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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Of course some verbs work as nouns.

Foment isn't one of them.

Of course some licence exists on occasion.

This isn't one of them though.

Quite simply, the wrong word was used.

All we need is someone from the SFA to agree and then that's it decided for everyone, with no further discussion allowed. Isn't that how it works?

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It really is a bit weird.  I have to confess that while I had an inkling what foment meant I had to google it to be sure.  As has been the case with quite a bit of Kinky's very impressive vocabulary.  It just so happens that I found a quote in the collins dictionary stating that unlike the word of similar meaning, ferment, it cannot be used as a noun.


I pounced on this as an amusing sideline because frankly catching kinky out on a point of language I thought was a fairly rare and impressive event. Regardless of how obscure or even debatable it might be.


I find this reaction a touch sad especially since the post we were discussing was whether we diddies should be raging that the sfa put this bill in front of sevco and I made a pretty simple one line argument as to why there is no reason for us to be annoyed about it and this has been, like the dictionary quote, ignored. Like I said, sad really.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Hi guys happy easter

54 and counting

We welcome the chase

Yours truly




Happy Easter to you 2 FB.


Jesus...was it the same Jesus or a different Jesus?


Unsurprising to see you two believe in the resurrection myth.  Hopefully this same club stuff is something you lot will grow out of, in the same way I hope society stops giving credence to the fairy story of a fellah coming back to life after being nailed to a piece of wood.

Happy bonus day off of arcane origin everyone.

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Wait, so now that you been shown up to be a liar over and over again by claiming that I said something I simply did not, your answer is to take something another poster said?




It is probably more likely that you fucked up and confused what poster said what and are now desperately trying to dig yourself out of a hole, I will merely call it pathetic and laugh at you.

Nice try.  Pathetic but nice.


Now on your accusation of lying, you will of course be able to show where I claimed that you said that you had a list as opposed to me requesting a list from you.  Of course you could have once again just been telling lies. 


So some proof of me stating that you had a list please.


Now, I am guessing from your last post that not only can you not provide a list but that you are ignoring the fact that you white knighted someone that claimed all the small businesses had been paid.  I would like to see some proof of this or an acknowledgment that you actually, in your haste to back up a fellow bear, put your name to a claim that you cannot back up.

Edited by strichener
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It really is a bit weird. I have to confess that while I had an inkling what foment meant I had to google it to be sure. As has been the case with quite a bit of Kinky's very impressive vocabulary. It just so happens that I found a quote in the collins dictionary stating that unlike the word of similar meaning, ferment, it cannot be used as a noun.

I pounced on this as an amusing sideline because frankly catching kinky out on a point of language I thought was a fairly rare and impressive event. Regardless of how obscure or even debatable it might be.

I find this reaction a touch sad especially since the post we were discussing was whether we diddies should be raging that the sfa put this bill in front of sevco and I made a pretty simple one line argument as to why there is no reason for us to be annoyed about it and this has been, like the dictionary quote, ignored. Like I said, sad really.

It's not that rare for him to slip up like this.

His use of language is often less impressive than he imagines.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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You lied when you claimed I had said ALL small creditors had been paid.


You also lied when you claimed that I stated the club would be breaking even if all these things happened.


I was not in haste to back up  / white knight anyone, yet more lies or you simply got confused again and could not remember what poster said what.


If I had claimed to have a list or actually said that all the small creditors had been paid then I maybe able to help with your OCD issues, sorry but it looks like you are out of luck.

I think you're partly right here Ted. This is really much more Solitaire's blunder than your own.

Would you accept though that when you said "THE" small creditors had been paid, that implied that all of them had?

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I think you're partly right here Ted. This is really much more Solitaire's blunder than your own. Would you accept though that when you said "THE" small creditors had been paid, that implied that all of them had?


Language as I have banged on about recently is important.  If I lent you a ton and you gave me £2 back, have you repaid the money?  Naw.

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No, if I had meant All then I would have like strichy suggested I did, put the word ALL before THE

Well, that's clearly ridiculous then.

What is it that prevents you from just saying that it did look that way, but it's not what you meant?

Missing out the word "the" altogether, would have apparently achieved the meaning you wanted, as would preceding it with "some of".

You did neither however, thus implying (not stating) that all had been paid.

This inability of yours to concede anything at all, makes you simply a figure of fun.

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Monks stamping his feet while missing the fact that I did concede that in future I would try to make it simpler for the easily confused Peterhead fan, or did you only read the part of my post you quoted before going off on one yet again?

That wasn't a concession though. It was just a daft wee dig.

You can't allow yourself to back down, even a wee bit.

It makes you look ridiculous.

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Monks stamping his feet while missing the fact that I did concede that in future I would try to make it simpler for the easily confused Peterhead fan, or did you only read the part of my post you quoted before going off on one yet again?

I particularly enjoyed how you quoted yourself back and dropped the word "the" to try and wriggle your way out of it.

As I said yesterday if you're sent to the supermarket for 5 vegetables and come back with 2, would you say "I got the vegetables" - yes or no?

I look forward to not getting a simple answer or having the question ducked altogether. You don't have a leg to stand on here.

Bear #1 "RFFF paid all the small creditors"

Bear #2 "Diddies have been telt - the small creditors have been paid"

7 days later:

Bear #2 "I only said some had been paid"

Genuinely makes me smile how someone can be so utterly desperate not to concede when they've made a kunt of it.

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No, if I had meant All then I would have like strichy suggested I did, put the word ALL before THE, in future I will try to simplify it for stritchy to save him lying about what I actually said, somehow I think it will not make any difference though, when you take into account he manages to get "you stated that if all these things happened the the club would be breaking even"  from "not a million miles away from being ran sensibly"


The part in Bold is a lie that you are continually posting here.  Can you provide the post where I made this suggestion?


Or perhaps it was actually from the phrase "then the club would have broken even"

Edited by strichener
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Poor TEDI ...Tells us that The small creditors have been paid, is called a liar, then post a story about how the RFFF were paying ALL the small creditors off...

Has been continually asked to prove it for the last 2 weeks ...and now the best he can come up with is....eh..I didn't say 'all'

Hahaha what a fukin melon.

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