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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I think Ashley is positioning himself delightfully. Sevco can't survive if he doesn't prop them up. However the SPFL/SFA are trying to control his influence. Soon will come decision time. Sevco need more money Ashley says only for more influence. Queue the SPFL/SFA needing to back down to Ashley or let him sink Sevco.

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Looks like a decent game - which I realise will be of no consolation to you (or me) if you don't.

ETA: Looks like you should be OK. Just flashed up that or game at Fir Park is on live on the 8th - could be the icing on the cake of a cracking 24 hours...

Or we could get spanked by St Deadmenwalking...

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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I think Ashley is positioning himself delightfully. Sevco can't survive if he doesn't prop them up. However the SPFL/SFA are trying to control his influence. Soon will come decision time. Sevco need more money Ashley says only for more influence. Queue the SPFL/SFA needing to back down to Ashley or let him sink Sevco.

Queue all the veterans of the the Diddy Revolt saying

'apply the bloody rules to 'Rangers' in exactly the same fair-handed manner as you would to any other club'

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Have Inverness been hammered by the SFA yet?

Fans running on to the pitch and pulling down players in the box is scummy behaviour IMO.

Have you not heard? ICT are the new establishment club since Rangers went down the Sawanny? Un-fucking-touchable by the authorities.

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Have you not heard? ICT are the new establishment club since Rangers went down the Sawanny? Un-fucking-touchable by the authorities.

Think the clue is in the colours!

Can't even call you Heelan H**s cos it's a bad word :blink:

Best of luck in the final though but nae tomorrow

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Think the clue is in the colours!

Can't even call you Heelan H**s cos it's a bad word :blink:

Best of luck in the final though but nae tomorrow

No luck required. Just the right referee.

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Ashley continues to play an absolute blinder, while King continues to endorse the South African court's findings on his integrity.It looks very much as though Paul Murray has gone cap-in-hand to plead with MA's representatives to reconsider tranche two. Can't see any reason MA would have had him entertained, certainly not because MA needs Sevco's cooperation or goodwill. He's got them by the blueing gonads simply by relying on the fans' sense of entitlement to drive costs above revenue. Aided of course by King driving revenue in the other direction.But with things having changed so radically with respect to the original status when the facility was established, any reconsideration is very much weighted towards Ashley. Maybe John Brown will soon get his wish, and the matter of who owns Ibrox will be resolved.

Rangers as a brand are slightly more valuable than Donnay.

3 pairs of Rangers branded socks for a quid? Anyone? How about Lonsdale?

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Rangers as a brand are slightly more valuable than Donnay.

3 pairs of Rangers branded socks for a quid? Anyone? How about Lonsdale?

5 stars all round, goldigga, karrimor, firetrap, everlast, you name them they'll have them.

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LOL..they cant even get an advisor to deal with them on the ISDX.How long do they wait before blaming the old board again?http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/news/home-news/rangers-yet-to-apply-for-admission-to-alternative-stock-market-after-aim-delisting.124275803

Have they tried the YMCA yet?
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Mike Ashley’s legal team have taken on the Scottish Football Association over the £7500 fine imposed on the Newcastle United owner for breaching rules on dual ownership through his interest in Rangers. Telegraph Sport can also reveal that Ashley’s representatives asked the governing body of Scottish football to process an appeal against the sanction in confidence but that it is not known when the matter will be resolved – or even if it will be dealt with before the end of the season.

Whatever the outcome, it's pleasing to see the SFA being challenged, IMO.

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LOL..they cant even get an advisor to deal with them on the ISDX. How long do they wait before blaming the old board again? http://www.heraldscotland.com/mobile/news/home-news/rangers-yet-to-apply-for-admission-to-alternative-stock-market-after-aim-delisting.124275803


"Mr Murray added that its refusal to grant the club an extension to "fast track" across to ISDX means it now has to go through the consuming and costly route of applying for admission, which can take two months or longer."

Deja Vu?

"Mr Green added that refusal to grant the club a "fast track" to the Championship means they now have to go through the consuming and costly route of applying for admission to the league." (Note: I'm taking a bit of a liberty, but you get the general gist)

Do they get to keep their toxic (economic) history?

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Whatever the outcome, it's pleasing to see the SFA being challenged, IMO.

This must be costing him more than £7.5K in legal fees. Is he just being a tosser or is he fighting for what he thinks is right? (Anyone remember The Flashing Blade? During the Banana Splits, wasn't it?)

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This must be costing him more than £7.5K in legal fees. Is he just being a tosser or is he fighting for what he thinks is right? (Anyone remember The Flashing Blade? During the Banana Splits, wasn't it?)

If he wins and the SFA change their policy then he could break the stalemate, take control of the club and probably get his money back.

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