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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Also, all we hear from are gobshites like Walter 'walking away' Smith and Murdo McLeod about the fixture being the jewel in Scottish football's crown, how the rest of the world drops everything to tune in, how IS stop beheading Japanese hostages for a couple of hours in order to debate Darren McGregor's best position - full back or centre back.... Fcuk off.

Sums it up. As far as the wider world is concerned, this game is like a fight to see who is the biggest Chihuahua.

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Sums it up. As far as the wider world is concerned, this game is like a fight to see who is the biggest Chihuahua.

Indeed. I mean, I recognise that River Plate v Boca Juniors is a big game, but I don't give a fcuk about it.

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He is on the wind up...you are wound up...job done...I will make sure and quote him more often.

Wound up?

We're adults aren't we Ted?

I don't even particularly disagree with all of what he said. He is however widely recognised as a monumental bell-end and quoting him makes you look silly.

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And yet you, like the tosspot that you are, go onto that site to count the amount of threads. Dick of the year award so far goes to you.

I would be upset too if my Team died.

Although along with fellow Saints Fans , we would start a A.F.C. St Mirren.

YOU HAVE f**k ALL !!


Followed by the same hordes of bigots.

:lol::lol::lol::lol:GIRUY :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Wound up?We're adults aren't we Ted? I don't even particularly disagree with all of what he said. He is however widely recognised as a monumental bell-end and quoting him makes you look silly.

That's what makes Tedi look silly?

That's it?

Are you sure, MT?

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they really are so touchy on this subject, why cant they just take a joke?

Bawhahahahaha! Unbelievable, coming from a Sevco supporter.....lol. The Sevco fans have really enjoyed all the jokes and the journey over the last three years.......NOT!! Edited by Sting777
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Is this the same Graham Spier's who claimed that in the 70s he watched an old firm game in the Celtic end while wearing his Rangers colours and cheered our goals, while the Celtic fans encouraged him to cheer goals against Celtic.

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Also, all we hear from are gobshites like Walter 'walking away' Smith and Murdo McLeod about the fixture being the jewel in Scottish football's crown, how the rest of the world drops everything to tune in, how IS stop beheading Japanese hostages for a couple of hours in order to debate Darren McGregor's best position - full back or centre back.... Fcuk off.

Nothing's changed. Did oldco die for nothing? Was all that heartbreak and lost treasure been in vain? Not one of the gravy train crowd or folk at the BBC, STV, Clyde and so on seems to have learned a flaming thing. Remind you of anyone maybe 30 months ago?

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Yes you do.

We already established you like the man who can count 'Perth is not a footballing town' a few months before Saints won the Scottish cup, amongst his many gaffs, you are well matched.

Oh he comes out with a fair amount of pish - don't get me wrong.

I enjoyed hearing his bluff called when he suggested on OTB that a Scottish top flight without the OF would generate similar crowds to the League of Ireland.

However, overall I like him. He writes well and is usually capable of decent analysis.

Thinking this, sits very comfortably alongside the belief that anyone who attempts to support their case by quoting Adrian Durham, winds up looking very silly.

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Battle for Rangers steps up as Dave King jets in from South Africa ahead of much-anticipated Ibrox EGM
KING landed in Glasgow last night as he attempts to galvanise support ahead of the EGM but the former Rangers director won't be at Hampden for the League Cup semi-final against Celtic.
Lynne Cameron/PA Wire JS54701276.jpg
Dave King flew into Glasgow last night

DAVE KING jetted into Glasgow last night – but WON’T attend Rangers’ League Cup clash with Celtic at Hampden today.

The former Ibrox director flew in from South Africa and will spend a week in the UK to galvanise support ahead of the much-anticipated Ibrox EGM.

King will attempt to convince the club’s shareholders in Scotland as well as its investors in London to back his bid to remove the current Ibrox regime.

The Rangers board have until Friday to announce a date for the EGM.

King believes he can gain 51 per cent of votes to eject chairman David Somers, chief executive Derek Llambias, finance director Barry Leach and James Easdale from the top of the marble staircase.

King’s wants himself, ex-director Paul Murray and former brewery boss John Gilligan to take over. And he’s hoping his latest visit will ensure his group – along with the Three Bears consortium headed by motor mogul Douglas Park and the Ibrox fans – have the required support.

MailSport understands that King will decline the chance to be at Hampden for this afternoon’s Old Firm derby.

One man who definitely is not enjoying the journey. Flies all the way from South Africa and the lifelong Rangers fan, looking to take over the club; can't be bothered to turn up for the biggest match in their short history. No doubt afraid that watching the spanking they are going to take will weaken his resolve..

I take it Gilligan will bring his organisational skills to bear.

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Nothing's changed. Did oldco die for nothing? Was all that heartbreak and lost treasure been in vain? Not one of the gravy train crowd or folk at the BBC, STV, Clyde and so on seems to have learned a flaming thing. Remind you of anyone maybe 30 months ago?

We all know that Oldco died for a quid.

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Your mellifluent 'take care' doesn't hide the fact that you throw together a bunch of cliches with all the aesthetic beauty of Neil Lennon's teeth but expect to be taken seriously.

The good thing is you've just a couple of dozen posts of second-hand, hackneyed bilge whereas 'the usuals' have posted the same anodyne tripe for almost three years now.



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99% of what he writes is pish, he is however (when it suits him, a classic fence sitter, I can see why you like him so much.

Adrian Durham is a wind up merchant, I like him because he winds people like you up.

You don't often see people openly stating that they actively prefer trolling nonsense to dull but measured analysis, but that's what you've done here Ted.

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