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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Seek help you mentalist.

Do you think that will be the "Rangers" FC standard answer when all your old heroes come looking for help with their tax bills?

It will be so much fun watching the #ebtmemories being told that they played for a different company.

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Of course it was a daft thing to do, just like the 78 who complained to ASA and the 82 who appealed ASA`s original findings, i take it you agree?

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That is disingenuous in the extreme to use that as evidence that the ASA recognise Rangers as a new club, given what the ASA decision ultimately was. A very kind person would call it tenuous, but it isn’t even that good. You’re pretty much getting ignored by me after that try.

Seriously, the quality of argument on here as nosedived in recent weeks. As witnessed by the use of blogs such as that by the utterly discredited Phil Threenames.

new Rangers Football Club

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Just saw a spoof April 1st newspaper headline where Aston Villa are to start charging fans £5 for leaving early.


Hope for the sake of the subway loyal that honest Dave doesn't see it :lol:

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Good to see that even the chief exec ridicules those that made the appeal.

True that those philharmonic orchestra dudes are so petty. Better to see he agrees that Rangers are a new football club. Edited by stonedsailor
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So Tedi....

ASA announce Rangers to be a new club in their annual statement.

UEFA rules don't allow a club to change legal form in the case of insolvency.

FIFA allow the transfer of player registrations without compensation to the new Rangers.

The SFA'S independent panel declared that new Rangers did not inherit rights of arbitration set in place by old Rangers over the TUPE rebels.

New Rangers drop their claim to arbitration over old Rangers tupe rebels.

Have I missed any institutions why recognise :D continuation?

Every time the rules are tested we see new club.

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So Tedi....

ASA announce Rangers to be a new club in their annual statement.

UEFA rules don't allow a club to change legal form in the case of insolvency.

FIFA allow the transfer of player registrations without compensation to the new Rangers.

The SFA'S independent panel declared that new Rangers did not inherit rights of arbitration set in place by old Rangers over the TUPE rebels.

New Rangers drop their claim to arbitration over old Rangers tupe rebels.

Have I missed any institutions why recognise :D continuation?

Every time the rules are tested we see new club.

Alias onslaught warning!....but but, Leeds, 54titles..salty tears.
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Regardless what ASA say, they have nothing to do with football.


It is funny though. People try to wind up rangers fans with pointless bull, clearly succeed in winding them up, rangers fans declare it a massive victory.

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They didn't, they confirmed that we were the same club after consulting with UEFA on the matter.  This did actually happen Stoney, I know from the numerous posts you made around the time of the appeals that you were hoping that it turned out differently but unfortunately for you it did not happen.  Monkey and Strichener have moved on and now admit that it was utterly ridiculous for celtic fans to be raising such appeals in the first place, an opinion now echoed by the Chief Exec of ASA, he would obviously prefer that such lunatics were not able to do so in the first place as it is a complete waste of their time.


That is hilarious. You contrive to make it sound like UEFA confirmed it when they did no such thing. If your position was as strong as you claim you wouldn't feel the need to misrepresent the facts.

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So ASA consulted UEFA about 'Rangers'


UEFA replied to this consultation about 'Rangers' and confirmed that its own rules allowed for sporting continuity of a clubs match record, despite a change in corporate structure.


You think they were talking about some other club?


and you claim it is me trying to misrepresent the facts...really?  :lol:


Do you think the celtic fans were wrong / mental to appeal to the advertising agency?


ASA did not ask about rangers. Why on earth are you lying? You can look this stuff up ffs. It makes your position look weak when you attempt to back it up with pish.


Regarding the people complaining, I assume they were trying to annoy rangers fans and in that they succeeded. It's a bit over the top in my view but in many ways not that different from posting here.

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I am not lying about anything, stop lashing out.


As I said, that might have been their purpose in the beginning, but in the end you would have to be completely thick to dispute that it backfired on them spectacularly.


Lashing out? What on earth are you on about? I'm merely pointing out your continued (and expected) mendacity. 


ASA asked if a club could change legal form - UEFA said yes. Unfortunately for you neither the question nor answer has any relevance to (or mention of) rangers.


You keep saying it backfired, yet you are still going on and on about it years later. That's how much it annoyed you - you simply can't let it go. As a wind up it seems to have been 100% successful. 

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1.So wait are you claiming that ASA never mentioned Rangers when they wrote to UEFA even though they were specifically investigating the Rangers case?


2.Why on earth would they not do this? especially since they did specifically mention 'Rangers' to the ECA and Scottish FA when they consulted them, why would they mention Rangers to these organisations but not UEFA?


3.Why would UEFA confirm that 'sporting continuity' of their match record could continue when 'corporate structure' has changed?



1. Claiming nothing. This is what the ASA said they asked.


2. How would I know? Not knowing why someone did A doesn't mean they did B instead. I could easily say why didn't they just ask UEFA, "Are sevco a new club?". I will happily agree the choice of question is extremely odd if you like?


3. Er, because (unless they get liquidated) it can. ASA for some reason never mentioned liquidation. You know - it IS odd. One of life's little mysteries I suppose.

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They didn't, they confirmed that we were the same club after consulting with UEFA on the matter. This did actually happen Stoney, I know from the numerous posts you made around the time of the appeals that you were hoping that it turned out differently but unfortunately for you it did not happen. Monkey and Strichener have moved on and now admit that it was utterly ridiculous for celtic fans to be raising such appeals in the first place, an opinion now echoed by the Chief Exec of ASA, he would obviously prefer that such lunatics were not able to do so in the first place as it is a complete waste of their time.

They never confirmed you are the same club. They asked UEFA if it was possible to change legal form, which it is but not in the case of insolvency as the Timisoara case proved beyond a doubt.

What about the rest of the points?

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