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Yeah, don't get me wrong, I can definitely understand why they'd want to give him a couple of try out matches before he had a Raw/PPV match. I can't help but think they'd kill the initial buzz surrounding him debuting though if he did it in front of a couple of hundred people on NXT instead of thousands on Raw or at a PPV.

That's a fair point, but the problem nowadays is there is no way his debut would be a surprise. I'd love to see him with a Jericho 1999-style entrance - interrupting one of the big names.

Assuming, of course, that he doesn't just stay in TNA anyway.

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Is the reason they've made the X Division only one on one matches from now on because there are only two X Division wrestlers left seemingly?

There's a rumour going around that TNA have fucked up the BFG series (because not everyone has wrestled the same number of matches and there aren't enough dates left for everyone to face each other) so they're going to just take the top four and have them wrestle for the title match on Impact a week tomorrow.

TNA :lol:

They've been on a fucking disasterous run recently. The Aces & 8s nonsense has become a big failure, the MEM thing is dreadful, they've shat it and turned AJ face before him winning the title at BFG, they've brought in two over the hill MMA guys who have long since been popular, they have about two tag teams, they've fucked the X Division and the women's division is just the same few girls wrestling over and over.

They should just reset everything after BFG.

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they've brought in two over the hill MMA guys who have long since been popular

They should just reset everything after BFG.

To be fair, TNA aren't paying those guys, Spike are (from what I understand). Considering TNA's rating are so shit, I don't think they're in a position to argue with Spike about it either.

Depends what you mean by a reset, didn't WCW do a reset near the end and it was disastrous because fans felt cheated?

But yeah, it's been pretty pish for a few months with the writing. Most of the matches have been decent (apart from this past week) but the writing and booking has been awful.

The problem with AJ is that if his contract runs out in September then surely they can't have him win the series if there's a chance he'll f**k off before BFG. And even more so they can't put the title on him if he's not gonna stay, even if they managed to get him to stay until BFG. It's time for a change from Bully Ray as champ too, he loses the title and then Aces & Eights can be disbanded.

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To be fair, TNA aren't paying those guys, Spike are (from what I understand). Considering TNA's rating are so shit, I don't think they're in a position to argue with Spike about it either.

Depends what you mean by a reset, didn't WCW do a reset near the end and it was disastrous because fans felt cheated?

But yeah, it's been pretty pish for a few months with the writing. Most of the matches have been decent (apart from this past week) but the writing and booking has been awful.

The problem with AJ is that if his contract runs out in September then surely they can't have him win the series if there's a chance he'll f**k off before BFG. And even more so they can't put the title on him if he's not gonna stay, even if they managed to get him to stay until BFG. It's time for a change from Bully Ray as champ too, he loses the title and then Aces & Eights can be disbanded.

Yeah I don't mean that kind of reset with handing back titles and the like. That was ridiculous.

I just mean get rid of the MEM and Aces & 8s and have what fresh matches they can with the talented roster. The whole arc of TNA has been about Hogan and Aces & 8s. Just acknowledge that it's ended and start fresh with new storylines. And they might as well just give Hogan his match with Ray before he fucks off, dreadful as it will be. Unless Hogan does a Mania IX and, after AJ waves him on (he lost when Brooke Tessmacher threw her powdered breast milk in his eyes) he beats Ray for the title.....

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Yeah I don't mean that kind of reset with handing back titles and the like. That was ridiculous.

I just mean get rid of the MEM and Aces & 8s and have what fresh matches they can with the talented roster. The whole arc of TNA has been about Hogan and Aces & 8s. Just acknowledge that it's ended and start fresh with new storylines. And they might as well just give Hogan his match with Ray before he fucks off, dreadful as it will be. Unless Hogan does a Mania IX and, after AJ waves him on (he lost when Brooke Tessmacher threw her powdered breast milk in his eyes) he beats Ray for the title.....

Ah right yeah, reset is by tying off every storyline and whatnot. That should happen at BFG anyway, given it's like their Mania.

I actually heard a rumour that there's been some talk about Hogan backstage. Because of the arm wrestling thing with the Mayor of Toronto(?) and him working out a deal with WWE 2k14 to appear in it, they're starting to question whether Hogan is helping TNA because TNA got no mention with either story (and the arm wrestling one apparently got quite a lot of publicity). So maybe they are starting to realise that it's such a one sided deal.

I'm also hearing that Anderson's status within the company is under review.

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Not a bad episode, has a great AJ Styles promo just before his match so check that out.

Good matches from AJ/Roode and Daniels/Aries.

Everything else is a bit meh. Hogan apparently fucked up, said that next week Bully was defending the title against Sting. Well they taped right after it and it was non-title match so Hogan's a fucking tit. (Aces of Eights <_< )

I swear to god if Daniels, AJ or Joe doesn't win that gauntlet match next week and Jeff Hardy is in the top 4, I'm gonna be so mad. I'll...probably do something crazy like bitch on here about it! DON'T FUCKING TEST ME, TNA!

Edited by forehead7
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Not a bad episode, has a great AJ Styles promo just before his match so check that out.

Good matches from AJ/Roode and Daniels/Aries.

Everything else is a bit meh. Hogan apparently fucked up, said that next week Bully was defending the title against Sting. Well they taped right after it and it was non-title match so Hogan's a fucking tit. (Aces of Eights <_< )

I swear to god if Daniels, AJ or Joe doesn't win that gauntlet match next week and Jeff Hardy is in the top 4, I'm gonna be so mad. I'll...probably do something crazy like bitch on here about it! DON'T FUCKING TEST ME, TNA!

So Hogan doesn't even know the fucking storylines he's supposed to be presiding over? Sting is never allowed to wrestle for the TNA WHC ever again after he lost that title to Bully Ray. It was the main reason he reformed Aces & 8s. f**k off Hogan.

Seemingly when Sean Waltman (X-Pac, Syxx, 1-2-3- Kid etc) was sent a release the last time he left TNA. The only problem was that he wasn't under contract.

Hulk Hogan :thumbsdown

Dixie Carter :1eye

TNA :lol:

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Is Jeff Hardy still on drugs? He stated that he beat Samoa Joe via submission the final of the BFG series last year. As he said this, footage of his victory played in the background. Footage that clearly showed Hardy winning via pinfall. And it looked like this was a pretaped promo, so there really is no excuse for any of them missing this.

AJ's promo, as noted previously, was good. It felt like he was talking quite honestly, like it was almost a shoot at times. Shame the crowd were wanks throughout it. Is it just me or are TNA crowds in general utterly shite? They seem to want to get themselves over, as if they're desperate to be like the ECW crowds of old, yet come across as utter bellends. Twats.

Everything about the Hulk Hogan segment was dreadful. He talked pish, stumbled over his lines, made the amusing 'Aces Of 8's' faux pas but worst of all made the massive error of saying Sting would be facing Bully for the title next week, when of course Sting is never allowed a title ever again, as per the much hyped and talked about stipulation defeat previously. What a p***k. Get him to f**k.

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Quelle shock, but a solid and enjoyable Impact last night. The fact that Hulk Hogan was nowhere to be seen must have been a staggering coincidence. It's probably the best episode of Impact in a long time. There have been better matches on previous Impacts, but the matches last night were all good, but more importantly everything made sense and all the storylines moved forward in a logical fashion. It was also a brilliantly paced episode.

I was surprised to see that by 'Gauntlet match' they meant Battle Royale. I had a vision of, you know, an actual gauntlet match. It's a minor gripe though, and said match was good with a good ending. The two BFG semi finals next week look really good. I think it's almost certainly going to be an AJ/Roode final, and AJ will eventually emerge victorious despite Bad Influence's best intentions. The Sting/Bully match was good, and served it's purpose really well. Anderson showed more fire and passion than he has in years, and the crowd really brought into it. This must be the beginning of the end for Aces & 8s.

I was a bit mystified as the why the ref in the Sabin/Knux match was confused as to who brought the hammer into the ring seeing as Aces & 8s have done it in almost every single match their members have had.

Mickie James is a brilliant heel. Her stuff last night was quality. The way she hit ODB from behind was so tremendously dastardly.

We even saw the tag team champions (remember them?)!

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I was surprised to see that by 'Gauntlet match' they meant Battle Royale. I had a vision of, you know, an actual gauntlet match. It's a minor gripe though, and said match was good with a good ending. The two BFG semi finals next week look really good. I think it's almost certainly going to be an AJ/Roode final, and AJ will eventually emerge victorious despite Bad Influence's best intentions. The Sting/Bully match was good, and served it's purpose really well. Anderson showed more fire and passion than he has in years, and the crowd really brought into it. This must be the beginning of the end for Aces & 8s.

I was a bit mystified as the why the ref in the Sabin/Knux match was confused as to who brought the hammer into the ring seeing as Aces & 8s have done it in almost every single match their members have had.

Yeah, TNA in fucking up shocker. What I would say in regards to ridiculousness is that Anderson just lost the BFG series but he gets a title shot the very next week.

I was confused as to how that was a defense? Just because he brought in the hammer means that Sabin is allowed to use it? He could've thrown the hammer away or given it to the ref or something but instead of he used it on Knux, he should be disqualified.

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Another good Impact last night, even with Hogan, although he wasn't about for too long (but he did still manage to ramble shite).

AJ/AA was decent and very hard hitting. They were clearly holding a bit back due to it being a semi final which actually says more of them both than if they'd gone out and utterly smashed it. I hope they feud when AJ wins the belt. Roode/Magnus was also good. The final was also a good match, although the run in annoyed me. Not because they did it, as it made sense in storyline terms, but because Sting and Joe were nowhere to be seen. I though the MEM all had each other's backs? Magnus is growing on me. He's improved tremendously in the ring. He's a good talker too, but it's a shame that too much of what he says is cliched and bland.

Bully/Anderson was enjoyable and went as expected. The Shield Aces & 8s triple powerbomb was a good spot that was totally made by how reluctant Knux looked. Probably the best thing he's done in TNA and it was a facial expression! The spear to finish it was quality.

Really, really disappointed to see Chavo and Hernandez back as a tag team. I cannot stand them. I think I dislike them more than anyone in wrestling at the moment. It's so unimaginative as well. I'm hoping Storm/Gunner obviously retain at BFG. Storm did cut a good promo that had a great line in it (although I can't remember it!).

Of course TNA being TNA and being run by retarded clowns, there are more issues. The number one contender for the WHC and probably the most over face at the moment, A.J. Styles, is working on monthly rolling contracts. Do they risk putting the belt on him? Surely they'll promise him it if he signs, but he's had it before and I'm not sure it will be enough for him. Anderson is seemingly out of contract and is negotiating. And seemingly Mickie James is out of contract and so far has not been able to agree new terms.

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Bully/Anderson was enjoyable and went as expected. The Shield Aces & 8s triple powerbomb was a good spot that was totally made by how reluctant Knux looked. Probably the best thing he's done in TNA and it was a facial expression!

Funnily enough, his best moment in WWECW was a facial expression too(a face turn of sorts when Kelly Kelly and Punk hugged, and the camera panned to Knox looking hurt). Always remembered that as being an overlooked but well executed little angle.

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Yeah so that's exactly what a struggling, crumbling shambolic TNA needs heading towards it's biggest event of the year; a Dixie Carter heel turn. She's fucking clueless and has the charisma of a 90's jobber's shoelace. I wonder who told her that it was a good idea...

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Yeah so that's exactly what a struggling, crumbling shambolic TNA needs heading towards it's biggest event of the year; a Dixie Carter heel turn. She's fucking clueless and has the charisma of a 90's jobber's shoelace. I wonder who told her that it was a good idea...

Is that what that was? I was so utterly confused as to what was going on.

It was a god awful promo, more for the fact that she's seriously trying to convince us that AJ Styles isn't the best thing TNA have and that he didn't build it from the ground up. Fair enough, the line that she owns the house (since he always says he built it) was pretty good but after she said he wasn't phenomenal and that she couldn't remember the last time he was (says more about her than anything else) then it was shit.

That'd be like Triple H trying to say John Cena isn't that good, "Only the couple dozen title reigns, John? Pfft."

Would be legit funny if he won the World Title and then actually left. If TNA hadn't been a bit of a dick about part time guys still working the Indies then they could've had him leave with the title and turn up on a few of their shows, but I assume they're not on as good terms with other companies like ROH as they were back in the day when the likes of AJ, Joe etc used to work for other companies at the same time.

AJ's part of it was good though.

I'll also throw in that it's ridiculous how long it took Joe and Sting to come and help Magnus. They should be hitting the ring as soon as Chris Daniels gets involved but in that time, there's a beat down from Kaz and Daniels, then Roode comes down, more beating down and then they come. Where is the Main Event Mafia's lockeroom situated? Is it in the parking lot and there's no tv feeds? Or do Roode and Daniels change right behind the curtain? To be fair to TNA, WWE have horrible timing in that situation too, far too often you'll see guys called out and they'll appear within seconds (Big Show when he punched Dusty Rhodes this week is the most recent one I can think of).

Shite impact overall though. I already knew Mickie James was dropping the title because I read that she'd left last week. Sabin's heel turn was so obvious, I don't think it could've been made any clearer that he was going to turn. Not too bad though, him and Manik could have some decent matches and I guess we'll actually see him involved in a feud.

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Is that what that was? I was so utterly confused as to what was going on.

It was a god awful promo, more for the fact that she's seriously trying to convince us that AJ Styles isn't the best thing TNA have and that he didn't build it from the ground up. Fair enough, the line that she owns the house (since he always says he built it) was pretty good but after she said he wasn't phenomenal and that she couldn't remember the last time he was (says more about her than anything else) then it was shit.

That'd be like Triple H trying to say John Cena isn't that good, "Only the couple dozen title reigns, John? Pfft."

Would be legit funny if he won the World Title and then actually left. If TNA hadn't been a bit of a dick about part time guys still working the Indies then they could've had him leave with the title and turn up on a few of their shows, but I assume they're not on as good terms with other companies like ROH as they were back in the day when the likes of AJ, Joe etc used to work for other companies at the same time.

AJ's part of it was good though.

I'll also throw in that it's ridiculous how long it took Joe and Sting to come and help Magnus. They should be hitting the ring as soon as Chris Daniels gets involved but in that time, there's a beat down from Kaz and Daniels, then Roode comes down, more beating down and then they come. Where is the Main Event Mafia's lockeroom situated? Is it in the parking lot and there's no tv feeds? Or do Roode and Daniels change right behind the curtain? To be fair to TNA, WWE have horrible timing in that situation too, far too often you'll see guys called out and they'll appear within seconds (Big Show when he punched Dusty Rhodes this week is the most recent one I can think of).

Shite impact overall though. I already knew Mickie James was dropping the title because I read that she'd left last week. Sabin's heel turn was so obvious, I don't think it could've been made any clearer that he was going to turn. Not too bad though, him and Manik could have some decent matches and I guess we'll actually see him involved in a feud.

I think it was a heel turn. As you said it was pretty confusing as to exactly what was going on, but I took it as a heel turn. I expect a lengthy section in the book of TNA's death about that. And as you say, it's utter nonsense to say that AJ has been shit. The only shit thing about him recently was the shit character he was lumbered with. So really she should be blaming herself for anything shit AJ has done. He's still delivered in the ring. He pulled a fucking sprial tap to beat Magnus is the BFG final for f**k sake! When was the last time he did that?!

Yeah I was amazed at how long it took Sting and Joe to run down. It's ludicrous, as the MEM was created to stop shit like that happening. Also are the MEM and Aces & 8s not feuding any more? Don't get me wrong, E.G.O. are immense, but I thought the other main reason the MEM was reformed was to get rid of Aces & 8s. Then again they seem to be doing a good job of getting rid of themselves. I'm in no way disappointed to see E.G.O. featured as they're the best thing in TNA and have been for ages, but to just blow off the MEM/A&8s feud is ridiculous.

Whilst we're talking about Sting, credit must go to the guy for still being in shape and being able to wrestle. Hulk Hogan can barely walk yet Sting can spring to the ring and give Stinger Splashes all over the place. What's his secret?

Yeah everyone knew about ODB winning the title, but who is her competition. As far as I can see, the Knockouts Division is down to just three women (ODB, Velvet and Gail Kim). What a fucking shambles.

Sabin's heel turn has been coming for ages, but did they need to make it so exceptionally obvious? Then again the X Division appears to be just him and Manik. Again, a fucking shambles.

The Bromans must feel bad as they are the jobbers in a company that has about 15 wrestlers. I actually think they're quality and Robbie E in particular is underrated. And any team is better than Chavo/Hernandez. I'd like to see Bromans vs Park and E.Y. vs Gunner and Storm for the tag titles at BFG.

TNA really is in a state right now.

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A heel Dixie is an awful proposition. She doesn't have the mic skills to be a Mr McMahon type character, it's going to be pretty painful viewing if she's going to be more hands on involved in storylines. Thankfully, knowing TNAs track record with developing storylines it probably won't last much longer than BFG (not counting the aces and 8's shitfest which unbelievably has rumbled on for almost TWO YEARS now!)

And where does this leave Hogan, who storyline wise has been tight with Carter. Are we going to see heel GM Hogan? God please no.

There might be mileage in Styles winning the strap and then 'leaving' as he referenced being out of contract. But really i'm clutching at straws there as the whole thing just looks like it's going to be awful.

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A heel Dixie is an awful proposition. She doesn't have the mic skills to be a Mr McMahon type character, it's going to be pretty painful viewing if she's going to be more hands on involved in storylines. Thankfully, knowing TNAs track record with developing storylines it probably won't last much longer than BFG (not counting the aces and 8's shitfest which unbelievably has rumbled on for almost TWO YEARS now!)

And where does this leave Hogan, who storyline wise has been tight with Carter. Are we going to see heel GM Hogan? God please no.

There might be mileage in Styles winning the strap and then 'leaving' as he referenced being out of contract. But really i'm clutching at straws there as the whole thing just looks like it's going to be awful.

A heel Dixie would be appalling. A face Dixie is bad enough. She's a fucking mannequin. Look at her. She's one of those automatons from Dr Who. She appears to have no emotions and is only able to choose from two pre-set facial expressions. Later models will look back on her and laugh. She makes Clare Lynch look like an Oscar winner. She simply should not be a 'character' because she's so fucking dreadful at it.

Hogan will hopefully be gone soon so that might not be a worry. If he stays then he'll probably remain face in case Sting batters him again.

If Styles leaves, just what the f**k do TNA do? Their roster is frighteningly thin. It annoys me that they're firing folk all over the place, yet Brisco, Bischoff and Knux, who barely wrestle, stay. I'm not against them staying, but fucking use them! Get them after the tag titles and have Bischoff after the X title. Do something with them instead of passing a hammer to Bully and the occasional rat packing. There are only about 3 tag teams in TNA and by my reckoning just two (yes, TWO) X Division guys.

What are they going to do at BFG? Do they have enough people to pad out a three hour card?! They are utterly fucked. How did it come to this? It's mental. It takes incompetence to new, frightening, previously unimaginable levels. From now on 'TNA' will be used to mean something that is almost immeasurably incompetent.

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