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How isn't it, he has said that a director at rangers has stated "the billy boys is a great song " , this puts the individuals position in question if he has supported it in the context spiers makes it out to be , rangers are right to question it and demand proof , I would be saying the exact same thing if a similar story had broke out with the other mhob

What's your view of Shay Logan's serious allegation against Tonev?

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Yet more paranoia, this really is all you guys have got.

It is all 'we' guys have aye. In the absence of irrefutable definite facts with signed statements, we make suggestions and imagine things. Only I imagine a reason or a basis for things whilst others shout "witch" like the monty python witch hunters

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I took it that it was a verbal conversation and then there was emails following his story.

I'd thought it was a verbal exchange, which had led to a subsequent e-mail exchange. I just assumed that nobody would be stupid enough to commit such stuff to writing.

I don't know if the harping about an e-mail is because there's been a strong suggestion from Spiers that it would be incriminating, or simply part of the same nonsense that demanded Morton fans post pictures of a bottle.

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Fair play to him , stood his ground and proved his point , along with the fact that Logan does not have a history of making up utter bullshit to sell papers I like you go on the balance of probability

Right, so you recognise the balance of probability and you're seriously claiming that by employing it, it strikes you as more likely that a reputable journalist would simply make something up, than that a director made an ill advised and careless remark?

Is that really what you're saying? That Spiers has simply chosen to make up a big fat lie here, which he's put into print?

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lol...u mad?

'a Rangers director told me that he thought The Billy Boys was “a great song”. I subsequently expressed my dismay at the director’s comment in an email exchange with Rangers.'

So in this email that the corduroy kid says he sent, are you suggesting he started the email by saying 'you know that comment you made?' don't be so fucking daft, if the email exists he would have quoted the comment.

It really is so easy for Graham to clear this up...publish the 'email exchange' and let people make their own mind up.

Seriously, what?

That just confirms the reading Bino Balls and I had reached.

This e-mail exchange will just contain the allegation and probably a denial.

It'll confirm nothing.

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lol...u mad?

'a Rangers director told me that he thought The Billy Boys was a great song. I subsequently expressed my dismay at the directors comment in an email exchange with Rangers.'

It really is so easy for Graham to clear this up...publish the 'email exchange' and let people make their own mind up.

Clear as day for me. I've made my mind up. No need for him to publish the email.

I find it entirely plausible that a team who's support is full of hate filled bigots happen to have a bigot on the board.

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Right, so you recognise the balance of probability and you're seriously claiming that by employing it, it strikes you as more likely that a reputable journalist would simply make something up, than that a director made an ill advised and careless remark?

Is that really what you're saying? That Spiers has simply chosen to make up a big fat lie here, which he's put into print?

Well done you have got it

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Why was 2nd andy Goram banned ?

See where it says my team, his said Rangers.

I took it that it was a verbal conversation and then there was emails following his story.

Tedi you are as biased as Bennett is prone to making things up. You can't just magically decide someone is definitely lying based on your personal opinion of them.

Lol I love how doggedly follow the Philco philosophy of fabricating nonsense into some sort of crusade.

'This e-mail exchange will'

'Will', no maybe or may contain just 'Will' Monkey has seen the email.

Post it here please.

Maybe Monkey is the corduroy wearing crusader...

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Spiers and Haggerty reduced to the category of 'Philco' bloggers on the same day....'donate here please'

Spiers reduced to blogging? Have you been listening to your racist hero again?

Hate to break it to you...but Spiers is still employed by the BBC and The Times...he must be right gutted to have told a Glasgow rag to go fuk itself.

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I thought spiers was freelance and only had a recurring column in the herald?

Anyhow, I don't think he would publish any emails as then it would completely destroy any chance of getting anyone to tell him anything in a private conversation knowing he may publish it later.

He mentioned something that was said to him, he mentions he emailed rangers regarding it and they have thrown a wobbly regarding it and a shareholder threatened to withdraw advertising revenue from the paper (obviously this director doesn't wear multiple hats like king does and both jobs are hand in hand...)

I think Spiers has done his part on principal that someone else apologised on his behalf when he does not see he has done wrong.

Haggarty .. who the hell knows what she got involved for.

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Haggarty .. who the hell knows what she got involved for.

All she did was post a message on twitter. She's just the same as the hissy fitting rangers fans who took to twitter to hound the guy.

God knows why they got involved either.

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again absolute paranoia.

Rangers threatened legal action, the Herald who will have all the emails consulted their legal team and were told the statement made by Spiers would not hold up legally...thems the facts

In your wee world maybe.

Edited by dave.j
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