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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yes. Anything else you'd like to try?

Since you ask, I wouldn't mind trying to rub one out over the sounds of your sobbing. Just watch the petrofac final or cammy bell re-arranging his handbag at Fir Park, record your pitiful wails and whatsapp me, my number is 555...

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Depression / Hurt, does not really matter what you call it....you spelled it out, way back in April 2012 when you admitted your greatest fear...

Well it came to pass and you failed miserably in your challenge.........

What was that again? Remind me. I vaguely recall you digging something up from the period the other week.

While you're at it, see if you can find me promising to launch a boycott somewhere. Bennett needs your help and he knows deep down that repeating the same old rubbish without evidence makes him look malicious as well as idiotic.

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Must've been mistaken then, I was sure that monkey claimed that he'd stopped going to qots games because they voted in favour of Rangers.

But if monkey says that he never stopped going to games then I must be wrong.

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Mike Ashley moves to have Rangers chairman Dave King JAILED over Sky Sports interview with Jim White


NEWCASTLE chief Ashley has accused King of breaching a gagging order placed on the Ibrox board by his firm Sports Direct during an interview in July.

MIKE Ashley has launched a legal move to have Rangers chairman Dave King thrown in jail.

The Daily Record understands Ashley has gone to court accusing King of breaching a gagging order forced on the Ibrox board by his firm Sports Direct.

The Newcastle United owners lawyers insist King breached that *injunction in July when he filmed a TV interview with Sky Sports Jim White.

During the chat at his home in Johannesburg, South Africa, King confirmed he was in talks with Sports Direct over contracts signed over by the previous Rangers regime.

Ashleys lawyers have also asked Londons High Court to fine Rangers for allowing King to go in front of the cameras. Legal papers have been served on Kings co-directors Paul Murray and John Gilligan.

The bitter feud between the Ibrox club and Ashley had raged behind the scenes for six months until last week.

It exploded into the public eye when King released a statement insisting the legal fight against Sports Direct will continue despite *spiralling costs.

We can now reveal the full extent of the fall-out which Ashleys advisers believe should lead to Kings arrest and trial on a contempt-of-court charge.

In May the Record exclusively revealed that Kings board were furious to discover a seven-year notice period in the *commercial tie-up agreed between Sports Direct and former Ibrox chief executive Charles Green.

We told how King planned to expose further details of those secret deals in June at a Rangers general meeting. Ashley had called the meeting to demand the return of a £5million crisis loan.

This enraged Ashley, who had forced the previous board, led by former chairman David Somers, to sign a confidentiality *agreement with his firm.

Ashley reacted by going straight to the High Courts chancery division to take out an interim injunction preventing King from spilling the beans.

On the same day, in Edinburghs Court of Session, Rangers lawyers agreed to abide by the High Court decision.

Now Ashleys lawyers argue King broke the terms of that gagging order the following month when he welcomed Sky Sports to his home, to conduct a bizarre one-to-one with White.

During that interview King spoke about his desire to restructure the clubs commercial contracts with Ashleys firm and warned of a mood of mounting unrest among the clubs fans.

Sports Direct run Rangers official shops and have sold £8million of merchandise in the last two years.

King said: They are very concerned that, by buying Rangers replica kit or other memorabilia, they are supporting Sports Direct more than they are supporting Rangers.

King alluded to a potential meeting with Ashleys people when he said: The question is, can we go along to Sports Direct and say, You have a contract with Rangers Football Club. The terms of the contract are such that, for whatever reason, its not working for Rangers and we believe its not working for Sports Direct.

Ashleys lawyers believe his comments represent such a significant breach of the gagging orders conditions and that King should be imprisoned.

A source said: Ashleys legal team describe this sort of stuff as confidential information and argue that the *companys reputation could be *irreparably damaged by any such leaks.

They believe King did this quite deliberately as an attempt to force a renegotiation of commercial contracts and therefore must be found in contempt of court.

They want to see him hammered for it and the club given a hefty fine into the bargain.

The interim injunction is still in place and will remain so until the court decides on another legal move by Sports Direct to have Kings regime gagged on a permanent basis. Ashleys legal team have also demanded Rangers cover all the costs of his court action.

Anti-Ashley campaigner Craig Houston, of fans group Sons of Struth, wants Rangers supporters to boycott all Sports Direct stores.

He said: I was made aware that Ashley was attempting to have King arrested and fine our directors a few weeks ago.

I have always wanted Rangers fans to know what is going on in our club and am glad todays news will give all Rangers fans another glimpse of what is going on.

It was exposed in the last set of accounts that our club receives 75p for every £10 spent on club merchandise.

Our directors have been stating for some time that they are trying to obtain a better deal from Sports Direct and I would urge all fans to think before spending any money on merchandise.

Purchasing a stadium brick or a couple of match day programmes would see more money going to our club than buying a jersey. Obviously the more fans spend in the shop, the less likely he is to renegotiate the contract.

As fans we hold one important ace card our cash. He wants it and I would urge all rangers fans to keep it from him. We have taken on bullies before and won. We wont sit idly by any longer.

Aye Craig, buy a brick to save them :lol:

He wants them to buy a brick, buy a programme?

The Orcs aren't even interested in going to Ibrox to watch their team play a cup game, what chance has he got!

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Keech is fun today :D

Sheriff Officers all over the place

Rangers chairman Dave King faces December 9 court date in Mike Ashley battle.. meaning he could spend Christmas in jail


SPORTS Direct tycoon Ashley wants King jailed for contempt of court - and the Gers boss could face 30 days behind bars if convicted.

RANGERS boss Dave King could be banged up behind bars for Christmas when he appears in court on December 9.

A judge will decide if the Rangers chief should be jailed on a contempt charge for allegedly breaching a Sports Direct gagging order.

Lawyers for tycoon Mike Ashley are adamant that King should be jailed and the Ibrox club hit with a fine for a TV interview he did with Sky Sports Jim White at his Johannesburg home.

If King is convicted at Londons High Court, a sentence of 30 days in prison could be handed down by the judge.

Today, we can also reveal how King was snared in a meticulous operation by Ashleys people after being welcomed to Sports Directs HQ for what appeared to be peace talks with the firm who control Rangers retail operations.

Ashley invited King to his Shirebrook HQ for a face-to-face meeting after months of feuding between the pair.

But the Newcastle United owner was also ordering his lawyers to track King back to Scotland after the meeting had finished and serve him the writ which could land him in jail.

The Daily Record exclusively revealed yesterday how Ashleys legal team were going after King for discussing his relationship with Sports Direct during the interview with White in July.

Now weve uncovered details of the plan to pounce on him in the hours following his visit to Ashleys office. This involved paying to have teams of sheriff officers across Glasgow waiting for King to return on a train from Chesterfield.

They needed to serve King in person to proceed with their plans to drag him into the dock but, first, had to wait for the businessman to return to British soil.

Their big chance arrived when Ashley invited King for a sitdown to open talks about a possible renegotiation of the crippling, one-sided retail deals signed over to Sports Direct by previous Ibrox regimes.

We also understand Ashley gave his legal team an explicit order not to confront King with the paperwork during the visit.

Instead, they were told to wait until King arrived back in Glasgow, where teams of sheriff officers were waiting for him at both the citys major stations, Queen Street and Glasgow Central.

More sheriff officers were sent to other locations, including Ibrox, as part of the no-expense-spared operation. They were under strict orders to collar King before going on to serve similar papers on his co-directors Paul Murray and John Gilligan.

A legal expert told us: This highlights the determination of Ashley and Sports Direct to follow through on their attempts to have King arrested and ultimately imprisoned.

The final bill for this operation would have been likely to run into thousands of pounds.

Under Civil Procedure rules it is essential that the papers are served on the individual in person for the case to proceed. It seems clear that Ashley is very serious indeed about going after King and taking this thing all the way.

Record Sport first revealed back in May that Sports Direct had a seven-year notice period written into the commercial deals agreed between Ashley and former chief executive Charles Green.

Fearing King was about to blow the lid on more of his secret deals, Ashley took out a gagging order on the Rangers board which remains in place today.

But Sports Direct have accused King of breaching the terms of that order and have made a case for the Rangers chairman to be severely punished at next months hearing.

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The financial year is based on the one that ended in June , the new board were only in for three months at this time so the results do not really reflect on them , not that that will stop the diddies whipping themselves into a frenzy of course


*Dave King

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The financial year is based on the one that ended in June , the new board were only in for three months at this time so the results do not really reflect on them , not that that will stop the diddies whipping themselves into a frenzy of course

'rangers' are the diddiest club in the entire sporting world.

but you knew that,eh?

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*Dave King

Front loading*

*Dave King.

Ah, here's the good stuff




In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not modified, we have considered the adequacy of the

disclosures in note 1 to the financial statements concerning the Groups ability to continue as a going concern. In

order to continue operations for the next 12 months the group is dependent upon raising additional finance. Failure

to secure additional funding would result in the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt

as to the Groups ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that

would result if the Group was unable to continue as a going concern

£2.5m to keep the lights on. No bank funding available.

Enjoy :)

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