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Joey Ryan has a good bit of character about him. I might watch Impact again just to see him as the Knockouts ref, as it seems like the perfect role for him.

Christian York was the decent one out of him and Matthews I thought. God Joey Matthews was horrendous.

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Joey Ryan has a good bit of character about him. I might watch Impact again just to see him as the Knockouts ref, as it seems like the perfect role for him.

He only did it for one week, it was hilarious but can't see him doing it again because he spent the whole time checking them out while they bent over to pin. :lol:

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He only did it for one week, it was hilarious but can't see him doing it again because he spent the whole time checking them out while they bent over to pin. :lol:

Och. :( He's interesting until he's actually wrestling.

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I just want to reiterate how much I hate Chavo and Hernandez. I was raging when they won the titles last week and was raging when they again interrupted a quality segment between the two best tag teams in wrestling today. I hate their 'cocky and cool' thing they have going on. Get them to f**k.

Really digging the new AJ in the ring by the way.

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I just want to reiterate how much I hate Chavo and Hernandez. I was raging when they won the titles last week and was raging when they again interrupted a quality segment between the two best tag teams in wrestling today. I hate their 'cocky and cool' thing they have going on. Get them to f**k.

Really digging the new AJ in the ring by the way.

Those were my two exact thoughts about this weeks Impact!

They desperately need a new face tag team, not only are Chavo and Hernandez shite but having one face and two heel teams is pish. No idea what's up with the Motor City Machine Guns, but they'd be fantastic to get back. I know one of them was injured (Sabin i think) but did the other leave Tna? I can't really think of any other good tag teams they could get that wouldn't involve James Storm.

AJ was indeed fantastic, can't wait for him to get more screen time

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Those were my two exact thoughts about this weeks Impact!

They desperately need a new face tag team, not only are Chavo and Hernandez shite but having one face and two heel teams is pish. No idea what's up with the Motor City Machine Guns, but they'd be fantastic to get back. I know one of them was injured (Sabin i think) but did the other leave Tna? I can't really think of any other good tag teams they could get that wouldn't involve James Storm.

AJ was indeed fantastic, can't wait for him to get more screen time

Aye TNA let the MTMGs leave. One of them is in Japan just now.

Also the TNA guys continue to look like morons. Aces & 8s always attack guys who are fighting an Aces member, so why don't the TNA guys stick together and go the ring to stop it happening? How stupid did it make Magnus and Joe look when the same thing happened to them both.

Also is the X-Division set in another dimension? It appears to have nothing to do with the rest of the show.

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Aye TNA let the MTMGs leave. One of them is in Japan just now.

Also the TNA guys continue to look like morons. Aces & 8s always attack guys who are fighting an Aces member, so why don't the TNA guys stick together and go the ring to stop it happening? How stupid did it make Magnus and Joe look when the same thing happened to them both.

Also is the X-Division set in another dimension? It appears to have nothing to do with the rest of the show.

That's a shame. Looking at the reigns since 2007 (when they stopped using the NWA titles, the MCMG are the only ones I could see being worth bringing back. AJ/Kurt can't work as a face team anymore, Joe/Magnus were decent but I don't want to see them again. Pretty much every other team that's held the titles has at least one member that isn't in the company anymore, the likes of Crimson, Anarquia, Nash/Hall, Booker/Steiner, Creed/Lethal, Homicide and Tomko.

Aye, I thought that too. TNA have found their new ref bump, using the ref distraction in every Aces and Eights match. Not only does it make the TNA guys look like morons, but also the referees and management. I know they can't fire Aces and Eights but they could still reverse decisions, make it so Devon would lose the title if any of them get involved etc.

:lol: I love having Petey Williams back though, he's fantastic.

Forgot to mention, Aries' line in that segment after Kazarian (might've been Daniels) mentioned he was a vegan he said something like "yeah, I'm a vegan. And you guys put the meat in your mouths cause I don't" I was in stitches.

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That's a shame. Looking at the reigns since 2007 (when they stopped using the NWA titles, the MCMG are the only ones I could see being worth bringing back. AJ/Kurt can't work as a face team anymore, Joe/Magnus were decent but I don't want to see them again. Pretty much every other team that's held the titles has at least one member that isn't in the company anymore, the likes of Crimson, Anarquia, Nash/Hall, Booker/Steiner, Creed/Lethal, Homicide and Tomko.

Aye, I thought that too. TNA have found their new ref bump, using the ref distraction in every Aces and Eights match. Not only does it make the TNA guys look like morons, but also the referees and management. I know they can't fire Aces and Eights but they could still reverse decisions, make it so Devon would lose the title if any of them get involved etc.

:lol: I love having Petey Williams back though, he's fantastic.

Forgot to mention, Aries' line in that segment after Kazarian (might've been Daniels) mentioned he was a vegan he said something like "yeah, I'm a vegan. And you guys put the meat in your mouths cause I don't" I was in stitches.

The Aries/Roode Kazarian/Daniels thing was brilliant until those shite wanks Chavo 'Eddie was my uncle' Guerrero and Hernandez 'Actually From Texas' SuperMex ruined it all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My good lady has purchased me a ticket already :D

To be honest, I've almost fallen out of whats happening in TNA. With RAW being so shit it may be time for me to make TNA my wrestling fix.

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Been meaning to mention this for ages, but Wes Brisco is clearly on roids. He has the mad roid look in his eyes and his physique is clearly all roided up. And he's shit.

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Not a bad wee episode but on that main event (I'll spoiler it because something happens)

Abyss coming back, does that mean Parks is probably gone?

Also, I love how Abyss puts Anderson through a table and it's all totally ok with the ref

edit: and how ridiculous is it that Hogan either called or got called by Abyss. I'm sure he carries around a mobile along with those bags of glasses and barbed wire.

Edited by forehead7
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Not a bad wee episode but on that main event (I'll spoiler it because something happens)

Abyss coming back, does that mean Parks is probably gone?

Also, I love how Abyss puts Anderson through a table and it's all totally ok with the ref

edit: and how ridiculous is it that Hogan either called or got called by Abyss. I'm sure he carries around a mobile along with those bags of glasses and barbed wire.

They're really floundering with the whole Aces and 8s vs TNA thing now. The thing in your spoiler is a pretty desperate move, and not really one that is going to add excitement to the whole thing.

Once more the TNA guys prove that they are utter mongs, with Magnus getting battered. This shit every week just makes the TNA guys look like a bunch of clueless fannies. You'd think they'd at least hang around together for a bit of protection since every single week one of them gets rat packed.

Once more Bad Influence and Aries/Roode were the best thing on the show. These guys have been gold for months now.

Also we need more AJ.

Also I assume that the X Division champ will no longer be able to 'cash in' the X Division title for a World Title shot? No one gives a shit about the X Division now anyway; they're utterly ruined it.

Also when Hogan wins the title at BFG, I will never watch TNA again.

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Once more the TNA guys prove that they are utter mongs, with Magnus getting battered. This shit every week just makes the TNA guys look like a bunch of clueless fannies. You'd think they'd at least hang around together for a bit of protection since every single week one of them gets rat packed.

Once more Bad Influence and Aries/Roode were the best thing on the show. These guys have been gold for months now.

Also we need more AJ.

Also I assume that the X Division champ will no longer be able to 'cash in' the X Division title for a World Title shot? No one gives a shit about the X Division now anyway; they're utterly ruined it.

Also when Hogan wins the title at BFG, I will never watch TNA again.

Aye, I thought that too. Especially Angle and Sting, why wouldn't they roll with Magnus to make sure he didn't get jumped.

Yeah, their segments are fantastic. And we do need more AJ.

I dunno, I'm quite enjoying X-Division. Petey Williams and Chris Sabin coming back have improved it.

I think AJ's gotta win the title at BFG, beating Chris Daniels would make make the most sense but pretty difficult to work both them in in 5 months.

Also just thought how ridiculous it is that Hogan called upon the guy who he did. You'd think he'd be in a state of not trusting after Bubba burnt him. So he calls that person? What?!?

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Aye, I thought that too. Especially Angle and Sting, why wouldn't they roll with Magnus to make sure he didn't get jumped.

Yeah, their segments are fantastic. And we do need more AJ.

I dunno, I'm quite enjoying X-Division. Petey Williams and Chris Sabin coming back have improved it.

I think AJ's gotta win the title at BFG, beating Chris Daniels would make make the most sense but pretty difficult to work both them in in 5 months.

Also just thought how ridiculous it is that Hogan called upon the guy who he did. You'd think he'd be in a state of not trusting after Bubba burnt him. So he calls that person? What?!?

Aye, Hogan calling Abyss (it's already aired and not many other folk seem to be that into TNA on here anymore so not bothering with the spoiler now) was totally leftfield and made zero sense. I just hope he doesn't give him one of his HOF rings again!

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It'll be Hogan & Sting vs The Dudleys at BFG from what I've read.

Let me guess; the guy who gets the winning pinfall on either Bully or Devon gets the title? That wouldn't surprise me at all.

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It seems to me as though Abyss was always going to be part of this angle, what with Park keeping offering to be involved in the fight against A+8s.

Just a strange way to bring him in though, with zero reference to Park (so far).

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