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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do Rangers have enough money to see them through to the end of the season?

Will the 3 bears keep footing the bill to keep the big hoose open when they are no longer listed on the AIM?

Will the Rangers fans buy season tickets for next season?

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Do Rangers have enough money to see them through to the end of the season?

Will the 3 bears keep footing the bill to keep the big hoose open when they are no longer listed on the AIM?

Will the Rangers fans buy season tickets for next season?

Quite a few people will buy season tickets especially if we're in the premiership. The best bet would be to go game by game until we see King and co putting their money in.
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Aye well .. you'll love the breaking rumour on Twitter ...

:lol: :lol:

We've been waiting for admin 2 for a couple of years now, get it through your thick skull that this wont happen.

Did this person you quoted hear Dave and Park talking? :lol:

Edited by CooperOnTheWing
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So you think that the board can force the SFA to make announcements?

I thought they'd have a business plan myself by......just noticed who I'm replying to, so I'll wait and see if anyone else wishes to discuss this.

He never said the board can or should force the sfa to make an announcement.....

If you read it again...it reads as asking the sfa if glib is fit and proper along with potless.


as in the sfa should have showed some backbone the minute glib bought shares and ousted the old board and told everyone if he was f&p....

then everyone knows the score.....what is wrong with that???? The turn of phrase he used has you confused...everyone with a brain can see whit the poster was implying.

Why do people need to hold your hand and lead you through absolutely everything.

Problem with you is you ask posters questions....they answer it to the best of there abilities and you then deflect/troll and generally act like a wee dick....surprised anyone gives you the time of day Vicky.....

you really are a pointless poster.

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:lol: :lol:

We've been waiting for admin 2 for a couple of years now, get it through your thick skull that this wont happen.

Did this person you quoted hear Dave and Park talking? :lol:

Someone bookmark this in the same manner as 5stars 'Dave will have the NOMAD in place by breakfast time tomorrow'... I paraphrase of course.

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Pretty sure that's what the bears were telling us all the rumours were false in the build up to 2012 ... How did that one pan out for you :lol:

Prior to that you warned you were heading for bankruptcy under Murray ... that was decried as well ... The only thing that saved you was him "taking out a 50 million loan" from the bank for MIH and then use creative accounting to shift that debt off the books ...

I mean everything that is happening is pointing towards it all being hunky dory ...

Any sign of that promised £50m, £30m, £20m, half of what some other geezer might put in yet? :lol: :lol:

Edit: Did the NOMAD run off with it?

It is also what we heard from many Hearts fans when the debt was being racked up under Mad Vlad - while they were winning cups and having a bash at the Champions League qualifiers, administration was laughed at. The reason being 'yes we owe a lot of money, but we owe it to ourselves'.

Cue administration.

Any Sevconian who refuses to believe administration for their Rangers-lite new club is a possibility is surely one of two things... An internet troll, or stupid. Or indeed, both.

Edited by pozbaird
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So you think that the board can force the SFA to make announcements?

I thought they'd have a business plan myself by......just noticed who I'm replying to, so I'll wait and see if anyone else wishes to discuss this.

No but they could at least ask the SFA, have they done that yet , if so where is your proof :1eye

Scared of a diddie like me my how the mighty have fallen , not my fault your afraid to answer real questions about your cluster f**k of a clumpany :lol:

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He never said the board can or should force the sfa to make an announcement.....

If you read it again...it reads as asking the sfa if glib is fit and proper along with potless.


as in the sfa should have showed some backbone the minute glib bought shares and ousted the old board and told everyone if he was f&p....

then everyone knows the score.....what is wrong with that???? The turn of phrase he used has you confused...everyone with a brain can see whit the poster was implying.

Why do people need to hold your hand and lead you through absolutely everything.

Problem with you is you ask posters questions....they answer it to the best of there abilities and you then deflect/troll and generally act like a wee dick....surprised anyone gives you the time of day Vicky.....

you really are a pointless poster.

Yes he did, its clear what the boy meant, especially when taken in context with the post he replied too.

"Had the SFA announce if Paul Murray and /or Dave King are fit and proper to be directors in any going football concern within Scotland"

For some reason I seem to irk you, perhaps it would best not to reply to my posts....

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Does Benny mean to come across as a seething mess or is that just a coincidence?

You'll of course be able to post anything "seething" that I posted previous to your post today.

I reckon you owe me an apology.

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No but they could at least ask the SFA, have they done that yet , if so where is your proof :1eye


That is not what you said tho.

If you up your game a bit then I might take you seriously in future.

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It is also what we heard from many Hearts fans when the debt was being racked up under Mad Vlad - while they were winning cups and having a bash at the Champions League qualifiers, administration was laughed at. The reason being 'yes we owe a lot of money, but we owe it to ourselves'.

Cue administration.

Any Sevconian who refuses to believe administration for their Rangers-lite new club is a possibility is surely one of two things... An internet troll, or stupid. Or indeed, both.

In fairness not all Hearts fans did, hence the FoH was set up in 2009 for salvaging the Club from that eventuality........which with the aid of Ann Budge they have.

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That is not what you said tho.

If you up your game a bit then I might take you seriously in future.

It's what was implied though , ok it should have said Have not had mea culpa :rolleyes: , or do you honestly think if Rangers ask for a quick announcement regarding fit and proper, which they have currently still not they would not get it ? :1eye

You know as well as the next bear the reason they don't ask is they are frightened of the answer :ph34r:

Edited by accietilleyedye
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Personally and it's a gut feeling that Insolvency event before this season is out is highly possible. I cannot see them limping along and injecting this addicted corpse with their own cash whilst institutional investors will be like NOMADS and King ... nowhere to be found.

However, that said, they may do the unexpected and flog ST's and continue this charade by giving the carcass it's monthly fix ... who really knows.

Either way, for all of us (bears excluded) on P&B, it's a fucking massive win/win.

It to me now appears that a planned insolvency event is imminent as soon as the season finishes for the club. As it stands at the end of the season the club will be in debt to the tune of £32 million plus to get from the bottom league to reach the top tier. How £32 million ?, it's simple the club already owed the holding company £16 million from the IPO as a loan and is running up £16 million in debt for this season.

You have to wonder why the SFA & SPFL have allowed the club to burn through tens of millions to get their demented brain child into the top division ASAP.

Is the holding company for the club a pre-planned crash & burn vehicle to propel the club up the divisions in a hurry and will be ditched basically rid the club of debt. The holding company is the business that took out all the loans to keep the club solvent and when the holding company goes into financial meltdown the club and all it's assets will be sold on to settle the holding companies debts and the club becomes debt free to it's new owners and won't face an insolvency event because the holding company kept it solvent until the club was sold. My thoughts anyway.

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In fairness not all Hearts fans did, hence the FoH was set up in 2009 for salvaging the Club from that eventuality........which with the aid of Ann Budge they have.

No, not all Hearts fans did. I certainly did encounter (at work for example) an attitude from Jambos that everything was chilled at Tynecastle because the money was owed to Vlad's bank, and Vlad wasn't about to do anything untoward.

Surely the bottom line is that if any club is in Vlad-era Hearts' or The Sevco, or Christ Almighty Bolton Wanderers £170 million in debt situations, serious alarm bells should be ringing in supporter's heads.

The Sevconians attitude in great part seems to be 'it's all the previous regime's fault, but they're away to fcuk now. We're fine.'

Hmm. I wonder.

Edited by pozbaird
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I'll just wait until HB posts later, then I'll know what's happening.

Welcome back HB, the PM gang are shitting themselves.


There is a lot of pain and suffering for the bears, but you already knew that. :rolleyes:

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It to me now appears that a planned insolvency event is imminent as soon as the season finishes for the club. As it stands at the end of the season the club will be in debt to the tune of £32 million plus to get from the bottom league to reach the top tier. How £32 million ?, it's simple the club already owed the holding company £16 million from the IPO as a loan and is running up £16 million in debt for this season.

You have to wonder why the SFA & SPFL have allowed the club to burn through tens of millions to get their demented brain child into the top division ASAP.

Is the holding company for the club a pre-planned crash & burn vehicle to propel the club up the divisions in a hurry and will be ditched basically rid the club of debt. The holding company is the business that took out all the loans to keep the club solvent and when the holding company goes into financial meltdown the club and all it's assets will be sold on to settle the holding companies debts and the club becomes debt free to it's new owners and won't face an insolvency event because the holding company kept it solvent until the club was sold. My thoughts anyway.

If this is a likely scenario, then why have Stewart Gilmour and his board been balancing our books since 1998 and running us as a perma-relegation threatened wee corner shop? Why aren't we spending millions as a 'holding company' allowing that ethereal entity known as 'the club' to 'live the dream' and challenge for the title? Or at least finish second and have a bash at Europe? Why aren't we signing the kind of players Celtic can afford, and when it goes tits up, it's the 'holding company' that crashes & burns, while St Mirren the ethereal entity with history unbroken since 1877 simply waltzes back debt-free to do it all over again?

Fcuk off Gilmour. I want Europe and getting it up ra' Sellik - and I want it NOW, or I'll scweam and scweam until I'm sick.

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The nomad thing was botched, they should have waited until they had a look at the books/the true state of the club before making such a claim. A bit of bravado perhaps but its bitten them on the backside now, it should have been worded more carefully.

They also need to (IMO) provide the relevant proof that backs up their claims regarding nomads and aim regs.

I'm prepared to give them more time regarding business plans and such, holds ups with fit and proper.... The SFA, various onerous contracts will take a while to clear up ( I'd guess)

The last lot discredited themselves and three years of mismanagement will take a while to clear up but we could blame it all on Paul Murray I suppose.

Then we largely agree, although given that they came to power on a 'transparency' ticket, I think they should have worked harder early on to come clean about what they were discovering and how they proposed to work with it. Instead, the spin we're getting, just feels a lot like what people were being offered before the regime change.

Why you bring in Paul Murray, I don't know. I have displayed no wish to blame it all on him, so why imply that I do?

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