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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers used EBT's and knew they were breaking the law in some sort of smart ingenius way to circumvent the HMRC and the two football associations rules & regulations, they got caught and had to stop using EBT's and then they died as a result of using the EBT scam, it's that simple.

What pisses me off completely is the cnut in charge of the SFA at the time of the clubs demise, this cnut sat on the board of Rangers during the EBT scam and knew exactly what the club was doing and was completely complicit in Rangers tax avoidance during the EBT era because he took EBT payments, and this cnut is still in charge of the SFA.

This cnut was part of the rewriting of association rules & regulations that removed the rule that killed clubs when the liquidation process was given, and now we have rules that help and aid clubs in racking up huge debts into the millions and how to evade it. This cnut did nothing to help Gretna FC when they folded over but did everything he could to help Rangers still be apparently Rangers even after doing a Gretna.

Why is this cnut in charge of our ruling association when he was up to his neck with the cheating at Rangers FC ?

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Maybe instead of smuggling moonshine they've been drinking it...

That was the initial joke Bennett tried to make, exploiting his prejudice against those from rural areas.

It was nearly quite clever, but sadly, his metropolitan spelling let him down.

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Hard to avoid where certain clubs and their behaviour is concerned, dear chum.

Well go on to their parts of forum and discuss it there, this for discussing Rangers matters.

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Bad news for Dave King. Looks as if he will pass the fit and proper person test.

No excuse for not putting hand in pocket and being called out by mike Ashley via EGM. Popcorn sales on the up
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