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Seems that the rumours of its sale stemmed from the fact that Bischoff put in a bid last week but was told it wasn't for sale.

Billy Corgan is a huge wrestling fan and started a company with a couple guys called Resistance Pro based in Chicago so it's not some complete randomer looking to buy it. I doubt it'd be investment though. I read that he spoke to Janet Carter, her response was something along the lines of that "everything has a price" but I doubt it's going to be sold just yet.

I also saw an article on Wrestling Inc where Jake Roberts was saying a Kickstarter should be started for it and if he had it then he'd have Vince worried and guaranteed better numbers than WWE or something mental. DDP should get his piss tested.

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Dixie Carter is dreadful. Please get her off TV.

So the BFG series; that was a big success wasn't it? It was in way totally fucked up and in no way made TNA look like a comical group of bumbling amateurs. So of course the best thing to do is to have yet another tournament to decide the number one contender. Well played TNA.

That sort of tournament was always the fall back in late WCW when they had nothing else they could come up with. People say TNA want to be like TNA, but they're all wrong. TNA so clearly want to be like WCW in it's dying days, and are doing an excellent job of it.

I thought the MEM was created to take out Aces & 8s, yet now it's Mr Anderson who is going to do so (well finish the job after they took themselves out). So what now is the point of the MEM? Kurt Angle doesn't seem to pal around with them anymore and Joe is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's been kidnapped again?

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I thought the MEM was created to take out Aces & 8s, yet now it's Mr Anderson who is going to do so (well finish the job after they took themselves out). So what now is the point of the MEM? Kurt Angle doesn't seem to pal around with them anymore and Joe is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's been kidnapped again?

I had the exact same thought. I mean, I know it's down to just Bully and the dynamic duo of Knux and Bischoff but still, they're not properly defunct yet.

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Funny reading through the last few pages of this thread. People, myself included, are actually feeling anger at how shit TNA is.

You almost wish it would fold, just to put it out it's misery.

I wish it would either fold so guys like Daniels, Kazarian and AJ Styles could go to WWE and be good or I wish someone competent would run it so it could be good again.

The roster is simply too good to be producing such shit.

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I seen about 5 minutes of it last night. A brilliant back stage bit from Daniels and Kaz and an utterly horrendous piece of acting from Dixie Carter she is horrendous as a heel/human being.

I can't stand her. She is one of the worst characters ever. She has zero clue about wrestling, as shown by her taking up loads of time on TV rambling pish in an awful accent. It's not like she's a good heel who you love to hate; she's just downright appalling. I change the channel whenever she's on. I bet I'm not the only one. It's not what TNA needs. It's not what anyone needs. She makes the drugged Linda McMahon look like The Rock on the mic she's so bad. Get her stupid face to f**k.

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Impact is moving back to the Impact Zone as of next week. The joy. They had to do it due to the massive losses they were making by going on the road, but it's disappointing news. The crowds there are dreadful, utterly dreadful.

Bad Influence continue to be underused. Booooo. AJ Styles is defending the TNA title in Mexico and Japan before returning to Impact. Hogan really is gone, and Bischoff, whilst still under contract, has been told not to come in.

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Bad Influence continue to be underused. Booooo. AJ Styles is defending the TNA title in Mexico and Japan before returning to Impact. Hogan really is gone, and Bischoff, whilst still under contract, has been told not to come in.

The good news: He won't be on TNA.

The bad news: He'll probably be back at WWE for "one last run". Again.

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Like last week, Impact was pretty decent again, aside from any time Dixie was on screen. She’s fucking abysmal.

As usual Bad Influence were tremendous. Their bullying of Joseph Park was highly entertaining. Obviously Abyss never turned up, although quite why everyone is still expected to believe that Park and Abyss are separate people is a mystery.

Fantastic to see Shark Boy, even if it was in a loss to EC III.

Joe/Magnus was a decent match, although just what do they do with Joe now? The guy is treading water and has been for a while. A run with the X Division title, destroying folk like the Joe of old, and cashing it in for a WHC title shot would be the obvious answer.

Roode/Storm was also decent, but the number of unprotected shots to the head was scary to watch. They did far too much for a TV match in terms of stunt/garbage stuff. I suspect that there is no such thing as a ‘Florida Deathmatch’ and they just made that up. Oh and Roode jumping Storm in the bar was amusing. Quite why Storm enjoys drinking with hideous jakes is bewildering. Gunner throwing in the towel was slightly odd mind given the type of match it was. This is clearly going to lead to the dissolution of their tag team, although since there seems to be no tag team scene, it won’t make much difference.

Of the 4 people left in the title tournament, I can see Roode, Angle or Magnus winning. Can’t see Hardy doing anything. If Roode or Magnus win I can see them becoming a ‘corporate champion’

And yes; Aces & 8s are no more! Huzzah! Finally they’ve put that piece of shit out of it’s misery, and in a fairly decent match. Since they added the ludicrous stipulation that Anderson would have to leave if he lost, the outcome was never in doubt, but it’s still good to see the end of that crap. Will be interesting to see where Knux and Bischoff go after this. I think Bully will be pretty much the same, but again will be interesting to see what he does since he isn’t in the WHC title picture.

On next week’s Impact they’re doing a classic 5 on 5 Survivor Series match (although they termed it an elimination match for obvious reasons). Should be good.

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Impact was very enjoyable again last night (save for the Dixie talking shite part as usual). It just shows that when they stick to basics they have a good pool of talent who can put on good wrestling and amusing sections. No Hogan and no Sting is a breath of fresh air.

Always good to see Curry Man (Konichiwa!), even if he did lose to E.C.III.

The backstage stuff about the turkey suits involving The Bromans and E.Y. was tremendous. Utter nonsense but greatly amusing. Robbie E’s noises and dance were ludicrous but hilarious.

On the topic of The Bromans, I think they’re tremendous. The addition of Zema Ion as their DJ is a masterstroke, especially when he kept blasting the annoying horn noise (Taz’s impressions of which were comical). Cheat but very effective heat.

The funeral of Aces & 8s is one of the funniest things I’ve seen in wrestling in a long time. “Eric, why are you crying?” “I don’t know!”. Absolutely tremendous stuff.

Team Angle vs Team Roode was a good match. Angle really is a fucking machine. Giving each member of Team Roode 3 German Suplexes one after the other was brutal. As intense as Angle is, I think he needs to slow down a bit. I can see the man dying in the ring. Roode has impressed me recently. He’s got back a fire and has been excellent in the ring.

More of this TNA.

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Quite enjoyed impact. Nice to see a move towards proper backstage wrestling skits and away from constant Jason Hervey sticking a camcorder in someones face for them to shout meaningless incoherent nonsense at it for a minute or 2. Or that really stupid thing where the cameraman pretends hes hiding. I really liked the funeral sketch (until Bully Ray appeared), favourite part was Joe offering Angle a beer then doing a "on second thoughts, better not". As opposed to the aforementioned usual cheaply produced screaming rubbish, this sketch was .....fun. More please TNA.

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Quite enjoyed impact. Nice to see a move towards proper backstage wrestling skits and away from constant Jason Hervey sticking a camcorder in someones face for them to shout meaningless incoherent nonsense at it for a minute or 2. Or that really stupid thing where the cameraman pretends hes hiding. I really liked the funeral sketch (until Bully Ray appeared), favourite part was Joe offering Angle a beer then doing a "on second thoughts, better not". As opposed to the aforementioned usual cheaply produced screaming rubbish, this sketch was .....fun. More please TNA.

Yup, this is a massive improvement. They need to get rid of the stupid recap segment in the middle of the show though.

As said, the funeral sketch was tremendous. Tenay stealing Brooke's shorts was quality. I agree about how it was just a good fun sketch as opposed to the usual rubbish. The same can be said of E.Y. and The Bromans talking about the turkey suits. E.Y. is quality and I'm glad to see him getting more time on TV. His character is what we need more of and what you were talking about, i.e. fun.

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I can't believe folk watch this shit.

I've not watched Impact in a few weeks (no real reason, just been slammed and keep forgetting) but you can't say that without the same being applied to WWE programming (sans NXT). Considering the respective budgets and rosters, WWE should be ashamed.

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