a new set of strips for each game. Say 100 quid per player for a full strip. So say around 1700 quid total per game. Then right now 50 games per season. That's 85 grand. Still saving nearly 100K and no need to wash strips for 180K for two Kitmen or company cars."

That really puts things in perspective.

And he's overlooked the 75p Rangers would get back from buying each of those shirts from themselves. It's a brilliant plan.

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And he's overlooked the 75p Rangers would get back from buying each of those shirts from themselves. It's a brilliant plan.

Don't forget the sell on value to the loyalist fan base after each game, could fetch well over the selling price of a replica strip. I might be tempted to buy the keepers strip after Simenson has dropped a huge one in the upcoming new OF fixture if the strip isn't too brown.

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How the hell did they go through an administration and not one person in the administrator's team think "hang on a second, £3,000 per week between two folk to wash some kits? Nope, that's got to stop!"

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And here is Bennett with said reply sir,


I just don't get the Rangers supporters on here (and on Rangers Media). Their club is disintegrating before their eyes and they want to talk about whether there is a proddy flute band connected to Everton or similar nonsense.

With the news today about the Norman Atlantic ferry on fire between Greece and Italy people were standing on the decks and the soles of their shoes were melting from the heat of the fire. Just like what Rangers fans have experienced over the last few years.

Instead of dealing with the problems of the burning ship they want to talk about their last ports of call, how nice the head waiter was, and whether the captain was 'one of us' or not! Using the itinerary of the next trip of the Norman Atlantic they will be salivating about the exciting places they will be going, and the wonderful people who will be on board with them, and the top notch cabin they will book.

Meanwhile they can't breathe from the smoke, hopping around as their feet burn.

Wake up you Rangers supporters. Smell the smoke! :)

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Getting am image of Stoney as uncle Albert..

Whatever gets you off beeny, but remember what I told you before, I don't swing that way just keep me as a dirty wee fantasy.

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