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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So it's about the ability to pay then, not the requirement to play within the rules. Financial regulations mean nothing so long as you can stump up the cash if you're caught?

"The ability to pay".....

:D :D

Sorry rob (no I'm not) , you've had a 'mare of a day even backed up by the halfwits.

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Ok Rob. Personally I blame the schools, not you. But I'm on the verge of putting you on ignore. Sorry pal, but your lack of intelligence is giving me a sore head

Your choice my friend, difficulty envisaging that I might lose sleep over that one, but knock yourself out.

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The £1m Chairman

“If MA is on the ball, he will call for a GM and ask the questions around what the Company did to satisfy its duties to shareholders that allowing a convicted criminal to become chairman was the correct judgement ….and to pass a motion that NO ONE with Criminal Convictions should ever be allowed any say in the running of the club or hold office…..lets see what happens, I believe there were rumours that a GM was being sought….hopefully it will be held while Glib & Shameless is serving at Her Majesties Pleasure.”

The foreword is from Gordo. I can confirm that there will be a general meeting on November 27 at The Clyde Auditorium. This is somewhat earlier than other meetings in previous years, but as we are fully aware there is a distinct possibility that our criminal chairman will be imprisoned at his contempt of court hearing on 9 December. The fact that King is currently bound over for another contempt of court conviction, in South Africa, has escaped the notice of the SMSM. He was sentenced to three months imprisonment, suspended for three years. Holding an AGM when your chairman is in prison would be hard to spin as a positive.

Of course there could be another reason for this meeting. A document was circulated that purported to be a request for an EGM. If the resolutions tabled at the meeting on 27 November includes two resolutions from Ashley, we will know that the shyster board are killing two birds with one stone.

Ashley is holding King up to public scrutiny. He has been exposed as a lying charlatan with no appreciable wealth. An individual bound over by a suspended sentence. These facts will be in the public domain as of December 9 at The High Courts of Justice. King’s defence will be paid by Rangers. The previous injunction on King and his puppet board cost circa £400,000 as costs were awarded to Sports Direct. The forthcoming trial, should it include a substantial fine, will escalate the costs of defending our criminal chairman to circa £1m. Even if he has contributed £1.5m in soft loans, which I do not accept, the bulk of this amount will be spent defending his stupidity. It takes a special brand of stupidity to be tried for contempt of court while convicted of contempt of court. Mr King evidently has no regard for the law in South Africa and the UK. The stupidity of the shareholders who voted for King on March 6 will no doubt continue on November 27.

King is tabling a resolution to remove Ashley’s voting rights. If he succeeds, Ashley will take him to court again. Ashley has an agreement with the SFA to limit his shareholding to 10%. He has not exercised his right to appoint two directors. There is no justifiable case to strip him of his voting rights as he does not have undue influence. King is attempting to silence his opposition with an illegal ruse. A ruse that will be challenged at The High Courts of Justice.

If King’s stupidity continues unchecked, his costs of litigation, when added to those of Green, could exceed the £2.5m in emergency funding that has been raised by Mr Taylor and Mr Letham.

King squandered £50m of his ill-gotten gains on legal fees. He found it amusing to take on The South African Revenue Service in the full knowledge that every Rand he spent in his defence was one less Rand that they could collect.

He is now engaged in a war with a billionaire. There will only be one inevitable outcome. Ashley is going to wipe the floor with King. The club could be the collateral damage.

I look forward to the excuses of the four existing members of the SFA board who voted for King should he be imprisoned.

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Lance Armstrong FC is an apt name if you listen to the fans. Everyone done it a bit.

That'll be why in cycling, they simply annulled the results for the years he won the Tour De France instead of awarding it to second place.

I think we can all agree then that the best course of action is to simply do the same for all the trophies Rangers won during the EBT years.

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I was very clear on where and who I was quoting from with quotation marks. What a state to get into eh?

The desperate thrashing about on here amongst the hateful hordes is spectacular, wow!! It's going to be some show when this charade amounts to f*ck all !!

Ok, I'll happily hold my hands up and apologise. But I can't see one post today where you quote him. Can you direct me to it?

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Perhaps the Hearts tax fiasco with their Lithuanian loan players. Aye they paid it all back, but only after they were challenged on breaking the rules.

A bit like the MP's expenses scandal, " of course we did nothing wrong, because it was all paid back"

The Arsenal example quoted earlier, was slightly different, they bunged HMRC £40 million, no questions asked, no negotiation, no quibbling over the amount owed, the tax man snapped their hand off an walked away, job done. It was small change within their bulging coffers.

So Arsenal never deliberately evaded paying tax? They came to an agreed settlement with HMRC and paid what they were due?

Rangers went into administration in order to reduce their liability with a (failed) pence in the pound offer and we're then liquidated still owing the money.

Do you see any differences of note?

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So it's about the ability to pay then, not the requirement to play within the rules. Financial regulations mean nothing so long as you can stump up the cash if you're caught?

Of course it is about the ability to pay. It's what defines financial doping. Your club boosted the quality of their squad by using cash which should have been set aside for the taxman. Then they died when they got caught out.

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All trophies won by the dead club, in the EBT years, should just be declared null and void.

Let it be recorded in the annals of Scottish football history, that Rangers ruined Scottish football, as a real, fair, competition, for many many years.


Edited by kildog
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So it's about the ability to pay then, not the requirement to play within the rules. Financial regulations mean nothing so long as you can stump up the cash if you're caught?

As alluded to earlier these are complex legal matters which none of us can confidently comment upon.

But to simplify the situation for you, if HMRC come to you and suggest your tax avoidance is overly aggressive and possibly legal and they feel they have grounds to pursue you and you:

A) hold your hands up and pay them or;

B - say you disagree and will fight them to the Supreme Court over it

The result will probably turn out different for you.

We'll see if you can draw a parallel to our conversation.

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I was very clear on where and who I was quoting from with quotation marks. What a state to get into eh?

The desperate thrashing about on here amongst the hateful hordes is spectacular, wow!! It's going to be some show when this charade amounts to f*ck all !!

no you didn't. the post i was replying to was:

Sure that the courts will have some time proving that, if it indeed comes to that. And only after the Club has appealed on this most recent decision (Nov 4th).

Don't worry, I'm sure there's enough hysteria on here to keep the momentum going in the meantime. Say 4-5 years??

(And no your personal tax situation is of no concern or interest to me whatsoever)

Can you show me the quotation marks
Edited by dave.j
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All trophies won by the dead club, in the EBT years, should just be declared null and void.

Let it be recorded in the annals of Scottish football history, that Rangers ruined Scottish football, as a real, fair, competition, for many many years.


I would have a much bigger house if I hadn't spent that decade following a rigged sport.

We were all cheated.

In a true sporting sense, even the Rangers fans were cheated.

Not that they would know true fair sport if it came up and bit them on the arse.

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So Arsenal never deliberately evaded paying tax? They came to an agreed settlement with HMRC and paid what they were due?

Rangers went into administration in order to reduce their liability with a (failed) pence in the pound offer and we're then liquidated still owing the money.

Do you see any differences of note?

Yeah, I see that no one would step forward to invest in a club with an (unproven as it stood) tax bill hanging over them that was inflated to as much as £120 million by some sections of the press., who would!!?

This was before Craig Whyte got his grubby fingers into the dwindling coffers, and then f*cked us over again with HMRC, the Bank and his deal with Ticketus. I don't see what choice we had with regards to administration and subsequent liquidation?

From the long suffering fans perspective it wasn't a choice any of us would have wanted and certainly not a deliberate attempt to cheat the tax man or rival teams out on the park.

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Yeah, I see that no one would step forward to invest in a club with an (unproven as it stood) tax bill hanging over them that was inflated to as much as £120 million by some sections of the press., who would!!?

This was before Craig Whyte got his grubby fingers into the dwindling coffers, and then f*cked us over again with HMRC, the Bank and his deal with Ticketus. I don't see what choice we had1 with regards to administration and subsequent liquidation?

From the long suffering fans perspective3 it wasn't a choice any of us would have wanted and certainly not a deliberate attempt2 to cheat the tax man or rival teams out on the park.

  1. You could have chosen to pay your fucking taxes like everyone else or when Hector came knocking dealt with him rather than be obstructive.
  2. Were the EBTs set up by accident? Did the side letters fall off a shelf into players hands?
  3. Bar threatening the BBC and a children's entertainer, in retrospect do you feel proud or ashamed that essentially you stood about a bit watching and let your club die?
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Yeah, I see that no one would step forward to invest in a club with an (unproven as it stood) tax bill hanging over them that was inflated to as much as £120 million by some sections of the press., who would!!?

This was before Craig Whyte got his grubby fingers into the dwindling coffers, and then f*cked us over again with HMRC, the Bank and his deal with Ticketus. I don't see what choice we had with regards to administration and subsequent liquidation?

From the long suffering fans perspective it wasn't a choice any of us would have wanted and certainly not a deliberate attempt to cheat the tax man or rival teams out on the park.

Do you believe an investor pays any attention what so ever to what some red top journo writes?

Long suffering fans? you're trolling now!

it was a deliberate attempt, rangers deliberatly blocked the inverstigation at every turn. take the blue glasses off.

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I have had enough of this long suffering fans pish. I hear it from Arsenal fans it's fucking laughable but from the fans of the dead club Christ.

Years of winning trophy after trophy, admin losing a few games and the league, then reforming winning 2 leagues at a canter before actually having to compete with teams and finish 3rd before going back to winning by 3 or 4 every week.

Long suffering FFS

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