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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The last time this came up for discussion I suggested that Dave King would end up owning the club with fan's money and Mike Ashley and Chuckie's mates would tie up all the assets through securities. The club is nothing but a second hand SFA membership number now.

Dave don't need no steenkin' badges anyway.

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Did I fcuk.

And if I remember correctly Rangers never had a say in it, due to not being a full member of the sfl. It also shows how little you understand as I said I'd like to see the money split with the opposing teams, nothing to do with wanting it all for Rangers.

Up ye....

That rule only came into being after league reconstruction when the SFL & SPL merged into being the SPFL. So The Rangers knew exactly the score when it came to them being in the Championship this season. Only problem was that The Rangers were according to your fans were going to romp the league pumping everyone rotten on their final part of the journey beck to their rightful place n aw that. Hearts fucked that part of the journey and then it turns out The Rangers are piling up tens of millions of pounds of debt on their way up and now it matters because the club needs every penny it can steal from anyone.

So your notion that The Rangers had no say in the matter is complete and utter pish and just shows you are still thick & stupid.

Right up ye.....

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That rule only came into being after league reconstruction when the SFL & SPL merged into being the SPFL. So The Rangers knew exactly the score when it came to them being in the Championship this season. Only problem was that The Rangers were according to your fans were going to romp the league pumping everyone rotten on their final part of the journey beck to their rightful place n aw that. Hearts fucked that part of the journey and then it turns out The Rangers are piling up tens of millions of pounds of debt on their way up and now it matters because the club needs every penny it can steal from anyone.

So your notion that The Rangers had no say in the matter is complete and utter pish and just shows you are still thick & stupid.

Right up ye.....

That makes no sense at all, why are you always so angry?

P.s looks like I was right earlier about your 'issues' I suggest you talk to someone about them.

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Maybe Vicky is the sensible one and Bennett is the deviant , lots of evidence would support this theory :1eye

Don't believe Bennett is a deviant.......a brilliant deflector and dodger of anything resembling a slightly difficult question or debate, and a thorn in the flesh at times with some incoherent ramblings over nothing.

But a deviant? Naw, I don't think so.

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Don't believe Bennett is a deviant.......a brilliant deflector and dodger of anything resembling a slightly difficult question or debate, and a thorn in the flesh at times with some incoherent ramblings over nothing.

But a deviant? Naw, I don't think so.

Brilliant eh.....

Maybe you're not so bad after all...

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That makes no sense at all, why are you always so angry?

P.s looks like I was right earlier about your 'issues' I suggest you talk to someone about them.

Ah ! the Tedi deflector of suggesting that I'm angry whilst I composed my post in a calm composed manner of once again pointing out where you have made yourself look a bit thick & stupid.

Suggesting I have issues is also weak pathetic attempt to weasel out of your self induced position of being pointed and laughed at because your posts at times do make you look thick & stupid.

This would incur that you have educational issues that you should address, the lack of things you alarmingly do not know when you compose a message and also not well thought out in the first place thinking you are getting it "up ye..." to the P&D's often ends up making you look thick & stupid when they descend upon the post that made you look thick & stupid pointing out how thick & stupid you look.


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How will that go if Lord Lyon deems the badge unusable due to the lion rampant and letters? Mike maybe onto nothing then!

Might have something to do with The Rangers crest being a football crest and not an adopted heraldic crest that has been amended for a football jersey. I think it is because the Airdrieonians have utilised the towns heraldic crest and put in "AFC".

I'm surprised Airdrieonians haven't decided to put their "AFC" under or above the crest to circumvent the laws on heraldic crests.

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This would incur that you have educational issues that you should address, the lack of things you alarmingly do not know when you compose a message and also not well thought out in the first place thinking you are getting it "up ye..." to the P&D's often ends up making you look thick & stupid when they descend upon the post that made you look thick & stupid pointing out how thick & stupid you look.


I take it you meant infer when you typed incur. However, if, as you suggest, there is a "lack of things" he doesn't know.

I would think that makes him quite clever, no?

Is English a second language for you? Gibberish being your first.

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I take it you meant infer when you typed incur. However, if, as you suggest, there is a "lack of things" he doesn't know. I would think that makes him quite clever, no? Is English a second language for you? Gibberish being your first.

Very clever.

Oh look at me giving out back to Benny what Benny dishes out to others, witty insults and veritable banter. How very naughty of me wanting to get it "up ye" to Bennett. My apologies I'll just let the resident fool insult and take the piss out of me whenever Bennett feels like it and I'll have to deal with it somehow.

And just for the intellectual superior that you are did one of the definitions of "incur" evade your Mensa IQ level ? "as a result of one's own behaviour or actions". Very appropriate I'll say.

For Benny. :wub: I wouldn't have you any other way pal, stay naughty.

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